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词汇 Ninette de Valois

Ninette de Valois

/nɪˌnet də ˈvælwɑː/
/nɪˌnet də ˈvælwɑː/
  1. (1898-2001) the stage name of Edris Stannus, an Irish dancer and choreographer (= person who designs steps and movements for dances) who had a great influence on the development of British ballet. After appearing in London and Paris in the early 1920s, she opened a ballet school in London with Lilian Baylis. In 1931, she started the Vic-Wells ballet, which performed at Sadler's Wells and later became the Royal Ballet, which she directed until 1963. Among her works are The Rake's Progress (1935) and Checkmate (1937) with music by Arthur Bliss. She was made a dame in 1951尼妮特·德瓦洛瓦(Ninette de Valois):(1898-2001)埃德里斯·斯坦努斯(Edris Stannus)的艺名,他是爱尔兰舞蹈家和编舞者,对英国芭蕾舞的发展产生了重大影响。在1920年代初出现在伦敦和巴黎之后,她与莉莲·贝利斯(Lilian Baylis)在伦敦开设了一所芭蕾舞学校。1931年,她开始在萨德勒威尔斯剧院演出Vic-Wells芭蕾舞,后来成为皇家芭蕾舞团,一直执导至1963年。她的作品包括The Rake's Progress(1935年)和Checkmate(1937年),并伴有Arthur Bliss的音乐。她在1951年当上了贵妇




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