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词汇 pass


present simple I / you / we / they pass
he / she / it passes
past simple passed
past participle passed
-ing form passing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [intransitive, transitive] to achieve the required standard in an exam, a test, etc.及格;合格
    • I'm not really expecting to pass first time.我真不指望第一次就能合格。
    • She passed with flying colours (= very easily).她以高分通过。
    • pass something She hasn't passed her driving test yet.她还没有通过驾驶执照考试。
    • pass an exam/examination通过考试
    opposite fail
    Homophones passed | pastpassed   past
    • passed verb (past tense, past participle of pass)
      • You've passed all your exams—well done!你通过了所有的考试——干得好!
    • past adjective
      • It's arguably the best novel of the past 20 years.这可以说是过去20年来最好的小说。
    • past noun
      • Let's put the past behind us and move on.让我们忘记过去,继续前进。
    • past preposition
      • You shouldn't be up, it's past your bedtime!你不应该起床,已经过了睡觉时间了!
    • Three students in the class passed with distinction.班上有三名学生成绩优异。
    • Students are required to pass a weekly multiple-choice test.学生需要通过每周的选择题测试。
    • He passed his medical exams and began to practise as a doctor.他通过了医学考试,开始行医。
    • We require all employees to pass a written exam.我们要求所有员工通过笔试。
    • She was the first woman to pass the entrance examination at the famous Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris.她是第一个通过巴黎著名艺术学院入学考试的女性。
    • You need 90 per cent attendance in order to pass the course.你需要90%的出席率才能通过课程。
    • Candidates must have passed at least five subjects, including English language.考生必须至少通过五门科目,包括英语。
    • Chinese students had to pass papers in Chinese, English and maths.中国学生必须通过语文、英语和数学考试。
    • Your grades in the first year don't count towards your final grade; you just have to pass.第一年的成绩不计入期末成绩;你只需要通过。
    • I had no idea whether I'd passed or failed.我不知道我是通过了还是失败了。
    • She passed in the following subjects: Advanced Irish, English, arithmetic, history, geography, music.她通过了以下科目:高级爱尔兰语、英语、算术、历史、地理、音乐。
    Topics Educationa2
  2. [transitive] pass somebody to test somebody and decide that they are good enough, according to an agreed standard准予通过;承认合格
    • The examiners passed all the candidates.主考人评定考生全部及格。
    opposite failTopics Educationb1
  3. move移动

    [intransitive, transitive] to move past or to the other side of somebody/something通过;走过
    • Several people were passing but nobody offered to help.有几个人路过,却没有人主动伸出援手。
    • I hailed a passing taxi.我招手叫了一辆路过的出租车。
    • The security guard refused to let us pass.保安拒绝让我们通过。
    • pass somebody/something to pass a barrier/sentry/checkpoint通过障碍/岗哨/检查站
    • You'll pass a bank on the way to the train station.你在去火车站的路上会经过一家银行。
    • She passed me in the street without even saying hello.她在街上与我擦肩而过,却连一声招呼也没打。
    • Nobody has passed this way for hours.几个小时没人走过这条路了。
    • (especially North American English) There was a truck behind that was trying to pass me.后面有一辆卡车想要超过我。
    The usual word in British English in the last example is overtake.
    • The road was so narrow that cars were unable to pass.道路太窄,汽车无法通过。
    • Several buses passed, but did not stop.几辆公共汽车经过,但没有停下来。
    • He pulled out to pass a truck.他驶出车流以超过一辆卡车。
    • She passed him with a fractional quickening of her pace.她加快了一点步伐,从他身边走过。
    • On my way to the cinema, I passed a flower shop.在去电影院的路上,我经过了一家花店。
    • Will you be passing a post box on your way home?你会在回家的路上路过一个邮箱吗?
    • I just happened to pass a bookshop and saw it in the window.我刚好路过一家书店,在橱窗里看到了它。
    • Police stopped the car after it passed a red light without stopping.汽车闯红灯后,警察没有停下来。
    • We somehow passed the hotel without noticing it.我们不知怎么经过了酒店,却没有注意到它。
    • You'll pass a supermarket on your right.你会经过你右边的一家超市。
    • The train passes picturesque lakes and villages.火车经过风景如画的湖泊和村庄。
    • I heard someone passing my bedroom door.我听到有人经过我卧室的门。
    • We passed several people going up the mountain as we were coming down.我们下山时,路过几个上山的人。
    • I was just passing your house, so I thought I'd call.我只是路过你家,所以我想我会打电话。
    • I was just passing, so I thought I'd call.我只是路过,所以想打个电话。
    • We tried to take note of landmarks we passed along the way.我们试图记下沿途经过的地标。
    • Not many strangers pass this way.没有多少陌生人走过这条路。
    • He passed a 30 miles per hour sign doing 120.他以每小时120英里的速度通过了30英里的标志。
    • We passed the border about half an hour ago.大约半小时前我们通过了边境。
    • A passing freight train shook the walls.一辆驶过的货运列车摇晃着墙壁。
    • A man threw something from the window of a passing car.一个人从一辆路过的汽车的窗户扔出了东西。
    • I saw no-one except a passing jogger.除了一个路过的慢跑者,我没看见任何人。
    [intransitive] + adv./prep. to go or move in the direction mentioned沿某方向前进;向某方向移动
    • The procession passed slowly along the street.队伍沿街缓缓行进。
    • We passed through a security checkpoint.我们通过了一个安全检查站。
    • A plane passed low overhead.一架飞机从头上低空飞过。
    • The air cools as it passes along the pipe.空气沿着管道流动时会变冷。
    • After passing through tall gates, you follow a long curving drive.穿过高大的大门后,你沿着一条长长的弯道行驶。
    • We passed through the Spanish Quarter on our way here.我们在来这里的路上经过了西班牙区。
    • Almost 7 million people pass through the museum's doors each year.每年有近700万人通过博物馆的大门。
    • The number of people passing through British airports rose 3%.通过英国机场的人数上升了3%。
    • The train passes through a desolate industrial landscape.火车穿过一片荒凉的工业区。
    • As the water passes through, the membrane filters out most of the impurities.当水通过时,薄膜过滤掉大部分杂质。
    • As they passed under the bridge they heard a noise above them.当他们经过桥下时,他们听到上面有声音。
    • As water passes over rocks, it dissolves many minerals.当水通过岩石时,会溶解许多矿物质。
    • They passed down winding streets.他们走过蜿蜒的街道。
    • A train was passing noisily over the bridge.一列火车正喧闹地过桥。
    • They became used to hearing warplanes pass overhead.他们已经习惯听到战机从头顶飞过。
  6. [transitive] pass something + adv./prep. to make something move in the direction or into the position mentioned使沿(某方向)移动;使达到(某位置)
    • He passed the rope around the post three times to secure it.他把绳索在柱子上绕了三匝缠紧。
    • She passed her hand across her forehead.她用手抹了一下额头。
  7. give给予

    [transitive] to give something to somebody by putting it into their hands or in a place where they can easily reach it给;递;传递
    • pass something Pass the salt, please.请把盐递过来。
    • Pass that book over.把那本书递过来。
    • pass something to somebody He passed a note to his friend.他给他的朋友递了一张纸条。
    • pass somebody something Pass me the salt.把盐递给我。
    • Pass me over that book.递给我那本书。
    • Pass my coat, would you?请把我的外套递给我,好吗?
    • She passed me a plate.她递给我一个盘子。
    • Can you pass me that bag?你能把那个包递给我吗?
    • Could you pass the potatoes up to this end of the table, please?请你把土豆递到桌子的这一头好吗?
    • He stood at the counter, passing drinks to everyone.他站在柜台前,给每个人递饮料。
    • We passed the pens along the row until everyone had one.我们沿着排传递钢笔,直到每个人都有一支。
  9. [transitive] to give somebody information or a message小便;小解;解小手
    • pass something to somebody His wife had been passing information to the police.他的妻子一直在向警方传递信息。
    • pass something They devised a method of passing secret messages.他们发明了一种传递秘密信息的方法。
  10. ball

    [transitive, intransitive] (in ball games球类运动) to kick, hit or throw the ball to a player of your own side传球
    • pass something (to somebody) He passed the ball to Sterling.他把球传给了斯特林。
    • pass (to somebody) Why do they keep passing back to the goalie?他们为什么老是把球回传给守门员?
    • They should pass more.他们应该通过更多。
    • We watched them skillfully pass, run and shoot.我们看着他们熟练的传球、跑动、投篮。
    • The team caught and passed very well.这个队接球和传球都很好。
    • The ball went to Hummell, who passed to Young.球给了胡梅尔,他传给了杨。
    • In basketball, the rule is that the player can't move without passing the ball (or dribbling, which is like passing to himself).在篮球运动中,规则是球员不传球(或运球,就像传给自己)就不能移动。
    • In rugby you can only pass the ball backwards.在橄榄球赛中,你只能向后传球。
    • He should have passed the ball to a teammate.他应该把球传给队友。
    Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsb1
  12. time时间

    [intransitive] when time passes, it goes by推移;逝去
    • Almost fifty years have passed since that day.从那天起,已经过去了将近五十年。
    • Six months passed and we still had no news of them.半年过去了,我们仍然没有他们的音讯。
    • The time passed quickly.时间过得飞快。
    • We grew more anxious with every passing day.一天天过去,我们的焦虑与日俱增。
    • The days passed uneventfully.那些天平静地过去了。
    • The years passed, and many people forgot what had happened that day.岁月流逝,很多人忘记了那天发生的事。
    • Several months could pass without them having any contact.几个月过去了,他们没有任何联系。
    • It might be best to think about this again when a little time has passed.过了一会儿,最好再考虑一下这个问题。
    • As time passes, our views can change.久而久之,我们的观点可以改变。
    • I realized that three hours had passed.我意识到三个小时过去了。
    • Half an hour passes, and there is still no sign of him.半个小时过去了,仍然没有他的踪影。
    • Barely a week passes without another story breaking about sexual harassment.几乎一个星期过去了,没有另一个关于性骚扰的故事。
    • Only a few minutes have passed and you're bored already.只过了几分钟,你就已经厌倦了。
    • The afternoon passed pleasantly enough.下午过得很愉快。
    • The evening passed so slowly.夜晚过得如此缓慢。
    • With every passing minute she became more convinced something had happened to them.随着时间的流逝,她越来越相信他们出事了。
    • I love her more with each passing year.一年比一年更爱她。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • quickly
    • rapidly
    • soon
    verb + pass
    • help (to)
    [transitive] pass something to spend time, especially when you are bored or waiting for something消磨;度过;打发
    • We sang songs to pass the time.我们借唱歌消磨时间。
    • How do you pass the long winter nights?你如何度过漫长的冬夜?
    • She went for a walk to pass the time until dinner.她出去散步以消磨晚餐前的时间。
    • It's not a very exciting game, but it passes the time.这不是一个非常刺激的游戏,但它会消磨时间。
    • We passed the time chatting. 我们聊天打发时间。
    • He found a dry barn where he passed the night.他在一个干燥的谷仓过夜。
    • She passed a sleepless night.她彻夜无眠。(=She couldn't sleep at night. 不眠的不是night,而是she)
    • We passed an uneasy few days waiting for the results.我们忐忑不安地等了几天结果。
    • Conversation helps them pass the hours of guard duty.交谈有助于他们度过警卫的工作时间。
    • They passed a pleasant evening telling tales and singing songs.他们度过了一个愉快的夜晚,讲故事,唱歌。
    • Reading is a way for prisoners to pass the long evenings when they are locked in their cells.阅读是囚犯被锁在牢房里度过漫长夜晚的一种方式。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • quickly
    • rapidly
    • soon
    verb + pass
    • help (to)
  15. end结束

    [intransitive] to come to an end; to be over结束;完结
    • They waited for the storm to pass.他们等待暴风雨过去。
    • It's just a phase which will eventually pass.这只是一个最终会过去的阶段。
    • This is a record of an era long since passed (= that ended a long time ago).这是一个早已过去的时代的记录。
    • I felt a little dizzy at first, but that quickly passed.起初我觉得有点头晕,但很快就过去了。
    • The immediate danger seemed to have passed.眼前的危险似乎已经过去了。
    • After the deadline passes, interest will be charged on the amount due.截止日期过后,将对到期金额收取利息。
    • The shock will soon pass.震惊很快就会过去。
    • The indignation I felt on reading this soon passed.读到这里,我的愤慨很快就烟消云散了。
    • I wanted to ask a question, but the moment passed.我想问一个问题,但是瞬间就过去了。
    • The film gives a wonderful insight into a way of life that has now passed.这部电影对现在已经过去的生活方式进行了精彩的洞察。
    • His youthful idealism has long since passed.他年轻时的理想主义早已过去。
  17. change变化

  18. [intransitive] pass from something to/into something to change from one state or condition to another转变;变化;过渡
    • She had passed from childhood to early womanhood.她已由童年进入了少女期。
  19. after death死后

  20. [intransitive] pass to somebody to be given to another person after first belonging to somebody else, especially after the first person has died转移给,遗留给(继承人等)
    • On his death, the title passed to his eldest son.他死后,封号传给长子。
  21. become greater变大

  22. [transitive] pass something (of an amount数量) to become greater than a particular total大于;超过 synonym exceed
    • Unemployment has now passed the three million mark.失业人数现已突破三百万大关。
  23. law/proposal法律;建议

    [transitive, intransitive] to accept a proposal, law, etc. by voting; to be accepted in this way经表决通过(动议、法律等)
    • pass something to pass a bill/law/resolution通过法案/法律/决议
    • The Kansas State House narrowly passed the legislation last year.去年堪萨斯州众议院勉强通过了这项立法。
    • In 1996, Congress unanimously passed the Food Quality Protection Act.1996年,国会一致通过了《食品质量保护法》。
    • (especially North American English) The bill is expected to pass the Senate.该法案预计将在参议院获得通过。
    • pass (by something) The bill passed by 360 votes to 280.该法案以360票对280票获得通过。
    • New Zealand recently passed the Civil Union Act.新西兰最近通过了《公民联盟法》。
    • University staff passed a motion of no confidence in the Vice Chancellor.大学工作人员通过了一项对副校长不信任的动议。
    • Delegates unanimously passed a motion calling for a boycott.代表们一致通过了呼吁抵制的动议。
    • The amendment passed by a vote of 57 - 40.修正案以57票对40票获得通过。
    • The income tax amendment was passed in 1913.所得税修正案于1913年通过。
    • Parliament passed tough new security measures.议会通过了严厉的新安全措施。
    • The country is better off because we have passed these economic reforms.这个国家变得更好了,因为我们通过了这些经济改革。
    • (especially North American English) Any budget deal has to pass the House of Representatives.任何预算协议都必须通过众议院。
    • The state legislature passed a law requiring public schools to offer breakfast programs.州立法机关通过了一项法律,要求公立学校提供早餐项目。
    • They needed six more votes to pass the resolution.他们还需要六票才能通过决议。
    • The resolution passed unanimously.决议一致通过。
    • Congress has failed to pass legislation that would raise the minimum wage.国会未能通过提高最低工资的立法。
    • The House of Lords is expected to pass the amendment.上议院有望通过修正案。
    • The amendment is expected to pass.修正案有望通过。
    Topics Politicsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • unanimously
    • overwhelmingly
    • narrowly
    • by… to…
  25. happen发生

  26. [intransitive] to be allowed得到允许
    • I don't like it, but I'll let it pass (= will not object).我不喜欢,但我也不会反对。
    • Her remarks passed without comment (= people ignored them).人们对她的言论未予理睬。
    Topics Permission and obligationc2
  27. [intransitive] to happen; to be said or done发生;说出(或做出)
    • pass (between A and B) They'll never be friends again after all that has passed between them.经过了这么多事情,他们已经友谊难再了。
    • + adj. His departure passed unnoticed.他神不知、鬼不觉地离开了。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • peacefully
    verb + pass
    • come to
    • let something
    • between
    • pass unnoticed
  28. not know不知

  29. [intransitive] pass (on something) to say that you do not know the answer to a question, especially during a quiz不知道,过(尤在回答竞赛问题时所用)
    • ‘What's the capital of Peru?’ ‘I'll have to pass on that one.’“秘鲁的首都是哪里?” “过。”
    • ‘Who wrote ‘Catch-22’?’ ‘Pass (= I don't know).’“谁写了《第二十二条军规》?” “不知道。”
  30. not want不要

  31. [intransitive] pass (on something) to say that you do not want something that is offered to you不要;免掉
    • Thanks. I'm going to pass on dessert, if you don't mind.谢谢,您若不介意,我就免了饭后甜点吧。
  32. say/state something陈述

  33. [transitive] pass something to say or state something, especially officially宣布;声明
    • The court waited in silence for the judge to pass sentence.全体出庭人员默默等待法官宣判。
    • It's not for me to pass judgement on your behaviour.我无权评判你的行为。
    • The man smiled at the girl and passed a friendly remark.男子对姑娘微微一笑,又说了句亲切的话。
  34. belief/understanding相信;理解

  35. [transitive] pass belief, understanding, etc. (formal) to go beyond the limits of what you can believe, understand, etc.超出…的限度
    • It passes belief (= is impossible to believe) that she could do such a thing.很难相信她会做出这等事来。
  36. in card games纸牌游戏

  37. [intransitive] to refuse to play a card or make a bid when it is your turn不出牌;不叫牌;过
  38. from the body排出体外

  39. [transitive] pass something to send something out from the body as or with waste matter排泄;排出
    • If you're passing blood you ought to see a doctor.如果便中带血,你就应该找大夫看看。
    More Like This Verbs with two objectsVerbs with two objects
    • bet
    • bring
    • build
    • buy
    • cost
    • get
    • give
    • leave
    • lend
    • make
    • offer
    • owe
    • pass
    • pay
    • play
    • post
    • promise
    • read
    • refuse
    • sell
    • send
    • show
    • sing
    • take
    • teach
    • tell
    • throw
    • wish
    • write
  40. 词源verb Middle English: from Old French passer, based on Latin passus ‘pace’.
come to pass
  1. (old use) to happen发生;出现
    • How did such a disaster come to pass?这样的灾难是怎样发生的?
    • I wondered how it came to pass that a thinking man bore the prejudices of his unthinking parents.我想知道一个有思想的人如何忍受他无思想的父母的偏见。
not pass your lips
  1. if words do not pass your lips, you say nothing未说话;未开口
  2. if food or drink does not pass your lips, you eat or drink nothing未吃;未喝;(水米)未沾
pass the hat round/around
  1. (informal) to collect money from a number of people, for example to buy a present for somebody凑份子(送礼);凑集金钱
pass muster
  1. to be accepted as of a good enough standard达到要求;获得接受
pass the time of day (with somebody)
  1. to say hello to somebody and have a short conversation with them(与某人)寒暄,打招呼,闲谈一会儿
pass water
  1. (formal) to urinate小便;小解;解小手



    official document正式文件

    an official document or ticket that shows that you have the right to enter or leave a place, to travel on a bus or train, etc.通行证;车票;乘车证
    • a boarding pass (= for a plane)登机牌
    • There is no admittance without a security pass.无保安通行证不得入内。
    • We had backstage passes to the show.我们有演出的后台通行证。
    see also bus pass
    • The official asked to see our passes.官员要求看我们的通行证。
    • The complete ski package includes equipment hire, tuition and lift pass.完整的滑雪套餐包括设备租赁、学费和缆车票。
    • Attendees will receive a free pass to the VIP lounge.与会者将获得贵宾休息室的免费入场券。
    • I won two free passes to the red-carpet screening of a new movie.我赢得了一部新电影红毯放映的两张免费入场券。
    • You have to show your passport and boarding pass before you can get on the plane.你必须出示护照和登机牌才能登机。
    • It's impossible to get backstage without a press pass.没有记者证是不可能到后台的。
    • The travel pass is accepted on all local bus and train services.所有当地公共汽车和火车服务都接受旅行证。
    • Individual tickets and festival passes can be bought at the box office.个人票和节日通行证可以在售票处买到。
    • Please display your parking pass.请出示您的停车证。
    • The teacher wrote out a hall pass and handed it to her.老师开了一张门厅出入证递给了她。
    • I was caught in the hall during lesson time without a pass.我在上课时间被抓进了大厅,没有通行证。
    • The visitors were issued with day passes.访客都获发了一日有效的通行证。
    • You can save money by buying a monthly pass.买月票可以省钱。
    • You can buy a three-day pass that gives you entry to all the major sights.你可购买一张有效期为三天的通行证,就能进入所有主要的景点了。
    • a monthly rail pass火车月票
    • soldiers on a weekend pass持有周末出入证的士兵
    Topics Transport by bus and trainb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • free
    • day
    • monthly
    verb + pass
    • have
    • use
    • give somebody
    • on a pass
    • pass to
  2. in exam考试

    (especially British English) a successful result in an exam or test及格;合格;通过
    • She got a pass in French.她法语考试及格了。
    • 12 passes and 3 fails12 门及格,3 门不及格
    • Two A-level passes are needed for this course.本课程要求有两个高级证书考试的及格成绩。
    • The pass mark is 50 per cent.及格分数是50%。
    • The school has a 90 per cent pass rate (= 90 per cent of students pass their exams).这所学校有90%的通过率。
    • Applicants need a good degree pass.申请人需要一个好的学位通行证。
    • Use of quotations can mean the difference between a pass and a fail.引用的意思是及格和不及格的区别。
    • He should get a good pass in mathematics.他应该能够在数学考试中取得好成绩。
    • It's difficult to obtain a pass at A Level.要想通过高级证书考试是很难的。
    • The school is one of the top ten most-improved in the country, based on passes at GCSE.根据普通中等教育证书的及格分数,这所学校是全国进步最快的十所学校之一。
    • Pupils need at least five passes at A* to C grade.学生在A*至C年级至少需要五次及格。
    • She barely scraped a pass in chemistry.她化学考试勉强及格。
    • The beach failed a hygiene inspection last year, but this year got a borderline pass.该海滩去年没有通过卫生检查,但今年获得了临界通过。
    • Exam pass rates get higher every year.考试通过率逐年提高。
    • A simple regurgitation of lecture notes would be unlikely to gain more than a pass mark.一次简单的课堂笔记反馈不可能获得超过及格分数的分数。
    • The points system is stringent, but those failing to meet the pass mark may still be able to obtain a resident visa.积分制度是严格的,但那些没有达到及格分数的人仍然可以获得居民签证。
    Topics Educationb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • good
    • exam
    • examination
    verb + pass
    • get
    • obtain
    • scrape
    pass + noun
    • mark
    • rate
    • pass at
    • pass in
  4. of ball球类运动

  5. (in some sports) an act of hitting or throwing the ball to another player in your team(某些运动中)传球
    • a long pass to Turner给特纳的一个长传
    • a back pass to the goalkeeper回传给守门员
    • The referee disallowed the try for a forward pass.裁判判我们向前传球犯规,触地所得 3 分无效。
    • His long reach enables him to block passes.他手臂很长,可以拦截传球。
    • Lafferty played a pass down the right to Gallagher.拉弗蒂沿右侧把球给了加拉格尔。
    • Robson had pounced on a dropped pass.罗布森猛扑向落地传球。
    • Ziege played a pass behind the defence to Weiss.齐格在防守线后传球给韦斯。
    • Palmer caught a 24-yard touchdown pass from Beach early in the fourth quarter.帕默在第四节早些时候从比奇那里拿到了一个24码的触地传球。
    Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • deep
    • long
    • short
    verb + pass
    • play
    • deliver
    • get
    • pass from
    • pass to
  6. through mountains穿越山脉

  7. enlarge image
    a road or way over or through mountains关口;关隘;山路
    • a mountain pass山口
    • They came over the top of the pass and started down towards the coast.他们越过山口顶端,开始向海岸走去。
    • They had to struggle over the pass with their donkeys.他们不得不牵着毛驴费力地翻越隘口。
    • We took the high pass over the ridge.我们从山脊的高山口通过。
    • building a road through the pass建造一条通过隘口的道路
    Topics Transport by car or lorryc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • high
    • low
    • narrow
    verb + pass
    • cross
    • take
    • over a/​the pass
    • through a/​the pass
    • pass over
    • the head of the pass
    • the summit of the pass
    • the top of the pass
  8. moving past/over经过;越过

  9. an act of going or moving past or over something越过;飞跃
    • The helicopter made several passes over the village before landing.直升机在村落上空盘旋数次才降落。
  10. stage in process阶段

  11. a stage in a process, especially one that involves separating things from a larger group阶段;步骤
    • In the first pass all the addresses are loaded into the database.第一步,所有地址均输入数据库。
  12. 词源noun senses 1 to 3 and noun senses 5 to 6 Middle English: from Old French passer, based on Latin passus ‘pace’. noun sense 4 Middle English (in the sense ‘division of a text, passage through’): variant of pace1, influenced by pass (verb) and French pas.
come to such a pass
(also come to a pretty pass)
  1. (old-fashioned or humorous) to reach a sad or difficult state陷于不妙的(或困难的)境地;落到这步田地
    • I never thought things would come to such a pass as this.我从未想到事情会发展到这种地步。
    • Things have come to a such a pass when we can’t afford to pay the heating bills!我们付不起暖气费,事情就这样过去了!
(give somebody/get) a free pass
  1. (informal) if you give somebody a free pass or somebody gets a free pass, they are not punished for something bad they have done, or they are given permission to do something bad通行证:如果您给某人免费通行证或某人获得免费通行证,则他们不会因自己做的不好的事情而受到惩罚,或者被允许他们做不好的事情
    • This time he gets a free pass but if he does it again, he’ll be sent to jail.这一次他得到了免费通行证,但如果他再这样做,他将被送进监狱。
    • Just because someone has expensive designer gear, it doesn't mean they have a free pass to be mean to my staff. 仅仅因为有人有昂贵的设计师装备,并不意味着他们可以对我的员工刻薄。
make a pass at somebody
  1. (informal) to try to start a sexual relationship with somebody勾引;与某人调情




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