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词汇 pre-empt


/ˌpriː ˈempt/
/ˌpriː ˈempt/
present simple I / you / we / they pre-empt
/ˌpriː ˈempt/
/ˌpriː ˈempt/
he / she / it pre-empts
/ˌpriː ˈempts/
/ˌpriː ˈempts/
past simple pre-empted
/ˌpriː ˈemptɪd/
/ˌpriː ˈemptɪd/
past participle pre-empted
/ˌpriː ˈemptɪd/
/ˌpriː ˈemptɪd/
-ing form pre-empting
/ˌpriː ˈemptɪŋ/
/ˌpriː ˈemptɪŋ/
  1. pre-empt something to prevent something from happening by taking action to stop it预先制止;防止;避免
    • Her departure pre-empted any further questions.她的离去使别人无法再追问下去。
    • A good training course will pre-empt many problems.良好的培训课程会防止许多问题产生。
    • The government announced it had pre-empted a coup attempt.政府宣布已经制止了一次政变企图。
  2. pre-empt somebody/something to do or say something before somebody else does抢在…之前做(或说);先发制人
    • She was just about to apologize when he pre-empted her.她正想道歉,他却抢先说了。
    • I do not want to pre-empt anything that the treasurer is going to say.我不想抢先透露财政部长讲话的任何内容。
    • It would be wrong for me to pre-empt any future decision the committee might make.我预先决定委员会将来可能做出的任何决定是错误的。
  3. pre-empt something (North American English) to replace a planned programme on the television临时取代(电视节目表上的节目)
    • The scheduled programme will be pre-empted by a special news bulletin.预定的节目将临时换成特别新闻简报。
  4. 词源mid 19th cent.: back-formation from pre-emption.




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