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词汇 balance



    equal amounts等量

    [uncountable, singular] a situation in which different things exist in equal, correct or good amounts均衡;平衡;均势
    • This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions.这份报纸不偏不倚地报道不同的意见。
    • Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island.观光客常常干扰岛上脆弱的自然生态平衡。
    • His wife's death disturbed the balance of his mind.妻子的离世使他心神不宁。
    • balance between A and B Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.尽量保持工作与休闲均衡。
    • in balance It is important to keep the different aspects of your life in balance.保持生活各个方面的平衡很重要。
    see also work-life balance see also imbalance
    • How do you find an acceptable balance between closeness and distance in a relationship?在人际关系中,你怎样在亲密与疏离之间找到恰当的平衡?
    • Pulling up all the plants will disturb the natural balance of the pond.把所有植物都拔掉会破坏池塘的自然平衡。
    • There is an even gender balance among staff and students.教师与学生中男女比例平衡。
    • With children, it is important to achieve the right balance between love and discipline.对待孩子,在爱护与管教之间适当地掌握平衡很重要。
    • You have to maintain a balance in your life or else you'll go crazy.你必须在生活中保持某种平衡,否则是会发疯的。
    • The diet should contain a healthy balance of foods.饮食应该包含健康均衡的食物。
    • Does the course offer the right balance between academic and practical work?这门课程在学术和实际工作之间提供了正确的平衡吗?
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • changing
    • shifting
    • military
    verb + balance
    • affect
    • change
    • shift
    balance + verb
    • change
    • shift
    • swing
    • the balance of advantage
    • the balance of forces
    • the balance of power
  2. of body身体

    [uncountable] the ability to keep steady with an equal amount of weight on each side of the body平衡能力
    • Athletes need a good sense of balance.运动员要有良好的平衡感。
    • I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.我穿着新溜冰鞋,努力保持平衡。
    • She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off.她骑车拐弯时失去平衡,摔了下来。
    • Cats have a very good sense of balance.猫的平衡感很好。
    • Gymnasts have excellent balance.体操运动员的平衡能力极好。
    • He set his feet wider and adjusted his balance.他把两只脚分得很开,调整一下身体的平衡。
    • Tightness in one set of muscles will affect your whole balance.一组肌肉紧张会影响整个人的平衡。
    • Yoga improves balance as well as flexibility.瑜伽会改善平衡性和灵活性。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • excellent
    • good
    • poor
    verb + balance
    • have
    • affect
    • improve
    balance + noun
    • beam
    • off balance
    • a sense of balance
  4. money

    [countable, usually singular] the amount that is left after taking numbers or money away from a total余额
    • to check your bank balance (= to find out how much money there is in your account)核对银行结存
    • Consider a balance transfer to a credit card with a lower rate of interest (= = moving the amount owed from one card to another).考虑将余额转移到利率较低的信用卡上(= =将欠款从一张卡转移到另一张卡上)。
    • account
    • balance
    • bank
    • credit
    • debit
    • deposit
    • interest
    • loan
    • statement
    • withdrawal
    • Everyone likes to have a healthy bank balance.人人都想自己的银行账户有充足的余额。
    • He asked the cashier for the balance of his current account.他向出纳员要他活期存款账户的结单。
    • Interest is calculated on the daily cleared balance and paid direct to your account.利息每日结账计算,直接存入账户。
    • The balance of the proceeds will be used for new equipment.余下的收入将用于添置新设备。
    • That figure is the balance brought forward from the previous year.这个数字是前一年结转的余额。
    Topics Moneyb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • account
    • bank
    • cash
    verb + balance
    • have
    • ask for
    • request
    balance + nounphrases
    • the balance of payments
    • the balance of trade
    [countable, usually singular] an amount of money still owed after some payment has been made结欠
    • The balance of $500 must be paid within 90 days.500 美元结欠款必须于 90 天之内付清。
    • I'll pay the balance later.我以后会把差额补上。
    • The final balance is due six weeks before departure.最终账目应在离开前6个星期结清。
    Topics Moneyb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • account
    • bank
    • cash
    verb + balance
    • have
    • ask for
    • request
    balance + nounphrases
    • the balance of payments
    • the balance of trade
  7. largest part

  8. the balance (of something) the largest part of a group or an amount; the position of advantage or attention 群体或数量中最大的部分;优势或引人注目的位置
    • The balance of opinion was that work was more important than leisure.意见的核心就是工作比休闲重要。
    • The balance has now shifted from the unions to employers.平衡现在已经从工会转移到雇主。
    • The balance of economists are expecting a rise in interest rates.其余的经济学家预计利率会上升。
    • He argues that the balance has swung too far in favour of capitalism.他认为天平已经偏向资本主义太远了。
  9. instrument for weighing

  10. [countable] an instrument for weighing things, with a bar that is supported in the middle and has dishes hanging from each end天平;秤
  11. 词源Middle English (in sense 5 of the noun): from Old French balance (noun), balancer (verb), based on late Latin (libra) bilanx ‘(balance) having two scale pans’, from bi- ‘twice, having two’ + lanx ‘scale pan’.
(on) the balance of evidence/probability
  1. (formal) (considering) the evidence on both sides of an argument, to find the most likely reason for or result of something(从)总的来说;(考虑)正反两方面;权衡双方证据
    • The balance of evidence suggests the Liberal party's decline began before the First World War.证据的平衡表明,自由党的衰落始于第一次世界大战之前。
    • The coroner thought that on the balance of probabilities, the pilot had suffered a stroke just before the crash.验尸官在分析各种可能性后认为,飞行员很有可能在空难发生之前突然中风。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
(be/hang) in the balance
  1. if the future of something/somebody, or the result of something is/hangs in the balance, it is not certain(前途)不明朗;(结果)未定,悬而未决
    • The long-term future of the space programme hangs in the balance.航天计划的长远前景尚未明朗。
    • Tom’s life hung in the balance for two weeks as he lay in a coma.汤姆昏迷不醒,生命危在旦夕,长达两周。
(catch/throw somebody) off balance
  1. to make somebody unsteady and in danger of falling使失去平衡(而有跌落危险)
    • I was thrown off balance by the sudden gust of wind.突如其来的一阵风差点儿把我吹倒。
    • The sudden movement threw him off balance.突然的移动使他失去了平衡。
  2. to make somebody surprised and no longer calm使(毫无准备而)不知所措
    • The senator was clearly caught off balance by the unexpected question.参议员显然因这意想不到的问题而乱了阵脚。
    Topics Feelingsc2
on balance
  1. after considering all the information总的来说
    • On balance, the company has had a successful year.总的来说,公司这一年业绩很好。
redress the balance
  1. to make a situation equal or fair again恢复公平合理的情况;恢复平衡
    • For years poorer children have had to put up with a lower quality education, and now is the time to redress the balance.多年来,较贫困的儿童不得不接受较差的教育,现在是扭转这一不公平状况的时候了。
strike a balance (between A and B)
  1. to manage to find a way of being fair to two things that are opposed to each other; to find an acceptable position that is between two things(在对立二者之间)找到折中办法;平衡(对立的双方)
    • We need to strike a balance between these conflicting interests.我们需要在这些利益冲突中找到平衡。


present simple I / you / we / they balance
he / she / it balances
past simple balanced
past participle balanced
-ing form balancing

    keep steady保持平衡

    [intransitive, transitive] to put your body or something else into a position where it is steady and does not fall使(在某物上)保持平衡;立稳
    • balance on something How long can you balance on one leg?你单腿能站多久?
    • balance something on something The television was precariously balanced on top of a pile of books.电视机放在一堆书上面,不稳当。
    • She balanced the cup on her knee.她把杯子在膝盖上放稳。
    • He balanced the glasses carefully on the tray.他小心地使玻璃杯在托盘上保持平衡。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • carefully
    • delicately
    • precariously
    • on
  2. be/keep equal(使)相等

    [transitive] balance A with/and B to give equal importance to two things or parts of something which are very different同等重视(相对的两个事物或方面)
    • She tries to balance the needs of her children with those of her employer.她尽力在孩子的需要与雇主的需要之间求得平衡。
    • The song perfectly balances melody and rhythm.歌曲的旋律和节奏相得益彰。
    • She tries to balance home life and career.她力图兼顾家庭生活和事业。
    • The plan seeks to balance two important objectives.这个计划试图平衡两大重要目标。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • beautifully
    • delicately
    • evenly
    verb + balance
    • have to
    • need to
    • seek to
    • against
    • with
    [intransitive, transitive] to be equal in value, amount, etc. to something else that has the opposite effect相抵;抵消 synonym offset
    • balance out The good and bad effects of any decision will usually balance out.任何决策的效果往往利弊互见。
    • balance something out This year's profits will balance out our previous losses.本年度的赢利将可弥补我们之前的亏损。
    • be balanced by something His lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn.他的好学弥补了他经验的不足。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • beautifully
    • delicately
    • evenly
    verb + balance
    • have to
    • need to
    • seek to
    • against
    • with
  5. compare比较

  6. [transitive] balance A against B to compare the relative importance of two things which are different比较(两个相对的事物);权衡重要性
    • The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits.法律咨询的费用与其效益需权衡一下。
    • We have to balance the risks of the new strategy against the possible benefits.我们得权衡新策略的风险与可能带来的利益。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • beautifully
    • delicately
    • evenly
    verb + balance
    • have to
    • need to
    • seek to
    • against
    • with
  7. money

  8. [transitive] balance something to manage finances so that the money spent is equal to the money received; to show this in the accounts结平(账目)
    • In order to balance the budget severe spending cuts had to be made.为了平衡预算,不得不大幅削减开支。
    • The law requires the council to balance its books each year.法律要求委员会平衡每年的账目。
  9. [intransitive] (of an account) to have an equal amount of money spent and money received(账目)收支平衡
    • I tried to work out why the books wouldn't balance.我想要弄清这些账目收支为什么不平衡。
  10. 词源Middle English (in sense 5 of the noun): from Old French balance (noun), balancer (verb), based on late Latin (libra) bilanx ‘(balance) having two scale pans’, from bi- ‘twice, having two’ + lanx ‘scale pan’.




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