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词汇 plough


(British English)
(North American English plow)
  1. [countable] a large piece of farming equipment with one or several curved blades (= metal cutting parts), pulled by a tractor or by animals. It is used for digging and turning over soil, especially before seeds are planted.
    • Oxen were used to pull ploughs.牛被用来拉犁。
    see also snowploughTopics Farmingc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • heavy
    • horse-drawn
    • ox-drawn
    verb + plough/​plow
    • draw
    • pull
    plough/​plow + noun
    • horse
    • team
    • furrow
  2. the Plough
    (British English)
    (North American English the Big Dipper)
    [singular] a group of seven bright stars that can only be seen from the northern half of the world北斗星
  3. 词源late Old English plōh, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ploeg and German Pflug. The spelling plough became common in England in the 18th cent.; earlier (16th–17th cents) the noun was normally spelled plough, the verb plow.
under the plough
  1. (British English, formal) (of land土地) used for growing crops, not for keeping animals on用于耕作的;作农田的 synonym arableTopics Farmingc2


(British English)
(North American English plow)
[transitive, intransitive]
present simple I / you / we / they plough
he / she / it ploughs
past simple ploughed
past participle ploughed
-ing form ploughing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
  1. plough (something) to dig and turn over a field or other area of land with a plough犁(田);耕(地);翻(土)
    • ploughed fields犁过的田地
    Collocations FarmingFarming农场经营Growing food and raising animals种植粮食和饲养动物
    • plant trees/​seeds/​crops/​vines/​barley植树;播种;种庄稼;种植葡萄树;种大麦
    • grow/​produce corn/​wheat/​rice/​fruit种植/生产玉米/小麦/大米/水果
    • plough/(North American English) plow land/​a field耕地;犁田
    • sow/​harvest seeds/​crops/​fields播种/收获谷粒/农作物/庄稼
    • spread manure/​fertilizer on something给…施撒粪肥/肥料
    • cultivate/​irrigate/​water/​contaminate crops/​plants/​fields/​land耕作/灌溉/浇灌/污染庄稼/植物/田地/土地
    • damage/​destroy/​lose your crop损害/毁坏/损失农作物
    • ripen/​pick fruit/​berries/​grapes催熟/采摘水果/浆果/葡萄
    • press/​dry/​ferment grapes压榨/晾干/发酵葡萄
    • grind/​thresh grain/​corn/​wheat磨/打谷物/玉米/小麦
    • raise/​rear/​keep chickens/​poultry/​cattle/​pigs饲养鸡/家禽/牛/猪
    • raise/​breed/​feed/​graze livestock/​cattle/​sheep饲养/喂养/放养家畜/牛/羊
    • kill/​slaughter livestock屠宰家畜
    • preserve/​smoke/​cure/​salt meat防腐保存/熏/加工贮藏/用盐腌制肉
    Modern farming现代农场经营
    • run a fish farm/​an organic dairy farm
    • engage in/​be involved in intensive (pig/​fish) farming从事集约型(生猪/渔业)养殖
    • use/​apply (chemical/​organic) fertilizer/​insecticides/​pesticides使用(化学/有机)肥料/杀虫剂
    • begin/​do/​conduct field trials of GM (= genetically modified) crops开始/进行转基因作物的田间试验
    • grow/​develop GM crops/​seeds/​plants/​foods种植/研发转基因作物/种子/植物/粮食
    • fund/​invest in genetic engineering/​research资助/投资基因工程/研究
    • improve/​increase crop yields提高/增加粮食产量
    • face/​suffer from/​alleviate food shortages面临/遭受/缓解食物短缺
    • label food that contains GMOs (= genetically modified organisms)给含有转基因生物的食品贴标签
    • eliminate/​reduce farm subsidies取消/减少农业补贴
    • oppose/​be against factory farming/​GM food反对工厂化养殖/转基因食品
    • promote/​encourage/​support organic/​sustainable farming促进/鼓励/支持有机/可持续农耕
    Topics Farmingc2
    词源late Old English plōh, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ploeg and German Pflug. The spelling plough became common in England in the 18th cent.; earlier (16th–17th cents) the noun was normally spelled plough, the verb plow.
plough a lonely, your own, etc., furrow
  1. (literary) to do things that other people do not do, or be interested in things that other people are not interested in自耕孤畴(指自行其是或自得其乐)




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