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词汇 pocket



    in clothing衣服

  1. enlarge image
    a small piece of material like a small bag sewn into or onto a piece of clothing so that you can carry things in it衣袋;口袋;兜
    • a jacket/coat/shirt/trouser pocket夹克/外套/衬衫/裤兜
    • a back/a hip/an inside pocket背部/臀部/内侧口袋
    • in/into a pocket I put the note in my pocket.我把纸币装进了衣袋。
    • The three of us stood there, hands in pockets, and waited.我们三个站在那里,双手插在口袋里,等待着。
    • She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.她把手伸进口袋,拿出手机。
    • out of/from a pocket Take your hands out of your pockets!不要把手插在口袋里!
    • Turn out your pockets (= empty your pockets).把口袋里的东西通通拿出来。
    • a pocket dictionary (= one that is small enough to fit in your pocket)袖珍词典
    see also breast pocket, hip pocket
    • He stood there, hands in pockets.他站在那里,两手插在口袋里。
    • He went through all his pockets looking for his key.他翻遍了所有的口袋找钥匙。
    • I fished the list out of my pocket.我从口袋中掏出名单。
    • My cell phone rang and I patted my pockets looking for it.我的手机响了,我拍拍口袋寻找它。
    • My pockets were bulging with loose change.零钱把我的口袋撑得鼓鼓囊囊的。
    • My wallet was in the back pocket of my jeans.我的钱夹在牛仔裤后面的口袋里。
    • She stuffed the money into her pocket and walked out.她把钱塞进口袋,走了出去。
    • The security guard made them empty their pockets.保安人员让他们把口袋里的东西全掏出来。
    • We filled our pockets with apples.我们的口袋里装满了苹果。
    Topics Clothes and Fashiona2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bulging
    • deep
    • zip
    verb + pocket
    • check
    • feel in
    • fish in
    pocket + verb
    • bulge
    pocket + noun
    • lining
    • in the/​your pocket
    • out of the/​your pocket
    • hands in pockets
    • with your hands in your pockets
    • the lining of a pocket
  2. small container小容器

    a small bag or container fastened to something so that you can put things in it, for example, in a car door or in a bag(附在车门上、提包内等的)小口袋,小容器
    • Information about safety procedures is in the pocket in front of you (= on a plane).安全求生的资料放在您前方的小袋子里。
    • Forged passports were found in a secret pocket in the suitcase.假护照是在手提箱的暗袋里发现的。
    • a 20 litre rucksack with a pocket for a water bottle and map一个20升的背包,有一个装水瓶和地图的口袋
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bulging
    • deep
    • zip
    verb + pocket
    • check
    • feel in
    • fish in
    pocket + verb
    • bulge
    pocket + noun
    • lining
    • in the/​your pocket
    • out of the/​your pocket
    • hands in pockets
    • with your hands in your pockets
    • the lining of a pocket
  4. money

  5. [usually singular] used to talk about the amount of money that you have to spend钱财;财力;资金
    • We have holidays to suit every pocket.我们有适合各种程度消费的度假方式。
    • He had no intention of paying for the meal out of his own pocket.他不想自己掏腰包付饭钱。
    • The libel case was a huge drain on her pocket.诽谤案对她来说是一笔巨大的开支。
    • tourists with bulging pockets口袋鼓鼓囊囊的游客
    see also deep pockets
  6. small group/area小团体/范围

  7. a small group or area that is different from everyone or everything around it(与周围不同的)小组织,小区域
    • There are still a few isolated pockets of resistance to the new regime.现在仍有零星孤立的势力反对新政权。
    • The country has large pockets of unemployment.这个国家有大批失业人群。
    • a pocket of air气井
    • Geologists have found a few remaining pockets of iron ore.地质学家已经发现了一些残存的铁矿。
    see also air pocket
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • large
    • small
    • isolated
    • a pocket of resistance
  8. in billiards, etc.台球等

  9. enlarge image
    any of the holes or nets around the edges of the table used in the games of billiards, pool or snooker, which you have to hit the ball into
    Topics Sports: other sportsc2
  10. 词源Middle English (in the sense ‘bag, sack’, also used as a measure of quantity): from Anglo-Norman French poket(e), diminutive of poke ‘pouch’. The verb dates from the late 16th cent.
be/live in each other’s pockets
  1. (British English) if two people are or live in each other’s pockets, they are too close to each other or spend too much time with each other过从甚密;形影不离
be in somebody’s pocket
  1. to be controlled or strongly influenced by somebody受某人的控制(或极大影响);在某人掌握之中
burn a hole in your pocket
  1. if money burns a hole in your pocket, you want to spend it as soon as you have it一有(钱)就想花;花钱没有节制
dip into your pocket
  1. (informal) to spend some of your own money on something花钱;掏腰包
    • She was forced to dip into her own pocket to pay for the repairs.她被迫自掏腰包支付修理费。
have somebody in your pocket
  1. to have influence or power over somebody, for example, a police officer or a politician, especially by threatening them or by offering them money驾驭,让…听使唤(尤指通过恐吓或贿赂)
have something in your pocket
  1. to be certain to win something胜利在握;稳操胜券Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2
in/out of pocket
  1. (especially British English) having gained/lost money as a result of something得到/损失钱财
    • We're in pocket on that deal.那笔交易我们赚了。
    • That one mistake left him thousands of pounds out of pocket.那一次失误让他损失了数千英镑。
    compare out-of-pocket
line your (own)/somebody’s pockets
  1. to get richer or make somebody richer, especially by taking unfair advantage of a situation or by being dishonest(尤指通过占便宜或欺诈而)中饱私囊,(使)发财
    • Health services are lining the drug companies’ pockets, according to the report.根据这份报告,医疗服务是制药公司的囊中之物。
pick somebody’s pocket
  1. to steal something from somebody’s pocket without them noticing扒窃;掏包儿
    • The back pocket on a pair of jeans is the easiest one to pick.牛仔裤的后口袋是最容易挑选的。
    related noun pickpocketTopics Crime and punishmentc2
put your hand in your pocket
  1. (British English) to spend money or give it to somebody掏腰包;出钱;付款
    • I've heard he doesn't like putting his hand in his pocket.我听说他手很紧。


present simple I / you / we / they pocket
he / she / it pockets
past simple pocketed
past participle pocketed
-ing form pocketing

    put into pocket放入衣袋

  1. pocket something to put something into your pocket把…放进衣袋
    • She paid for the drink and pocketed the change without counting it.她付了饮料费,把找回的零钱数都没数就装进了口袋。
  2. money

  3. pocket something to take or keep something, especially an amount of money, that does not belong to you攫取;揩油;中饱私囊
    • He regularly charges passengers more than the normal fare and pockets the difference.他经常多收乘客票钱,把差额塞进自己的腰包。
  4. pocket something to earn or win an amount of money挣;赚下
    • Last year, she pocketed over $1 million in advertising contracts.去年,她从广告合同中赚了 100 多万美元。
    • She pocketed £500 for coming second.她因获得第二名而获得500英镑。
  5. in billiards, etc.台球等

  6. pocket something (in the games of billiards, pool and snooker台球、普尔和斯诺克) to hit a ball into a pocket击(球)入球袋 synonym pot
  7. 词源Middle English (in the sense ‘bag, sack’, also used as a measure of quantity): from Anglo-Norman French poket(e), diminutive of poke ‘pouch’. The verb dates from the late 16th cent.




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