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词汇 passage



    long narrow way狭长通路

    (also passageway
    [countable] a long narrow area with walls on either side that connects one room or place with another通道;走廊 synonym corridor
    • A dark narrow passage led to the main hall.一条阴暗狭窄的走廊通向大厅。
    • a secret underground passage地下秘密通道
    • Someone was waiting outside in the passage.有人在外面的走廊等着。
    • There was a bedroom with a small passage leading off to a bathroom.有一间卧室自带有一个小走廊通往浴室。
    • There was a door at the end of the passage.走廊尽头有一扇门。
    • Liz walked out of her room and down the passage.莉兹走出房间,沿着走廊走去。
    • the maze of secret passages which wound their way under the building在建筑物下面像迷宫一样迂回曲折的秘密通道
    • the passage between the two houses两所房子之间的通道
    Topics Houses and homesb2, Buildingsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • short
    • narrow
    verb + passage
    • clear
    • force
    passage + verb
    • lead
    • along a/​the passage
    • down a/​the passage
    • through a/​the passage
    • the end of a passage
    • a maze of passages
  2. in the body体内

  3. [countable] a tube in the body through which air, liquid, etc. passes(体内通气、输液等的)管路,通道
    • blocked nasal passages鼻道堵塞
    see also back passage
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • nasal
    • air
    • back
    verb + passage
    • block
    • obstruct
    • clear
  4. section from book章节

    [countable] a short section from a book, piece of music, etc.章节;段落;乐段 synonym excerpt, extract
    • Read the following passage and answer the questions below.阅读下面这段文章并回答后面的问题。
    • I have quoted this passage at length.我详细地引用了这一段落。
    • passage from/in something a passage from the Bible 选自《圣经》的一段文字
    Collocations LiteratureLiterature文学Being a writer当作家
    • write/​publish literature/​poetry/​fiction/​a book/​a story/​a poem/​a novel/​a review/​an autobiography写/发表文学作品/诗集/小说/书/故事/诗歌/长篇小说/评论/自传
    • become a writer/​novelist/​playwright成为作家/小说家/剧作家
    • find/​have a publisher/​an agent找到/有出版商/代理人
    • have a new book out出版一部新书
    • edit/​revise/​proofread a book/​text/​manuscript编辑/修订/校对书/文章/原稿
    • dedicate a book/​poem to…把一本书/一首诗献给…
    Plot, character and atmosphere情节、人物和氛围
    • construct/​create/​weave/​weave something into a complex narrative构思/创作/编写/把某事编成一部复杂的叙事小说
    • advance/​drive the plot推进故事情节的发展
    • introduce/​present the protagonist/​a character介绍主人公/一个人物
    • describe/​depict/​portray a character (as…)/(somebody as) a hero/​villain描述人物/英雄/坏蛋;把一个人物描绘成…;把某人描绘成英雄/坏蛋
    • create an exciting/​a tense atmosphere营造一种令人兴奋/紧张的气氛
    • build/​heighten the suspense/​tension制造/增加悬念/紧张气氛
    • evoke/​capture the pathos of the situation唤起对这种状况的同情
    • convey emotion/​an idea/​an impression/​a sense of…传达…情感/思想;给人…印象/感觉
    • engage the reader吸引读者
    • seize/​capture/​grip the (reader’s) imagination抓住(读者的)想象力
    • arouse/​elicit emotion/​sympathy (in the reader)唤起(读者的)情感/同情
    • lack imagination/​emotion/​structure/​rhythm缺乏想象力/情感/精心组织/节奏感
    Language, style and imagery语言、风格和形象语言
    • use/​employ language/​imagery/​humour/(US English) humor/​an image/​a symbol/​a metaphor/​a device使用语言/形象语言/幽默/意象/象征/暗喻/手段
    • use/​adopt/​develop a style/​technique使用/采用/形成一种风格/技巧
    • be rich in/​be full of symbolism富含象征意义
    • evoke images of…/a sense of…/a feeling of…唤起…的形象/感觉
    • create/​achieve an effect创造/取得效果
    • maintain/​lighten the tone维持/缓和基调
    • introduce/​develop an idea/​a theme引入/发展一种思想/一个主题
    • inspire a novel/​a poet/​somebody’s work/​somebody’s imagination促成小说的创作;给诗人以灵感;促成某人作品的诞生;激发某人的想象力
    Reading and criticism阅读与评论
    • read an author/​somebody’s work/​fiction/​poetry/​a text/​a poem/​a novel/​a chapter/​a passage读一个作家的作品/某人的著作/小说/诗集/一篇文章/一首诗/一部小说/一个章节/一段文章
    • review a book/​a novel/​somebody’s work评论一本书/一部小说/某人的作品
    • give something/​get/​have/​receive a good/​bad review给予/得到好评/恶评
    • be hailed (as)/be recognized as a masterpiece被誉为一部杰作
    • quote a(n) phrase/​line/​stanza/​passage/​author引用一个短语/一行诗/一节诗/一段文章/作者的话
    • provoke/​spark discussion/​criticism引发讨论/评论
    • study/​interpret/​understand a text/​passage研读/解读/理解一篇文章/一段文章
    • translate somebody’s work/​a text/​a passage/​a novel/​a poem翻译某人的作品/一篇文章/一段文章/一部小说/一首诗
    • His writings are filled with poignant passages describing winter winds.他的作品中充满了描述冬日寒风的感伤段落。
    • I'll dig out the relevant passages in St Augustine.我会挖掘出圣奥古斯丁的有关段落。
    • In the 15th symphony he quotes a passage from Rossini's ‘William Tell’ overture.在第15 交响曲中,他引用了罗西尼《威廉·退尔》序曲中的一段。
    • There's a lot of slang in this passage.这个段落中有很多俚语。
    • The children were asked to choose their favourite passage from the books they had read.孩子们被要求从他们读过的书中选择他们最喜欢的一段。
    • There are passages in this book that are very hard to understand.这本书里有些段落很难理解。
    Topics Musicb2, Literature and writingb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • lengthy
    • long
    • brief
    verb + passage
    • play
    • in a/​the passage
    • passage from
  6. of time时间

  7. [singular] the passage of time (literary) the process of time passing(时间的)流逝,推移
    • Her confidence grew with the passage of time.她的信心与日俱增。
    • rituals which mark the passage of the seasons标志季节更替的仪式
  8. of bill in parliament议会的议案

  9. [singular] the process of discussing a bill in a parliament so that it can become law通过
    • The bill is now guaranteed an easy passage through the House of Representatives.现在该法案保证能在众议院顺利通过。
    • He deserves credit for ensuring the passage of the Civil Rights Act.是他确保了《民权法案》得以通过,应该给他记上一功。
    • Starr voted for the final passage of the bill.斯塔尔为该法案的最终通过投了赞成票。
    • The bill is expected to face a stormy passage in both houses.该法案有望在参众两院冲破重重阻力后获得通过。
    • The bill will complete its passage in November.该法案将在 11 月份走完通过程序。
    • The bills did not gain passage in the Senate.那些法案没有在参议院获得通过。
    • They have launched a campaign to block passage of the bill.他们已经发起了一波运动来阻止该法案的通过。
    Topics Politicsc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • smooth
    • stormy
    • speedy
    verb + passage
    • begin
    • complete
    • block
    • during the passage
    • passage through
  10. journey by ship海程

  11. [singular] a journey from one place to another by ship(乘船的)航程,旅程
    • Her grandfather had worked his passage (= worked on a ship to pay for the journey) to America.她的祖父一路在船上打工支付船费来到美国。
    see also the middle passage
    • The canal route was shorter than the sea passage around the northern coast.在北部海岸,运河路线比海上航道要短些。
    • It was a long, rough passage, battling into the wind for seven hours.这是一段漫长而艰难的旅程,在风中挣扎了七个小时。
    • We met him on our outward passage.我们在前往外地的航行途中碰到了他。
    • We had a stormy passage to India.到印度的航程中,我们经历了暴风雨。
    • She had secured passage on a ship heading for England.她已弄到了前往英格兰的船票。
    Topics Transport by waterc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • short
    • rough
    verb + passage
    • have
    • book
    • secure
    • during a/​the passage
    • on somebody’s/​the passage
    • passage across
  12. going through通过

  13. [singular] a passage (through something) a way through something通路;通道
    • The officers forced a passage through the crowd.警察在人群中辟开一条通路。
    • a narrow passage through the bushes穿过灌木丛的狭窄通道
    • to clear a passage for ships through the ice在冰面上辟出一条通道供船只通过
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • rapid
    • speedy
    • slow
    verb + passage
    • deny somebody
    • refuse (somebody)
    • block
    • passage across
    • passage down
    • passage from… to…
    • the passage of time
    • a rite of passage
  14. [uncountable] (formal) the action of going across, through or past something穿过;穿越
    • Large trees may obstruct the passage of light.大树可能阻挡光线穿过。
    • State-of-the-art suspension guarantees a smooth passage over the bumpiest road.最先进的减震悬架保证汽车在最崎岖不平的道路上也可以平稳通行。
    • Steps cut in the hillside give walkers an easy passage down the mountain.山坡上凿出的台阶使步行者下山变得容易。
    • the slow passage of a snail across the veranda蜗牛缓慢爬过阳台
    • The operation will allow free passage of fluid in and out of the organ.手术将使得体液自由进出那个器官。
    • Portugal's passage into the next round of the tournament葡萄牙进入锦标赛下一轮的道路
    • We are not aware of our passage from consciousness to sleep.我们还不清楚从清醒到进入睡眠的过程。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • rapid
    • speedy
    • slow
    verb + passage
    • deny somebody
    • refuse (somebody)
    • block
    • passage across
    • passage down
    • passage from… to…
    • the passage of time
    • a rite of passage
  15. [uncountable, countable, usually singular] passage (+ adv./prep.) the permission to travel across a particular area of land通行许可
    • We were promised (a) speedy passage through the border.有人答应我们可以迅速通过边境。
    • If the law were passed, EU nationals would no longer enjoy free passage through member states.如果该法律获得通过,欧盟国民将不再享有通过成员国的自由。
    • The Security Council has demanded free passage for families fleeing from the fighting.安理会要求让逃离战火的家庭自由通行。
    • They denied him passage through the territory.他们拒绝让他从这一地区通过。
    • a safe passage out of the war zone从战争地带的安全离开
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • rapid
    • speedy
    • slow
    verb + passage
    • deny somebody
    • refuse (somebody)
    • block
    • passage across
    • passage down
    • passage from… to…
    • the passage of time
    • a rite of passage
  16. see also bird of passage, rite of passage
    词源Middle English: from Old French, based on Latin passus ‘pace’.




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