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词汇 page


    (abbreviation p)
    one side or both sides of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine, etc.(书刊或纸张的)页,面,张,版
    • Turn to page 64.翻到第 64 页。
    • Someone has torn a page out of this book.有人从这本书里撕掉了一张。
    • She slowly turned the pages of the album.她慢慢地翻着相册的书页。
    • a blank page空白的一页
    • the title/index page标题/索引页
    • the sports/news pages of the newspaper报纸的体育/新闻版面
    • the letters/opinion page信件/意见页
    • Some newspapers devoted several pages to the scandal.一些报纸用几页篇幅报道了这一丑闻。
    • on a page The photograph was on the front page of every newspaper.这张照片登在每份报纸的头版。
    • on the opposite/facing/next page在反面/正面/下一页
    • over the page The address is over the page (= on the next page).地址在这一页上。
    see also front page, full-page, title page, Yellow Pages™
    • I read almost 100 pages of my book on the plane.我在飞机上读了将近100页的书。
    • He skipped a few pages and carried on reading.他跳过几页后继续往下看。
    • He wrote fifty pages in five hours.他 5 个小时写了 50 页。
    • Her eyes skimmed over the page.她的眼睛扫过页面。
    • Start a new page for each new chapter.为新的一章开始新的一页。
    • They crammed three or four images onto each page.他们在每页上塞进了三四张图片。
    • She seems to put her thoughts directly down on the page.她似乎把自己的想法直接写在了纸上。
    • I ran my finger down the page until I found the name I was looking for.我的手指沿书页往下移动,直到发现了我要找的名字。
    • A correction appears further down the page, in very small print.更正出现在页面的下方,打印得很小。
    • I turned the dog-eared pages of my old address book.我翻了翻旧地址簿里折角的页。
    • Open your books at page 14.把书翻到第14 页。
    • I tried to read it, but I couldn't get past page 1.我试着读了一下,但还是过不了第一页。
    • Which page are you on?你在哪一页?
    • Phyllis graced the pages of ‘Life’ magazine in 1953.菲莉丝在 1953 年荣登《生活》杂志的版面。
    • They fill their pages with celebrity gossip.他们用名人八卦来填充版面。
    • There was page after page about the royal wedding.有一页又一页关于皇家婚礼的报道。
    • Photocopying is 20 pence per page.影印每页20便士。
    • Several pages had come loose.有几页散了。
    • She sat idly flipping through the pages of a fashion magazine.她无所事事地坐着快速浏览一本时装杂志。
    • The article continues over the page.本文在下一页继续。
    • The crossword is on the back page.纵横填字游戏在末版。
    • The front page features a warning about the dangers of drugs.报纸的头版以专栏形式对毒品的种种危害发出警告。
    • The murder takes place in the opening pages of the novel.谋杀发生在小说开始的部份。
    • The news dominated the pages of the local newspaper.这一消息占据了当地报纸的版面。
    • Write each answer on a new page.把每个答案都写在新的一页纸上。
    Topics Literature and writinga1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • back
    • front
    • facing
    verb + page
    • read
    • scan
    • skim
    page + verb
    • contain something
    • describe something
    • detail something
    page + noun
    • number
    • design
    • layout
    • at (a/​the) page
    • to (a/​the) page
    • in the pages
    • at the bottom of the page
    • at the foot of the page
    • at the head of the page
    a section of data or information that can be shown on a computer screen at any one time(计算机的)页面,版面
    • to visit/view a page访问/浏览网页
    • to load/update a page加载/更新页面
    • Press F5 to refresh the page.按F5刷新页面。
    • The page was really slow to load.页面加载速度非常慢。
    • a Twitter/an Instagram page推特Instagram页面
    • on a page The message was posted on the company's official Facebook page. 这条消息发布在公司的官方脸书页面上。
    • This photo will no longer appear on your profile page.这张照片将不再出现在您的个人资料页面上。
    see also home page, landing page, web page
    • The page is automatically updated every five minutes.页面每五分钟会自动刷新一次。
    • He posted the video on his official page.他在自己的官方网页上发布了这段视频。
    • She began to scroll down the page looking for the address.她开始向下滚动页面,寻找地址。
    • Click here to print this page.点击此处打印本页。
    • She posted the image on her Instagram page.她在自己的Instagram页面上发布了这张图片。
    • People left nasty comments on his fan page.人们在他的粉丝页面上留下了令人不快的评论。
    • According to his Wikipedia page he was born in 1968.根据他的维基百科页面,他出生于1968年。
    • Click the ‘Back’ button to return to the search results page.单击“返回”按钮返回搜索结果页面。
    • My parents' internet connection takes forever to load simple pages.我父母的互联网连接需要很长时间才能加载简单的页面。
    • The answer was so far down the page I decided to start a new thread.答案就在这一页的最后,我决定开始一个新的话题。
    • You'll find links on our page to the park's opening schedules and some special discounted admission deals.你可以在我们的页面上找到公园开放时间表和一些特殊的折扣门票交易的链接。
    • The result page will display product images, prices and direct links. 结果页面将显示产品图片、价格和直接链接。
    • Copy and paste the URL of the page you wish to translate.复制并粘贴您希望翻译的页面的网址。
    • I took a screenshot of the page.我截图了一下页面。
    • The file-sharing news site offers a slick interface and fast page load times.文件共享新闻网站提供了一个光滑的界面和快速的页面加载时间。
    Topics Phones, email and the interneta1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • HTML
    • Internet
    • web
    verb + page
    • read
    • scan
    • scroll down
    page + verb
    • load
    page + noun
    • link
    • on a/​the page
  3. (literary) an important event or period of history历史篇章,历史篇页(指历史大事或时期)
    • a glorious page of Arab history阿拉伯历史上光辉的篇章
    Topics Historyc2
  4. (especially North American English)
    (also pageboy British and North American English)
    a small boy who helps or follows a bride during a marriage ceremony新娘的伴童;小男傧相
  5. (also pageboy)
    (old-fashioned) a boy or young man, usually in uniform, employed in a hotel to open doors, deliver messages for people, etc.(旅馆的)行李员,门童
  6. (North American English) a student who works as an assistant to a member of the US Congress(美国议员的)青年助理(本身为学生)
  7. (in the Middle Ages中世纪) a boy or young man who worked for a knight while training to be a knight himself学习骑士(接受训练期间做侍从,可晋升骑士)
  8. 词源noun senses 1 to 3 late 16th cent.: from French, from Latin pagina, from pangere ‘fasten’. noun senses 4 to 6 Middle English (in the sense ‘youth, uncouth male’): from Old French, perhaps from Italian paggio, from Greek paidion, diminutive of pais, paid- ‘boy’. Early use of the verb (mid 16th cent.) was in the sense ‘follow as or like a page’; its current sense dates from the early 20th cent.
on the same page
  1. if two or more people or groups are on the same page, they agree about what they are trying to achieve目标一致;就目标达成共识
    • Are employers and employees on the same page when it comes to retirement benefits?说到退休福利,雇主和雇员意见一致吗?
    • It was an effort to get us all on the same page.这是为了让我们都站在同一战线上。
    Topics Discussion and agreementc2
the printed word/page
  1. what is published in books, newspapers, etc.印在书报上的文字;书刊文字;印刷品
    • the power of the printed word书刊文字的力量
turn the page
  1. to begin doing things in a different way and thinking in a more positive way after a period of difficulties(经过困难后)翻开新的一页,开始新的生活
    • It’s time to turn the page and make a fresh start.是时候翻开新的一页,重新开始了。
    • He turned the page on that chapter in his life a long time ago.他很久以前就翻过了人生中的那一章。


present simple I / you / we / they page
he / she / it pages
past simple paged
past participle paged
-ing form paging
Phrasal Verbs
  1. page somebody to call somebody’s name over a public address system in order to find them and give them a message(在公共传呼系统上)呼叫
    • Why don't you have him paged at the airport?你为何不在机场扩音喇叭上呼叫他呢?
  2. page somebody to contact somebody by sending a message to their pager用传呼机传呼(某人)
    • Page Dr Green immediately.立即传呼格林医生。
    Topics Phones, email and the internetc2
  3. 词源verb Middle English (in the sense ‘youth, uncouth male’): from Old French, perhaps from Italian paggio, from Greek paidion, diminutive of pais, paid- ‘boy’. Early use of the verb (mid 16th cent.) was in the sense ‘follow as or like a page’; its current sense dates from the early 20th cent.




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