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词汇 poor


/pɔː(r)/, /pʊə(r)/
/pʊr/, /pɔːr/
(comparative poorer, superlative poorest)

    having little money拮据

    having very little money; not having enough money for basic needs贫穷的;贫寒的;清贫的
    • They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids.他们穷得没钱给孩子买鞋穿。
    • We aim to help the poorest families.我们的目标是接济最贫困的家庭。
    • It's among the poorer countries of the world.它是世界上的贫穷国家之一。
    • This is a relatively poor neighbourhood.这是一个相对贫穷的街区。
    • Andrew grew up desperately poor.安德鲁在极度贫困中长大。
    • They were so poor that they couldn't afford to feed their family.他们太穷了,无法养家糊口。
    opposite rich see also dirt poor
    Synonyms poorpoor
    • disadvantaged
    • needy
    • impoverished
    • deprived
    • penniless
    • hard up
    These words all describe somebody who has very little or no money and therefore cannot satisfy their basic needs.
    • poor having very little money; not having enough money for basic needs:
      • They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids.他们穷得没钱给孩子买鞋穿。
    • disadvantaged having less money and fewer opportunities than most people in society:
      • socially disadvantaged sections of the community该社区社会地位低下的贫困阶层
    • needy poor:
      • It’s a charity that provides help for needy children.这是一个为贫困孩子提供援助的慈善机构。
    • impoverished (journalism) poor:指缺乏生活必需品的、贫困的:
      • Thousands of impoverished peasants are desperate to move to the cities.成千上万赤贫的农民急切盼望搬到城里去。
    • deprived [usually before noun] without enough food, education, and all the things that are necessary for people to live a happy and comfortable life指贫穷的、穷困的、穷苦的
    poor, needy, impoverished or deprived?用 poor、needy、impoverished 还是 deprived?Poor is the most general of these words and can be used to describe yourself, another individual person, people as a group, or a country or an area. Needy is mostly used to describe people considered as a group: it is not used to talk about yourself or individual people: poor/​needy children/​familiesThey were too needy to buy shoes for the kids. Impoverished is used, especially in journalism, to talk about poor countries and the people who live there. To talk about poor areas in rich countries, use deprived.
    • penniless (literary) having no money; very poor:指一文不名的、穷困的:
      • He died penniless in Paris.他死于巴黎,死时身无分文。
    • hard up (informal) having very little money, especially for a short period of time:尤指暂时拮据、缺钱:
      • I was always hard up as a student.我当学生时总是很拮据。
    • poor/​disadvantaged/​needy/​impoverished/​deprived/​penniless/​hard-up people/​families
    • poor/​disadvantaged/​needy/​impoverished/​deprived areas
    • poor/​disadvantaged/​impoverished countries
    • a(n) poor/​disadvantaged/​impoverished/​deprived background
    • He was getting richer and richer as they got poorer and poorer.随着他们越来越穷,他也越来越富。
    • They remained poor all their lives.他们一生都很穷。
    • Poor people need income not handouts.穷人需要的是收入而不是施舍。
    • She was too poor to afford a bike.她太穷了,买不起自行车。
    • Half a million poor children around the world suffer from vitamin A deficiency.全世界有50万贫困儿童患有维生素A缺乏症。
    • The gap between rich and poor nations grows.富国和穷国之间的差距在扩大。
    • Farmers in poor countries are generally the victims.贫困国家的农民一般是受害者。
    • They build low-cost housing for poor families.他们为贫困家庭建造廉价住房。
    • The rural south has historically been the poorest region of the country.南部农村历来是该国最贫穷的地区。
    Topics Moneya1, People in societya1, Social issuesa1
  2. the poor
    noun [plural] people who have very little money贫困者;穷人
    • They provided food and shelter for the poor.他们为贫困者提供食物和住所。
    opposite the rich see also working poor
    More Like This Plural adjectival nounsPlural adjectival nouns
    • the blind
    • the deaf
    • the destitute
    • the dead
    • the dying
    • the elderly
    • the faithful
    • the homeless
    • the injured
    • the insane
    • the jobless
    • the middle aged
    • the old
    • the poor
    • the rich
    • the sick
    • the squeamish
    • the wealthy
    • the wicked
    • the wounded
    • the young
    Topics People in societyb1
  3. unfortunate不幸

    [only before noun] deserving sympathy可怜的;不幸的;令人同情的
    • Have you heard about poor old Harry? His wife's left him.你听说了老哈里的惨况吗?他妻子离他而去了。
    • It's hungry—the poor little thing.它饿了,这可怜的小家伙。
    • ‘I have stacks of homework to do.’ ‘Oh, you poor thing.’“我有一大堆的作业要做哪。” “唉呦,你好可怜哦。”
    • Some poor soul will have to clean the house after the party.聚会后,一些可怜的人将不得不打扫房子。
    • Come over here and help your poor old mother.过来帮助你可怜的老母亲。
    • Those poor horses have far too much to carry.那些可怜的马携带的东西太多了。
    • The poor kid isn't being properly cared for.这个可怜的孩子没有得到适当的照顾。
  5. not good不好

    not good; of a quality that is low or lower than expected劣质的;差的;次的
    • the party’s poor performance in the election该党在选举中的表现欠佳
    • The food was of very poor quality.食物质量很差。
    • She's been in poor health for some time now.她健康不佳已有些时日。
    • The cottage was in poor physical condition.这间小屋的物质条件很差。
    • It was raining heavily and visibility was poor.当时天下着大雨,能见度很低。
    • poor food/light/soil劣质食品;昏暗的光线;贫瘠的土地
    • to have a poor opinion of somebody (= to not think well of somebody)对某人评价很低
    see also piss-poor
    • The work was of an extremely poor standard.这项工作质量极差。
    • He makes some pretty poor decisions throughout the novel.他在整部小说中做了一些很糟糕的决定。
    • Many health problems are related to poor diet and sedentary lifestyles.许多健康问题与不良饮食和久坐不动的生活方式有关。
    • Her guitar playing is poor.她的吉他弹得很差。
    • He was frustrated about his poor exam performance.他对自己糟糕的考试成绩感到沮丧。
    • There was a reduced crop because of poor growing conditions.由于生长条件差,产量减少了。
    • He showed poor judgement by hiring her.他雇用了她,显示出判断力差。
    • Poor management has damaged the land in the past.过去管理不善损害了土地。
    • The soil was so poor that it couldn't support any vegetation.土壤太差了,无法支撑任何植物。
    • Watching the concert on TV was a poor substitute for being at the live performance.看电视上的音乐会不能代替现场表演。
    • The city has the poorest exam results in the region.该市的考试成绩是该地区最差的。
    • We received a very poor return on our investment.我们的投资回报率很低。
    • He wanted to be a Navy pilot but was disqualified due to poor eyesight.他想成为一名海军飞行员,但由于视力不好而被取消资格。
    • The country is criticised for its poor human rights record.该国因其糟糕的人权记录而受到批评。
    Topics Illnessb1
    [usually before noun] (of a person) not good at something不擅长的;不熟练的
    • a poor swimmer不擅游泳的人
    • a poor judge of character看人不准的人
    • She's a good teacher but a poor manager.她长于教学,却拙于管理。
    • a poor sailor (= somebody who easily gets sick at sea)易晕船的人
    • poor at (doing) something Many companies are poor at dealing with telephone complaints.许多公司不善于处理电话投诉。
  8. having little of something匮乏

    poor in something having very small amounts of something缺乏;贫乏;缺少
    • a country poor in natural resources自然资源贫乏的国家
    • soil poor in nutrients养分不足的土壤
    • There's very little soil here and it's poor in quality.这里的土壤很少,而且质量很差。
    opposite rich see also time-poor
  10. 词源Middle English: from Old French poure, from Latin pauper.
be/come a poor second, third, etc.
  1. (especially British English) to finish a long way behind the winner in a race, competition, etc.(在体育竞赛等中)远远落后
  • beg
  • benefit
  • charity
  • homeless
  • hostel
  • the poor
  • poverty
  • shanty town
  • sweatshop
  • unemployment
the poor man’s somebody/something
  1. a person or thing that is similar to but of a lower quality than a particular famous person or thing(比同类的名人显物)逊色的人(或物);次级货色
    • Sparkling white wine is the poor man's champagne.白葡萄汽酒是廉价的香槟。




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