Ode to the West Wind
/ˌəʊd tə ðə ˌwest ˈwɪnd/
/ˌəʊd tə ðə ˌwest ˈwɪnd/
- a poem (1820) by Shelley. The poet describes the violence of the 'wild West Wind' and of nature itself, causing so much destruction in the autumn, but at the same time he finds it good because it prepares the way for new life in the spring.
“Be through my lips to unawaken'd earthThe trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”西风颂:雪莱的诗(1820)。这位诗人描述了“狂野的西风”和自然本身的暴力,在秋天造成了如此多的破坏,但同时他发现它很好,因为它为春季的新生活铺平了道路。