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词汇 nine


  1. 9
    • There are only nine of these rare animals left.这些珍稀动物只剩下九只了。
    • nine of Sweden’s top financial experts瑞典顶尖金融专家中的九位
    • Twelve people were invited but only nine turned up.邀请了12个人,但只有9个人出席。
    • Can you lend me nine dollars?你能借我九美元吗?
    • a nine-month contract九个月的合同
    • Look at page nine.看第九页。
    • Nine and one is ten.九加一等于十。
    • Two nines are eighteen.两个九等于十八。
    • I can't read your writing—is this meant to be a nine?我看不懂你写的东西——这应该是9吗?
    • The bulbs are planted in sevens or nines (= groups of seven or nine).球茎分成七个或九个组种植。
    • We moved to America when I was nine (= nine years old).我九岁的时候,我们搬到了美国。
    • Shall we meet at nine (= at nine o'clock), then?那我们九点钟见面好吗?
    词源Old English nigon, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch negen and German neun, from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit nava, Latin novem, and Greek ennea.
dressed (up) to the nines
  1. (informal) wearing very attractive or formal clothes衣饰华丽;穿着讲究
have nine lives
  1. (especially of a cat尤指猫) to be very lucky in dangerous situations有九条命;命大
a nine days’ wonder
  1. a person or thing that makes people excited for a short time but does not last very long昙花一现;轰动一时的人(或事物)
nine times out of ten
  1. almost every time十之八九;几乎总是;差不多每次
    • I'm always emailing her, but nine times out of ten she doesn't reply.我常常给她发电邮,但十之八九她都不回复。
nine to five
  1. the normal working hours in an office九点至五点;正常办公时间
    • I work nine to five.我九点至五点上班。
    • a nine-to-five job一份朝九晚五的工作
on cloud nine
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) extremely happy
possession is nine tenths of the law
  1. (saying) if you already have or control something, it is difficult for somebody else to take it away from you, even if they have the legal right to it现实占有,败一胜九;占有者在诉讼中总占上风
the whole nine yards
  1. (informal, especially North American English) everything, or a situation which includes everything一切;全部
    • When Dan cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards, with three courses and a choice of dessert.丹做饭总是做全份的:三道菜,还可选一种甜食。




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