- the name of several English rivers. The longest, the Great Ouse, is in the east of England and flows from Northamptonshire through the Fens and out into the Wash at King's Lynn. There is another Ouse in the north-east which flows through York to the Humber. A third Ouse begins between London and the south coast and flows into the English Channel at Newhaven.
几条英国河流的名称。最长的大乌斯(Great Ouse)位于英格兰东部,从北安普敦郡穿过芬斯,流进国王林恩(King's Lynn)的华盛顿(Wash)。东北还有另一只乌斯河,流经约克和亨伯河。第三个Ouse在伦敦和南海岸之间开始,流入纽黑文的英吉利海峡。