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词汇 precipitate


present simple I / you / we / they precipitate
he / she / it precipitates
past simple precipitated
past participle precipitated
-ing form precipitating
  1. precipitate something to make something, especially something bad, happen suddenly or sooner than it should使…突然降临;加速(坏事的发生) synonym bring on, spark (1)
    • His resignation precipitated a leadership crisis.他的辞职立即引发了领导层的危机。
  2. precipitate somebody/something into something to suddenly force somebody/something into a particular state or condition使突然陷入(某种状态)
    • The assassination of the president precipitated the country into war.总统被暗杀使国家骤然陷入战争状态。
  3. 词源early 16th cent.: from Latin praecipitat- ‘thrown headlong’, from the verb praecipitare, from praeceps, praecip(it)- ‘headlong’, from prae ‘before’ + caput ‘head’. The original sense of the verb was ‘hurl down, send violently’; hence ‘cause to move rapidly’, which gave rise to the current verb and noun senses (early 17th cent.).


  1. (of an action or a decision行动或决定) happening very quickly or suddenly and usually without enough care and thought鲁莽的;草率的;仓促的
    • the precipitate resignation of the director董事的突然辞职
    • To force a decision now would be precipitate.现在强行作出决定是草率的。
    词源early 16th cent.: from Latin praecipitat- ‘thrown headlong’, from the verb praecipitare, from praeceps, praecip(it)- ‘headlong’, from prae ‘before’ + caput ‘head’. The original sense of the verb was ‘hurl down, send violently’; hence ‘cause to move rapidly’, which gave rise to the current verb and noun senses (early 17th cent.).


  1. a solid substance that has been separated from a liquid in a chemical process沉淀物;析出物
    • A yellow precipitate should form immediately.应立即形成黄色沉淀。
    Topics Physics and chemistryc2
    词源early 16th cent.: from Latin praecipitat- ‘thrown headlong’, from the verb praecipitare, from praeceps, praecip(it)- ‘headlong’, from prae ‘before’ + caput ‘head’. The original sense of the verb was ‘hurl down, send violently’; hence ‘cause to move rapidly’, which gave rise to the current verb and noun senses (early 17th cent.).




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