Idioms - (also Newcastle upon Tynean industrial city and port on the river Tyne in north-east England. It used to be an important centre for coal mining and shipbuilding, and many people became unemployed in the region when these industries became less active in the 1980s. It is now an important commercial, cultural and administrative centre. In 2001 the Gateshead Millennium Bridge was opened, which links Newcastle to the south bank of the river./ˌnjuːkɑːsl əˌpɒn ˈtaɪn//ˌnuːkæsl əˌpɑːn ˈtaɪn/)
纽卡斯尔(澳大利亚东南沿海的工业港口,位于新南威尔士州) - an industrial port on the south-east coast of Australia, in New South Wales
carry, take, etc. coals to Newcastle
- (British English) to take goods to a place where there are already plenty of them; to supply something where it is not needed