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词汇 plaster


  1. [uncountable] a substance made of lime, water and sand, that is put on walls and ceilings to give them a smooth hard surface灰泥
    • an old house with crumbling plaster and a leaking roof一所灰泥剥落、屋顶漏水的老房子
    • cement
    • construction
    • foundation
    • girder
    • joist
    • masonry
    • plaster
    • rubble
    • scaffolding
    • site
    • Apply the plaster evenly.均匀地涂灰泥。
    • Each blow of the hammer removed a great chunk of plaster.锤子每次敲打都震落一大块灰泥。
    • Plaster was peeling off the ceiling.天花板上的灰泥正在脱落。
    Topics Buildingsc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • fresh
    • cracked
    • crumbling
    … of plaster
    • chunk
    verb + plaster
    • apply
    plaster + verb
    • come off (something)
    • fall off (something)
    • peel off (something)
    plaster + noun
    • cast
    • wall
  2. (also less frequent plaster of Paris)
    [uncountable] a white powder that is mixed with water and becomes very hard when it dries, used especially for making copies of statues or holding broken bones in place建筑石膏;熟石膏
    • a plaster bust of Julius Caesar一尊尤利乌斯 · 凯撒的半身石膏塑像
    • in plaster (British English) She broke her leg a month ago and it's still in plaster.她一个月前腿骨骨折,至今仍打着石膏。
    • Your arm will have to be in plaster for at least six weeks.你的胳膊必须打至少 6 个星期的石膏。
    Collocations Dictionaryplaster + noun
    • cast
    • in plaster
  3. (also sticking plaster)
    (both British English)
    (also Band-Aid™ North American English, British English)
    [countable, uncountable] a piece of material that can be stuck to the skin to protect a small wound or cut; this material膏药;创可贴;护创胶布
    • Have you got any plasters? I've cut my finger.你有创可贴吗?我割破了手指。
    • Cut off a small piece of plaster.剪下一小块胶布。
    • bandage
    • bleed
    • bruise
    • fracture
    • hurt
    • injury
    • plaster
    • sore
    • swell
    • wound
    Collocations InjuriesInjuries身体损伤Being injured受伤
    • have a fall/​an injury跌了一跤;受伤
    • receive/​suffer/​sustain a serious injury/​a hairline fracture/(especially British English) whiplash/​a gunshot wound受重伤/轻微骨裂/鞭伤/枪伤
    • hurt/​injure your ankle/​back/​leg伤到脚踝/背/大腿
    • damage the brain/​an ankle ligament/​your liver/​the optic nerve/​the skin损伤大脑/脚踝韧带/肝脏/视神经/皮肤
    • pull/​strain/​tear a hamstring/​ligament/​muscle/​tendon拉伤腘绳肌腱/韧带/肌肉/肌腱
    • sprain/​twist your ankle/​wrist扭伤脚踝/手腕
    • break a bone/​your collarbone/​your leg/​three ribs骨折;锁骨/大腿/三根肋骨骨折
    • fracture/​crack your skull头盖骨破裂
    • break/​chip/​knock out/​lose a tooth碰断了一颗牙;使牙齿崩缺了一块;磕掉/掉了一颗牙
    • burst/​perforate your eardrum使耳膜破裂;鼓膜穿孔
    • dislocate your finger/​hip/​jaw/​shoulder使手指/臀部/下巴/肩膀脱臼
    • bruise/​cut/​graze your arm/​knee/​shoulder擦伤/割破/擦破手臂/膝盖/肩膀
    • burn/​scald yourself/​your tongue烧伤/烫伤自己/舌头
    • bang/​bump/​hit/ (informal) bash your elbow/​head/​knee (on/​against something)(在某物上)撞到肘部/头/膝盖
    Treating injuries治疗伤病
    • treat somebody for burns/​a head injury/​a stab wound给某人治疗烧伤/头部伤/刺伤
    • examine/​clean/​dress/​bandage/​treat a bullet wound检查/清洗/包扎/用绷带包扎/治疗枪伤
    • repair a damaged/​torn ligament/​tendon/​cartilage修复损伤的/拉伤的韧带/肌腱/软骨
    • amputate/​cut off an arm/​a finger/​a foot/​a leg/​a limb截去一只胳膊/一根手指/一只脚/一条腿;截肢
    • put on/ (formal) apply/​take off (especially North American English) a Band-Aid™/(British English) a plaster/​a bandage贴上/使用/撕掉创可贴;缠上/使用/解掉绷带
    • need/​require/​put in/ (especially British English) have (out)/ (North American English) get (out) stitches需要缝针;缝针;拆线
    • put on/​rub on/ (formal) apply cream/​ointment/​lotion涂抹护肤霜/药膏/护肤液
    • have/​receive/​undergo (British English) physiotherapy/(North American English) physical therapy接受物理疗法
    Topics Medicineb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • sticking
    verb + plaster
    • put on
    • peel off
    • take off
  4. 词源Old English, denoting a bandage spread with a curative substance, from medieval Latin plastrum (shortening of Latin emplastrum, from Greek emplastron ‘daub, salve’), later reinforced by the Old French noun plastre. Senses 1 and 2 date from late Middle English.


present simple I / you / we / they plaster
he / she / it plasters
past simple plastered
past participle plastered
-ing form plastering
Phrasal Verbs
  1. plaster something to cover a wall, etc. with plaster抹灰于,用灰泥抹(墙等)
    • The walls need plastering before we can start decorating.在我们开始装修之前,墙壁需要粉刷。
    Collocations Decorating and home improvementDecorating and home improvement装饰和改善房屋Houses房屋
    • refurbish/​renovate/ (British English) do up a building/​a house整修/翻新/修缮楼房/房屋
    • convert a building/​house/​room into homes/​offices/(especially North American English) apartments/(British English) flats把楼房/房子/房间/改建成住房/办公室/公寓
    • extend/​enlarge a house/​building/​room/​kitchen扩建/扩大房屋/楼房/房间/厨房
    • build (British English) an extension (to the back/​rear of a house)/(North American English) an addition (on/​to something)/(British English) a conservatory(在房子后面)扩建;(在某处)增建;建造暖房
    • knock down/​demolish a house/​home/​building/​wall推倒/拆除房子/住房/楼房/墙壁
    • knock out/​through the wall separating two rooms将两个房间的隔墙打通
    • furnish/​paint/ (especially British English) decorate a home/​a house/​an apartment/​a flat/​a room布置/油漆/装饰住房/房子/公寓/房间
    • be decorated in bright colours/​in a traditional style/​with flowers/​with paintings
    • paint/​plaster the walls/​ceiling给墙壁/天花板上刷油漆/抹灰
    • hang/​put up/​strip off/​remove the wallpaper贴/去除墙纸
    • install/​replace/​remove the bathroom fixtures/(British English) fittings安装/更换/拆除浴室的固定装置/附加设备
    • build/​put up shelves搭架子
    • lay wooden flooring/​timber decking/​floor tiles/​a carpet/​a patio铺设木地板/平台木板/地砖/地毯/露台
    • put up/​hang/​take down a picture/​painting/​poster/​curtain挂上/取下图画/绘画/海报/帘子
    DIY/​home improvement自己动手;房屋改造
    • do (British English) DIY/​carpentry/​the plumbing/​the wiring自己动手做;做木匠活;铺设管道;铺设线路
    • make home improvements改造房屋
    • add/​install central heating/​underfloor heating/​insulation添加/安装中央供暖系统/地暖系统/隔热材料
    • fit/​install double-glazing/​a smoke alarm安装双层玻璃/烟雾报警器
    • insulate your house/​your home/​the walls/​the pipes/​the tanks/(especially British English) the loft在房子/住房/墙壁/管道/热水箱/阁楼里加隔热装置
    • fix/​repair a roof/​a leak/​a pipe/​the plumbing/​a leaking (especially British English) tap/(North American English usually) faucet维修房顶/裂缝/管子/管道系统/漏水的水龙头
    • block/​clog (up)/unblock/​unclog a pipe/​sink堵住/疏通管道/洗涤池
    • make/​drill/​fill a hole开/钻/填一个洞
    • hammer (in)/pull out/​remove a nail锤进/拔出钉子
    • tighten/​untighten/​loosen/​remove a screw拧紧/拧松/拧开螺丝钉
    • saw/​cut/​treat/​stain/​varnish/​paint wood锯/切割/加工木料;给木料上色/上清漆/上油漆
    Topics Buildingsc2
  2. plaster somebody/something/yourself in/with something to cover somebody/something with a wet or sticky substance往…上涂抹
    • She plastered herself in suntan lotion.她往身上抹防晒液。
    • We were plastered from head to foot with mud.我们浑身上下都沾满了泥。
  3. [usually passive] to make your hair flat and stick to your head把(头发)梳平;使(头发)粘在(头上)
    • be plastered + adv./prep. His wet hair was plastered to his head.他那湿透的头发紧贴在头皮上。
  4. [often passive] to completely cover a surface with pictures or posters贴满,遍贴(画片或招贴画)
    • A is plastered with B Her bedroom wall was plastered with photos of him.她卧室的墙上贴满了他的照片。
    • B is plastered over A She had photos of him plastered all over her bedroom wall.她把他的照片贴满了卧室的墙。
    • The next day their picture was plastered all over the newspapers.第二天,他们的照片被刊登在各家报纸上。
  5. 词源Old English, denoting a bandage spread with a curative substance, from medieval Latin plastrum (shortening of Latin emplastrum, from Greek emplastron ‘daub, salve’), later reinforced by the Old French noun plastre. Senses 1 and 2 date from late Middle English.




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