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词汇 open



    not closed开着

    allowing things or people to go through; not closed or blocked 开放的;敞开的
    • A wasp flew in the open window.一只黄蜂飞进了开着的窗子。
    • She had left the door wide open.她把房门敞开着。
    • The castle gates swung open.城堡的大门打开了。
    • The door burst open and the children rushed in.门突然撞开了,孩子们闯了进来。
    • She held the door open for them.她一直为他们留着门。
    • In spite of the snow, the roads remained open.虽然下雪,道路仍可通行。
    • The mountain pass is kept open all year. 山口全年开放。
    • open borders开放边界
    • Borders between the countries are open and passports are not required.两国边境开放,不需要护照。
    • Taylor headed the ball into the open goal.泰勒把球顶进了球门。
    opposite closed
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • gape
    • hang
    • fully
    • wide
    • partially
    (of somebody’s eyes, mouth, etc.人的眼睛、嘴等) with eyelids or lips apart张开的;张着的
    • She had difficulty keeping her eyes open (= because she was very tired).她连睁开眼睛的力气都没有了。
    • He was breathing through his open mouth.他张着嘴呼吸。
    • She stared at him, her mouth hanging open.她死死盯着他,嘴巴半张着。
    opposite closed
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • gape
    • hang
    • fully
    • wide
    • partially
    spread out; with the edges apart展开的;开放的
    • The flowers are all open now.花现在都开了。
    • The book lay open on the table.书摊开在桌子上。
    • She put the money into his open hand.她把钱交到他手里。
    • She flipped open Chris's diary.她迅速翻开克里斯的日记。
    • She held her open palms out in front of her.她把张开的手掌举在面前。
    • This mechanism locks the blade in the open and closed position.该机构将刀片锁定在打开和关闭位置。
    opposite closed
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • gape
    • hang
    • fully
    • wide
    • partially
  4. not fastened未系着

    not fastened or covered, so that things can easily come out or be put in敞口的;未封的
    • Leave the envelope open.别封上信封。
    • The bag burst open and everything fell out.袋子爆开了,里边的东西都散落出来。
    • I tried to pry open the locket.我试图把盒式项链坠撬开。
    • The children ripped open the presents excitedly.孩子们兴奋地撕开礼物。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • gape
    • hang
    • fully
    • wide
    • partially
    (of clothes衣服) not fastened没扣上的;敞开的
    • Her coat was open.她的外衣敞着。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • gape
    • hang
    • fully
    • wide
    • partially
  7. not enclosed未围着

    not surrounded by anything; not closed in开阔的;未围上的
    • open country/countryside (= without forests, buildings, etc.)空旷的乡村/乡村。
    • a city with a lot of parks and wide open spaces一个有许多公园和开阔空间的城市
    • driving along the open road (= part of a road in the country, where you can drive fast)沿开阔的道路开车
    • We left port and headed for the open sea.我们离开港口,向外海驶去。
    • It's very open where they live.他们住的地方很开放。
    • fairly open countryside相当开阔的乡村
    • The city has few parks and limited public open space.这个城市公园少,公共开放空间有限。
    • We walked to the farm across the open fields.我们穿过空旷的田野向农场走去。
    • The boat was stranded in the open water.船搁浅在开阔的水面上。
  9. not covered敞开

    with no cover or roof on敞开的;露天的;裸露的
    • an open drain一条明沟
    • people working in the open air (= not in a building)在户外作业的人
    • open to something The hall of the old house was open to the sky.旧房子的门厅是露天的。
    • an open wound (= with no skin covering it)开放性伤口
    • They were living in a tent, cooking their meals on an open fire.他们住在帐篷里,在明火上做饭。
    • She sliced open the side of her thumb cutting up a tomato. 她切开拇指的一边,切了一个西红柿。
    • (North American English) an open flame明火
    In British English this is called a naked flame.
  11. for customers/visitors对宾客

    [not usually before noun] if a shop, bank, business, etc. is open, it is ready for business and will allow customers or visitors to come in开放;营业
    • Is the museum open on Sundays?博物馆每星期天都开放吗?
    • The new store will be open in the spring.新商店将在春天开业。
    • I declare this festival open.我宣布庆祝活动开始。
    • The bank is open for business again.银行又开始营业了。
    opposite closed
    • The bridge is officially open now.那座桥已正式通车。
    • We want to keep the school open.我们希望那所学校一直开下去。
    • Some of the supermarkets stay open all night.一些超市通宵营业。
    • The exhibition is open from January until March.展览从一月开放到三月。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • declare something
    • officially
  13. of competition/building比赛;建筑物

  14. if a competition, meeting, etc. is open, anyone can enter, attend it, etc.对大众开放的;公开的;人人可以参加的
    • an open debate/championship/scholarship公开的辩论会;人人可以参加的锦标赛;人人均可申请的奖学金
    • She was tried in open court (= the public could go and listen to the trial).她被公开审判。
    • The debate was thrown open to the audience.辩论会对听众开放。
    • The views of the public will be sought at a series of open meetings across Britain.在全英国的一系列公开会议上将征求公众的意见。
    • The concept of universal open access to university courses for all is of great importance to the government.向所有人开放大学课程的概念对政府非常重要。
    • They will provide an open forum for the community to participate in the design sessions.它们将为社区参与设计会议提供一个开放的论坛。
    [not before noun] open to somebody if a competition, building, etc. is open to particular people, those people can enter it(比赛、建筑物等)对特定群体开放
    • The competition is open to young people under the age of 18.这项比赛让 18 岁以下的青少年参加。
    • The house is not open to the public.这所住宅不对外开放。
    • The car park is only open to residents.这个停车场仅供住户使用。
    • The advice service is open to all members.咨询服务对所有成员开放。
    • The canal is open to walkers and cyclers.这条运河对行人和骑自行车的人开放。
    • The events are open to all.这些活动对所有人开放。
    • The castle is open to visitors.这座城堡对游客开放。
    opposite closed
  16. available备有

    [not before noun] to be available and ready to use可得到;可使用
    • Is the offer still open?这个报价还有效吗?
    • I want to keep my Swiss bank account open.我想保留我的瑞士银行账户。
    • open to somebody What options are open to us?我们有什么选择?
    • My advice is to keep your options open.我的建议是保持你的选择余地。
    • We have kept the door open for future discussions.我们为未来的讨论敞开了大门。
    opposite closed
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • remain
    • stay
    • to
    [not before noun] if a phone line or other channel of communication is open, it is ready to take calls, receive requests, etc.打开:如果电话线或其他通信通道已打开,则可以接听电话,接收请求等。
    • Lines are open 8 am to 7 pm weekdays.线路工作日早上8点到晚上7点开放。
    • It is important to keep communication channels open.保持沟通渠道畅通很重要。
    • Nominations are now open for this year's Design Awards.今年的设计奖提名现已开始。
    opposite closed
    • Lines are now open and viewers can vote by calling this number.线路现已开通,观众可以拨打这个号码进行投票。
    • Entries are open for the Film Competition from 21 April to 31 May.电影比赛的参赛作品将于4月21日至5月31日开放。
  19. not protected无防范

    likely to suffer something such as criticism, injury, etc.易受损害;脆弱 synonym vulnerable
    • open to something The system is open to abuse.这项制度容易被滥用。
    • He has laid himself wide open to political attack.他在政治上已经处于极易受到攻击的境地。
    • Kasparov had left his bishop open (= not protected, in a game of chess).卡斯帕罗夫让他的主教空着。
  21. not hidden不隐匿

    known to everyone; not kept hidden人人皆知的;不保密的;公开的
    • an open quarrel公开的争吵
    • We need more open government, starting with a Freedom of Information Act.我们需要更加透明的政府,首先是要通过知情权法案。
    • their open display of affection他们的公开秀恩爱
    • His eyes showed open admiration as he looked at her.他看她的时候,眼神里明显流露着敬佩之情。
    • One more border skirmish could lead to open war.再有一次边境冲突,就可能导致公开的战争。
  23. honest坦诚

    honest; not keeping thoughts and feelings hidden诚恳;坦诚;直率 synonym frank
    • a frank and open discussion坦率公开的讨论
    • open with somebody She was always open with her parents.她总是与父母无话不谈。
    • open about something He was quite open about his reasons for leaving.他对离开的原因完全未加隐瞒。
    Synonyms honesthonest
    • frank
    • direct
    • open
    • outspoken
    • straight
    • blunt
    These words all describe people saying exactly what they mean without trying to hide feelings, opinions or facts.
    • honest not hiding the truth about something:
      • Thank you for being so honest with me.感谢你对我这么坦诚。
    • frank honest in what you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like:
      • To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.坦白说,我认为你的儿子不大可能通过考试。
    • direct saying exactly what you mean in a way that nobody can pretend not to understand:
      • You’ll have to get used to his direct manner.你得慢慢习惯他这种直率的方式。
      Being direct is sometimes considered positive but sometimes it is used as a ‘polite’ way of saying that somebody is rude.
    • open (approving) (of a person) not keeping thoughts and feelings hidden:指为人诚恳的、坦诚的、直率的:
      • He was quite open about his reasons for leaving.他对离开的原因完全未加隐瞒。
    • outspoken saying exactly what you think, even if this shocks or offends people:
      • She was outspoken in her criticism of the plan.她对该计划的批评直言不讳。
    • straight honest and direct:
      • I don’t think you’re being straight with me.我觉得你没跟我坦诚相见。
    • blunt saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite:
      • She has a reputation for blunt speaking.她说话出了名地直截了当。
    which word?
    • Honest and frank refer to what you say as much as how you say it:honest 和 frank 既形容说话方式,也指说话内容:
      • a(n) honest/​frank admission of guilt.坦承有罪
      They are generally positive words, although it is possible to be too frank in a way that other people might not like. Direct, outspoken and blunt all describe somebody’s manner of saying what they think. Outspoken suggests that you are willing to shock people by saying what you believe to be right. Blunt and direct often suggest that you think honesty is more important than being polite. Open is positive and describes somebody’s character:
      • I’m a very open person.我这个人非常坦诚直率。
    • honest/​frank/​direct/​open/​outspoken/​straight about something
    • honest/​frank/​direct/​open/​straight/​blunt with somebody
    • a(n) honest/​direct/​straight/​blunt answer
    • a frank/​direct/​blunt manner
    • The council has promised to create a more open and transparent process.理事会已经承诺建立一个更加开放和透明的程序。
    • I don't think you've been completely open with me.我觉得你对我并非完全坦白。
    • She's very open about her mistakes.她对她的错误直言不讳。
    • I am a very open person and get along with most people.我是一个很开放的人,和大多数人相处。
    • We will try to resolve any complaint you make in a fair and open manner.我们将努力以公平和公开的方式解决您提出的任何投诉。
    • a free and open society自由开放的社会
    • They will help you if you are open and honest with them.如果你对他们开诚布公,他们会帮助你的。
    • They're very open about the crimes they've committed in the past.他们对过去犯下的罪行非常坦白。
    Topics Personal qualitiesb2
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • about
    • with
    willing to listen to and think about new ideas思想开明的;不固执己见的
    • He was in an open frame of mind.他思想开放。
    • open to something They are very open to new ideas.他们对新思想非常开放。
    • I'm open to suggestions for what you would like to do in our classes.我很乐意听听你们对课堂活动的建议。
  26. not yet decided待定

    not yet finally decided or settled未决定的;待决定的
    • The race is still wide open (= anyone could win).赛跑胜负未定。
    • Which route is better remains an open question (= it is not decided).哪条路线较好尚待决定。
    • In an interview try to ask open questions (= to which the answer is not just ‘yes’ or ‘no’).主持面试时要尽量问一些开放式的问题。
  28. making something possible

    open to something allowing something; making something possible开放的;敞开的
    • The price is not open to negotiation.价格不容商议。
    • Some phrases in the contract are open to interpretation.合同中的某些条文容有不同诠释。
    • What she means precisely is open to debate.她的确切意思有待商榷。
    • Jury decisions are sometimes open to question.陪审团的决定有时会受到质疑。
    • The firm could leave itself open to the accusation that it failed to act.该公司可能会因未能采取行动而受到指责。
    • They have laid themselves open to the charge of being one-sided.他们被指责为一边倒。
    • All donations to political parties should be open to public scrutiny.所有对政党的捐赠都应该接受公众监督。
  30. ticket

  31. that does not have to be used on a particular day以…开篇;以…开头
    • I have an open ticket, so I can travel any day I like.我有一张公开的票,所以我可以在我喜欢的任何一天旅行。
    • I didn't know how long I would be staying so I bought an open return.我不知道我会呆多久,所以我买了一张开放式的来回票。
  32. cloth织物

  33. with wide spaces between the threads稀疏的;不密的
    • an open weave稀疏织法
  34. phonetics语音学

  35. (also low)
    (of a vowel元音) produced with the tongue in the lowest possible position畅通的;开放的 compare close2 (16)
  36. 词源Old English open (adjective), openian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch open and German offen, from the root of the adverb up.
be an open secret
  1. if something is an open secret, many people know about it, although it is supposed to be a secret是公开的秘密
burst open | burst something open
  1. to open suddenly or violently; to make something open in this way(使)猛然打开
    • The door burst open.门突然开了。
    • Firefighters burst the door open and rescued them.消防队员撞开门,把他们救了出来。
(open) the door to something
  1. (to provide) the means of getting or reaching something; (to create) the opportunity for something(为…提供)达到目的的手段;(为…创造)机会
    • The agreement will open the door to increased international trade.此协议将会提供增长国际贸易的机会。
    • Our courses are the door to success in English.我们的课程是通向掌握英语的成功之路。
have/keep an open mind (about/on something)
  1. to be willing to listen to or accept new ideas or suggestions愿意聆听(或接受)意见;(对…)不怀成见;思想开明
    • Try to keep an open mind until you've heard all the facts.在听完所有的事实前先不要存任何看法。
keep your ears/eyes open (for somebody/something)
  1. to listen or look out for somebody/something that you might hear or see密切注意;提防;警觉
keep an eye open/out (for somebody/something)
  1. to look for somebody/something while you are doing other things密切注意;提防;警觉
    • Police have asked residents to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.警方要求居民密切注意一切可疑的情况。
    • I walked around the store, keeping an eye out for bargains.我在商店里转悠,留心看有没有便宜货。
keep/leave your options open
  1. to avoid making a decision now so that you still have a choice in the future保留选择余地;暂不决定
    • At the moment I'm keeping my options open and applying for as many different jobs as possible.目前,我保持自己的选择,并申请尽可能多的不同工作。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsc2
on the open market
  1. available to buy without any limits敞开销售;自由买卖
an open book
  1. if you describe somebody or their life as an open book, you mean that you can easily understand them and know everything about them容易被了解的人(或事)
an open invitation (to somebody)
  1. an invitation to somebody to visit you at any time(给…)随时可以来访的邀请
  2. if something is an open invitation to criminals, etc., it encourages them to commit a crime by making it easier容易引诱人犯罪的行为
    • Leaving your camera on the seat in the car is an open invitation to thieves.把照相机留在汽车座位上无异于开门揖盗。
with your eyes open
  1. fully aware of the possible problems or results of a particular course of action明知后果如何;明知有问题;心中有数
    • I went into this with my eyes open so I guess I only have myself to blame.我是明明知道做这事的后果的,所以我想只能责怪我自己。
with open arms
  1. if you welcome somebody with open arms, you are extremely happy and pleased to see them热烈地;热情地;诚挚地


present simple I / you / we / they open
he / she / it opens
past simple opened
past participle opened
-ing form opening
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [transitive, intransitive] open (something) to move a door, window, lid, etc. into a position that is no longer closed; to get into this position开;打开;开启
    • Mr Chen opened the car door for his wife.陈先生为妻子打开车门。
    • She opened all the windows wide to let some fresh air in.她敞开所有窗户让新鲜空气进来。
    • He opened the lid of the piano.他打开了钢琴盖。
    • Do you have a key that opens this gate?你有打开这扇门的钥匙吗?
    • The door opened and Alan walked in.门开了,艾伦走了进去。
    • The doors of the bus open automatically.公共汽车的车门自动打开。
    opposite close1 (1)
    • When he opened the door of the wardrobe he found her hiding inside.当他打开衣柜门时,发现她藏在里面。
    • Nobody ever opens the door to the attic.从来没有人打开过阁楼的门。
    • The train stops and the driver opens the doors.火车停下来,司机打开车门。
    • Police told the driver to open the boot.警察告诉司机打开行李箱。
    • 'Open this door!' he shouted.把门打开!他喊道。
    • I opened the front door and there stood Carl.我打开前门,卡尔站在那里。
    • She opened the fridge door and looked inside.她打开冰箱门,朝里面看了看。
    • Can we open a window please?我们能打开窗户吗?
    • The gates open to let water out.大门敞开着让水流出。
    • He was surprised when the elevator doors opened to see Gill standing there.当电梯门打开时,他惊讶地看到吉尔站在那里。
    • The door opens and the light comes on.门开了,灯亮了。
    • The window opens from the top.窗户从顶部打开。
    • The windows won't open.窗户打不开。
    • The hatch opens and closes like this.舱口像这样打开和关闭。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fully
    • wide
    • gingerly
    verb + open
    • try to
    • manage to
    • fail to
  2. container/package容器;包

    [transitive] open something to remove or undo the top, cover, etc. of a container or package in order to see or get what is inside打开,开启(瓶盖、封口等)
    • Shall I open another bottle?要不要我再开一瓶?
    • He opened the letter and read it.他拆开信读起来。
    • She opened her bag and took out her passport.她打开包拿出了她的护照。
    • Go on then, open the box.去吧,打开盒子。
    • I can't open this jar.我打不开这个罐子。
    • A customs official ordered him to open the suitcase.一名海关官员命令他打开手提箱。
    • Fred opened it gingerly and peered inside.弗雷德小心地把它打开向里面看。
    • This is for you--you can open it later.这是给你的,你可以以后再打开。
    • Someone had already opened the envelope.有人已经打开了信封。
    • He actually opens and reads his own fan mail.他实际上打开并阅读自己的粉丝邮件。
    • She showed me how to open a bottle of champagne.她教我如何开香槟。
    • She opened her purse and took out a £20 note.她打开钱包,拿出一张20英镑的钞票。
    • It appeared that the package had been opened.包裹似乎被打开了。
    • The cupboard was full of opened jars going mouldy.橱柜里装满了打开的发霉的罐子。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fully
    • wide
    • gingerly
    verb + open
    • try to
    • manage to
    • fail to
  4. eyes眼睛

    [transitive, intransitive] open (something) if you open your eyes or your eyes open, you move your eyelids upwards so that you can see睁开
    • When I opened my eyes a nurse was standing over me.当我睁开眼睛时,一个护士正站在我身边。
    • Her eyes opened and she smiled.她的眼睛睁开了,她笑了。
    opposite close1
    • She couldn't open her eyes or respond.她睁不开眼睛,也没有反应。
    • The patient is able to open and close his eyes.病人能够睁开和闭上眼睛。
    • He opened one eye and then went back to sleep.他睁开一只眼睛,然后继续睡觉。
    • You can open your eyes now.你现在可以睁开眼睛了。
    • Witnesses saw him lying on the floor and saw his eyes open.目击者看到他躺在地板上,眼睛睁着。
    • His eyes suddenly opened and he saw me.他的眼睛突然睁开,看到了我。
    • Her eyes opened wider.她的眼睛睁大了。
    • The cat purrs and its eyes open and close slowly.猫发出咕噜声,眼睛慢慢睁开和闭上。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fully
    • wide
    • gingerly
    verb + open
    • try to
    • manage to
    • fail to
  6. mouth

    [transitive, intransitive] open (something) if you open your mouth or your mouth opens, you move your lips, for example in order to speak张开
    • He hardly ever opens his mouth (= speaks).他几乎从不开口。
    • I opened my mouth to call for help.我张开嘴呼救。
    • Her mouth opened but no sound came out.她的嘴张开了,但没有声音出来。
    • I opened my mouth to say something, but thought better of it.我张嘴想说些什么,但想得更好了。
    • The dentist told me to open my mouth wide.牙医让我张大嘴巴。
    • When she opens her mouth, everybody listens.当她开口时,每个人都在听。
    • He barely even opened his mouth to defend himself.他甚至没有开口为自己辩护。
    • Every time I open my mouth, I get into trouble.每次一开口就麻烦。
    • The moment she opens her mouth people can tell she's from Glasgow.她一开口,人们就能看出她来自格拉斯哥。
    • Everything was fine until you opened your mouth.一切都很好,直到你开口。
    • People ought to think twice before opening their lips.人们应该三思而后行。
    • She opened her lips to sing.她张开嘴唱歌。
    • Is the baby yawning, or simply opening and closing its mouth?宝宝是在打哈欠,还是单纯的开合嘴?
    • His mouth opened in astonishment.他惊讶得张大了嘴。
    • Her mouth opened in a scream.她尖叫着张开了嘴。
    • The fish's mouth opens and closes.鱼的嘴张开又闭合。
    • The creature's mouth opened very wide.这种生物的嘴张得很大。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fully
    • wide
    • gingerly
    verb + open
    • try to
    • manage to
    • fail to
  8. book书籍

    [transitive] open something to turn the cover or the pages of a book, newspaper, etc. so that it is no longer closed打开;翻开
    • Open your books at page 25.把书翻到第 25 页。
    • When you open the pages of a magazine you are assailed by images of perfection.当你翻开杂志时,你会被完美的形象所困扰。
    opposite close1
    • The students sat down and opened their books.学生们坐下来,打开书。
    • I don't think he's ever opened a history book.我认为他从未翻开过历史书。
    • She opened the book at a picture of an elephant.她打开书,看到一幅大象的画。
    • I opened my script to page 28.我把剧本翻到第28页。
    • You can't open a newspaper without seeing his name.你不能不看到他的名字就打开报纸。
    • She opened her diary and made a note.她打开日记,做了个笔记。
    • When I got home I opened the phone directory and looked him up.当我到家时,我打开电话簿,找到了他。
    • He never even opened the instruction manual.他甚至没有打开说明书。
    • I do wish you would open a dictionary once in a while.我真希望你偶尔打开字典。
    • People opening the obituary pages in the local newspaper got a surprise.打开当地报纸讣告版面的人们大吃一惊。
    • I felt I understood the character from the moment I opened the page.从我打开页面的那一刻起,我就觉得我理解了这个角色。
    • As soon as I opened the cover of this book, I was hooked.我一打开这本书的封面,就被吸引住了。
    • She couldn't wait to get her library books home, open the covers and start to read.她迫不及待地把图书馆的书拿回家,打开封面开始阅读。
    • I opened the test booklet and read the first question.我打开测试小册子,读了第一个问题。
    • He would open his bible at a random page and read a verse.他会随意翻开圣经,读一首诗。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fully
    • wide
    • gingerly
    verb + open
    • try to
    • manage to
    • fail to
  10. computing计算机技术

    [transitive, intransitive] open (something) to start a computer program or file so that you can use it on the screen; to become available on a computer screen启动,打开(计算机程序或文件)
    • Open the camera app and tap ‘Options’.打开相机应用程序,点击“选项”。
    • to open a file/page/window/tab打开文件/页面/窗口/标签
    • The page opens in a new tab.该页面将在新选项卡中打开。
    • copy
    • data
    • delete
    • file
    • folder
    • icon
    • menu
    • open
    • password
    • print
    • You can open the dictionary from the keyboard.你可以从键盘上打开字典。
    • I can open our home page with a single tap.我只需轻轻一点就能打开我们的主页。
    • If an employee opens an infected file, all the computers on the network could be locked.如果员工打开受感染的文件,网络上的所有计算机都可能被锁定。
    • You can open the file in a browser or copy the URL to your clipboard.您可以在浏览器中打开文件,或将网址复制到剪贴板。
    • An email is like a letter in that it can be opened and read at any time.电子邮件就像一封信,因为它可以随时打开和阅读。
    • Open a new tab on the spreadsheet.在电子表格中打开一个新标签。
    • Open the page in a new tab.在新选项卡中打开页面。
    • The web page asks you to open the document in Word. 网页要求您在Word中打开文档。
    • Explorer defaults to this page every time you open a new window.每次打开新窗口时,资源管理器都默认使用此页面。
    • You don't have to open a separate app to edit the images.您不必打开单独的应用程序来编辑图像。
    • Every time the app opens it asks for a PIN.每次应用程序打开时,它都会要求输入个人识别码。
    • Start the app, and a document opens.启动应用程序,打开一个文档。
    • Your programs will open faster and your battery will last longer.您的程序将打开得更快,您的电池将使用更长时间。
    • The contact's file opens in a separate window.联系人的文件将在单独的窗口中打开。
    Topics Computersa1
  12. spread out展开

    [intransitive, transitive] to spread out or unfold; to spread something out or unfold it展开;打开
    • What if the parachute doesn't open?降落伞打不开怎么办?
    • The flowers are starting to open.花开始绽放了。
    • open something Open the map on the table.把地图摊在桌子上。
    • He opened his arms wide to embrace her.他张开双臂拥抱她。
    • The bird opens its wings and flies away.鸟儿张开翅膀飞走了。
    • Opening an umbrella indoors is said to bring bad luck.在室内打伞据说会带来厄运。
    • The ladies opened their fans.女士们打开了她们的扇子。
    • The plant opens its trumpet-shaped flowers during May.这种植物在五月开放它的喇叭形花朵。
    • A January thaw might trick the plant into thinking spring has arrived and cause it to open some blooms.一月的解冻可能会诱使植物认为春天已经到来,并导致它开出一些花朵。
    • She opened her hand and I saw she was holding a coin.她张开手,我看见她拿着一枚硬币。
    • He opens his shirt to reveal his chest hair.他打开衬衫,露出胸毛。
    • When he opens the piece of cloth, a large gold nugget is inside.当他打开那块布时,里面有一大块金块。
    • This weekend the blossoms opened on the vines.这个周末葡萄藤上的花开放了。
    • Soon the buds will open.很快花蕾就会开放。
    • The cherry blossom trees will open in March.樱花将在三月开放。
    • She couldn't get her umbrella to open.她打不开她的伞。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fully
    • wide
    • gingerly
    verb + open
    • try to
    • manage to
    • fail to
  14. border/road边界;道路

    [transitive] to make it possible for people, cars, goods, etc. to pass through a place让(行人、车辆、货物等)通行;开放
    • open something When did the country open its borders?这个国家是何时开放边界的?
    • The road will be opened again in a few hours after police have cleared it.待警察清理完以后,道路在几小时内就会重新开放。
    • open something to something The bridge was opened to traffic in March 2017.该桥于2017年3月通车。
    opposite close1
    • The agreement basically opened the borders between our two countries. 该协议基本上开放了我们两国之间的边界。
    • The Montenegrin President decided to open the frontier with Albania.黑山总统决定开放与阿尔巴尼亚的边境。
    • This week melting snow has opened the pass.本周融化的雪打开了通道。
    • Two lanes that were closed on the M25 near Junction 9 have now been opened again.在9号交叉口附近的M25公路上关闭的两条车道现已再次开放。
    • The airline recently opened a new route from Australia to Los Angeles.这家航空公司最近开通了一条从澳大利亚到洛杉矶的新航线。
    • The collapse of the bridge, which had only been opened 19 months, shocked everyone. 这座桥开通才19个月,它的倒塌震惊了所有人。
    • The Trans-Siberian Railroad opened vast frontiers to development in the late 19th century. 19世纪晚期,西伯利亚大铁路开辟了广阔的发展领域。
    • The group advocates opening wetlands to development.该组织主张开放湿地进行开发。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • formally
    • officially
    • up
    verb + open
    • be due to
    • be expected to
    • be scheduled to
    • newly opened
    • recently opened
  16. for customers/visitors对宾客

    [intransitive, transitive] (of a shop, business, etc.) to start business for the day; to start business for the first time开始营业;开业;开门
    • What time does the bank open?这家银行什么时候开门?
    • A theme park opened on the same site.一个主题公园在同一地点开放。
    • The store opens for business on Friday.这家商店星期五开门营业。
    • open something The company opened its doors for business a month ago.该公司一个月前开业。
    • His dream was to open a restaurant.他的梦想是开一家餐馆。
    • We just opened an office in Dallas.我们刚刚在达拉斯开了一个办公室。
    opposite close1
    • Small shops are worried they'll be put out of business when the supermarket opens.小商店担心超市开门后会停业。
    • The town hopes to attract many more visitors when the convention center opens.该镇希望在会议中心开放时吸引更多的游客。
    • The museum is due to open next year.博物馆预计明年开放。
    • The hotel opens for the season in March.这家旅馆将于三月份开业。
    • The library doesn't open until 9:30.图书馆九点半才开门。
    • The shops open late on Thursdays.商店星期四营业到很晚。
    • I got to the ticket office before it opened.我在售票处开门前赶到了。
    • She arrives early to open the restaurant.她很早就来开餐馆了。
    • Coffee bars are opening new branches everywhere.咖啡馆到处都在开设新的分店。
    • The company recently opened a branch in Brussels.该公司最近在布鲁塞尔开设了一家分公司。
    • Sam opened an art store in Manhattan.萨姆在曼哈顿开了一家艺术商店。
    • She opened her own clothes shop.她开了自己的服装店。
    • They're opening a day care center.他们要开一家日托中心。
    • He decided to open a gym but it was a failure.他决定开一家健身房,但失败了。
    • Last year the school opened a new sixth form.去年学校开设了新的六年级。
    • There was a debate about whether shops should open on Sunday.有一场关于商店是否应该在星期天开门的辩论。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • formally
    • officially
    • up
    verb + open
    • be due to
    • be expected to
    • be scheduled to
    • newly opened
    • recently opened
    [intransitive] to be ready for people to go to开始接待
    • The new hospital opens on July 1st.这家新医院七月一日开诊。
    • When does the play open?这个剧什么时候上演?
    • The building opened to the public in 2019.该建筑于2019年向公众开放。
    opposite close1
    • The festival opens on Monday September 13.电影节将于9月13日星期一开幕。
    • The Annual General Meeting opens at 1pm on March 15th.年度全体会议于3月15日下午1时开始。
    • The exhibition opens this weekend with a private view.展览将于本周末以私人视角开幕。
    • The musical, which was a huge hit on Broadway, opens in the West End this spring.这部音乐剧在百老汇大受欢迎,将于今年春天在伦敦西区上映。
    • The day the show opened at the National Gallery, there were queues around the block.展览在国家美术馆开幕的那天,街区周围排起了长队。
    • When the movie first opened it got great reviews.这部电影刚上映时获得了好评。
    • The movie opened simultaneously in theaters across America.这部电影同时在美国各大影院上映。
    • When does the fishing season open?捕鱼季节什么时候开始?
    • the newly opened gallery of Western decorative art新开放的西方装饰艺术馆
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • formally
    • officially
    • up
    verb + open
    • be due to
    • be expected to
    • be scheduled to
    • newly opened
    • recently opened
  19. start something开始某事

    [transitive] open something to start an activity or event; to begin using or doing something着手;开始
    • You need just one pound to open an account with us.你只需要一英镑就可以在我们这里开户。
    • Who is going to open the conference?谁来宣布会议开幕?
    • The police have opened an investigation into the death.警察已开始对这桩命案进行调查。
    • Troops opened fire on (= started shooting at) the crowd.部队向人群开枪。
    • Sanches opened the scoring (= scored the first goal or point).桑切斯首开记录。
    • open something with something There will open the new season with a performance of ‘Carmen’.新的一季将以《卡门》的演出开始。
    Express Yourself Conversation openersConversation openers打开话题What can you say when you have to speak to someone for the first time or when you have to open a meeting? Here are some possible ways of starting a conversation or getting the audience's attention before a talk or speech:与人初次交谈时打开话题,会议开始要讲话,或者演讲之前引起听众注意,可用以下方式:
      • Do you mind if I sit here? 我坐在这儿可以吗?
      • Hello, is this seat taken?你好,这个座位有人吗?
      • May I join you? Can I get you a coffee?可以和你一起吗?我给你拿杯咖啡好吗?
      • Lovely weather we’re having!/Can you believe this rain/​wind/​cold/​sunshine?多好的天气呀!/真想不到会下这么大雨/刮这么大风/这么冷/阳光这么灿烂!
      • Excuse me, could I ask you a question?打扰一下,可以问您一个问题吗?
      • Shall we make a start? I think it's almost three o'clock.我们马上开始好吗?我看都快三点了。
      (British English)
      • Shall we get started? I'd like to introduce our speaker.我们开始吧?我来介绍一下演讲人。
      (especially North American English)
      • I think everyone's here, so I'd like to welcome you to this conference.我想大家都到齐了,在此我对出席本次会议的各位表示欢迎。
    Synonyms startstart
    • begin
    • start off
    • kick off
    • commence
    • open
    These words are all used to talk about things happening from the beginning, or people doing the first part of something.
    • start to begin to happen or exist; to begin in a particular way or from a particular point:
      • When does the class start?什么时候上课?
    • begin to start to happen or exist; to start in a particular way or from a particular point; to start speaking:
      • When does the concert begin?音乐会什么时候开始?
    start or begin?用 start 还是 begin?There is not much difference in meaning between these words. Start is more frequent in spoken English and in business contexts; begin is more frequent in written English and is often used when you are describing a series of events: The story begins on the island of Corfu. Start is not used to mean ‘begin speaking’: ‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ he started.
    • start off (rather informal) to start happening or doing something; to start by doing or being something:指进行或开展起来、首先进行、一开始是:
      • The discussion started off mildly enough.讨论颇为温和地开展起来。
    • kick off (informal) to start an event or activity, especially in a particular way; (of an event, activity, etc.) to start, especially in a particular way:尤指以…开始(活动)、(活动)以…开始:
      • Tom will kick off with a few comments.汤姆讲话时要先发表几点意见。
      • The festival kicks off on Monday, September 13.节期从 9 月 13 日星期一开始。
    • commence (formal) to start happening:指开始发生:
      • The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.会议定于午间召开。
    • open to start an event or activity in a particular way; (of an event, a film or a book) to start, especially in a particular way:
      • The story opens with a murder.故事以一宗谋杀案作序幕。
    • to start/​begin/​start off/​kick off/​commence/​open with something
    • to start/​begin/​start off/​kick off/​commence/​open by doing something
    • to start/​begin/​start off/​commence as something
    • a campaign/​season/​meeting starts/​begins/​starts off/​kicks off/​commences/​opens
    • a film/​book starts/​begins/​starts off/​opens
    • The coroner has beeen informed of the accident and he will be opening an inquest.验尸官已经通知了这起事故,他将开始调查。
    • The auctioneer opened the bidding at $4 million.拍卖人以400万美元开始竞价。
    • His grandmother opened a savings account for him.他的祖母为他开了一个储蓄账户。
    • A gunman opened fire, killing five people and wounding twelve.一名枪手开枪,打死5人,打伤12人。
    • The session will be opened by the director of policy.会议将由政策主任主持开幕。
    • “Stem Dance Theatre” from Bangalore opened the festival.来自班加罗尔的“茎舞剧院”为节日揭幕。
    • Opening the concert, comedian Lenny Henry addressed the crowd.喜剧演员兰尼·亨利在音乐会开幕式上向观众致辞。
    • The West Indies team opened the tournament with a spectacular win against South Africa.西印度群岛队以对南非的大胜拉开了比赛的序幕。
    • Grey opened the meeting with a brief account of the history of the project. 格雷在会议开始时简单介绍了该项目的历史。
    • She opens her set with one of her best-known hits.她以自己最著名的一首热门歌曲开场。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • formally
    • officially
    • up
    verb + open
    • be due to
    • be expected to
    • be scheduled to
    • newly opened
    • recently opened
    [intransitive, transitive] (of a story, film, etc.) to start in a particular way; to make something start in a particular way以…开篇;以…开头
    • How does the play open?戏是怎么开场的?
    • open with something The story opens with a murder.这个故事以谋杀案开始。
    • He opened with a version of Elvis's ‘Can't Help Falling in Love’.他以埃尔维斯《情不自禁爱上你》的一个版本开始了。
    • open on something The film opens on a close-up of her face.这部电影以她脸部的特写镜头开场。
    • open something with something I opened the story with Viola because I wanted the reader to ‘meet’ everybody through her eyes.我把薇奥拉作为故事的开场人物,因为我想让读者通过她的眼睛去“结识”每个人。
    • The movie opens with a voiceover.电影以配音开始。
    • Each chapter opens with a quotation.每章开头都有引文。
    • Many writers struggle to find the perfect sentence to open their novel.许多作家努力寻找完美的句子来打开他们的小说。
    • The series opens with a shocking scene.该系列以一个令人震惊的场景开始。
    • The sixth season of his talk show opened with a live broadcast.他的脱口秀节目第六季以现场直播开始。
    • Our story opens on a dark night at sea.我们的故事开始于海上的一个黑夜。
    • The film opens on a troop of marching soldiers.这部电影以一群行进中的士兵为开头。
    • The scene opens on a sunny breakfast table.场景在阳光明媚的早餐桌上展开。
    • We open on an empty hall. It appears to be an old railway waiting room.我们在一个空荡荡的大厅里开门。这似乎是一个旧的铁路候车室。
    • The story opens in a late-19th century American village called Covington. 故事开始于19世纪晚期一个叫做科温顿的美国村庄。
  22. with ceremony以仪式

    [transitive] open something to perform a ceremony showing that a building can start being used为(建筑物)揭幕;宣布启用
    • The Queen officially opened the bridge in March.女王在三月份正式开放了这座桥。
    • The bridge was opened by the Queen.女王为大桥开通揭幕。
    • People gathered to watch the Prime Minister officially open a new national exhibition centre. 人们聚集在一起观看总理正式开放一个新的国家展览中心。
    • The arts centre will be opened by the mayor.市长将为艺术中心揭幕。
    • The building was formally opened by Professor Gregory Walsh, the University's Vice-Chancellor.该建筑由大学副校长格雷戈里·沃尔什教授正式揭幕。
    • Nelson Mandela gave a speech here when he opened the Robben Island Museum.纳尔逊·曼德拉在罗本岛博物馆开幕时发表了演讲。
    • He plays a washed-up celebrity who makes a little bit of money opening supermarkets.他扮演一个靠开超市赚点小钱的落魄名人。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • formally
    • officially
    • up
    verb + open
    • be due to
    • be expected to
    • be scheduled to
    • newly opened
    • recently opened
  24. make something possible

    to make it possible to reach, have, use or do something(对…)保持警觉;注意;留心
    • This decision opens the possibility of a fresh election.这一决定开启了新一轮选举的可能性。
    • open something for somebody/something The bus pass has opened a new world for me.公共汽车通行证为我打开了一个新世界。
    • Computer modelling opened new avenues for research.计算机建模为研究开辟了新的途径。
    • open something to somebody/something The country opened its markets to the rest of the world for the first time.该国首次向世界其他地区开放市场。
    • He wants trade deals to open new markets for US goods.他希望贸易协议能为美国商品打开新的市场。
    • to open the priesthood to women向女性开放神职
    • to open the school to girls向女生开放学校
    • a new law intended to open government jobs to people previously excluded一项新的法律旨在向以前被排除在外的人开放政府职位
  26. 词源Old English open (adjective), openian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch open and German offen, from the root of the adverb up.
the heavens open
  1. it begins to rain heavily下起了倾盆大雨
    • All at once the heavens opened and everyone rushed for cover.突然间,天空打开了,每个人都冲过去躲避。
open doors for somebody
  1. to provide opportunities for somebody to do something and be successful为…敞开大门;提供良机Topics Successc2
open your/somebody’s eyes (to something)
  1. to realize or make somebody realize the truth about something(使人)长见识(或开眼界、认清事实)
    • Travelling really opens your eyes to other cultures.旅游真正能使人开阔眼界,认识其他文化。
open your/somebody’s mind to something
  1. to become or make somebody aware of new ideas or experiences(使人)思想开阔,意识到某事
    • He’s eager to open the minds of his audience to different kinds of music.他渴望向不同种类的音乐敞开他的听众的心扉。
open the way for somebody/something (to do something)
  1. to make it possible for somebody to do something or for something to happen开方便之门
    • The agreement could open the way for the country to pay off its debts.这一协定使得该国有望还清债务。
pour out/open your heart to somebody
  1. to tell somebody all your problems, feelings, etc.向某人敞开心扉;倾诉衷肠
    • Finally, he broke down in tears and poured out his heart to her.最后他潸然泪下,向她倾诉衷肠。


the open


  1. outdoors; the countryside户外;野外;旷野
    • in the open Children need to play out in the open.孩子需要在户外玩耍。
  2. not hidden不隐匿

  3. in/into the open not hidden or secret公开;非秘密
    • Government officials do not want these comments in the open.政府官员不想公开这些评论。
    • They intend to bring their complaints out into the open.他们想把心中的种种不满公开讲出来。
  4. 词源Old English open (adjective), openian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch open and German offen, from the root of the adverb up.




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