Paradise Lost
/ˌpærədaɪs ˈlɒst/
/ˌpærədaɪs ˈlɔːst/
- a very long poem (1667) by John Milton. It tells the story of Adam and Eve and how they are driven out of the Garden of Eden by God because they do not obey him. In 1671 Milton published Paradise Regained, about how Jesus was sent to get Paradise back again for Man.
失乐园:约翰·弥尔顿(John Milton)写的很长的诗(1667)。它讲述了亚当和夏娃的故事,以及他们由于不听从亚当和夏娃而被上帝赶出伊甸园的故事。米尔顿(Milton)在1671年出版了《天堂复活》(Paradise Regained),内容是关于耶稣是如何被派遣为人类重新回到天堂的。