Prince Rupert
/ˌprɪns ˈruːpət/
/ˌprɪns ˈruːpərt/
- (1619-82) an English soldier. He was the grandson of King James I and is best remembered for commanding the Royalist cavalry (= soldiers on horses) during the English Civil War. He was defeated at the battles of Marston Moor and Naseby, but escaped abroad, returning to England after the Restoration. He later helped to form the Hudson's Bay Company and the Royal Society.
鲁伯特亲王:(1619-82)英国士兵。他是詹姆士一世国王的孙子,因在英国内战期间指挥保皇派骑兵(骑兵)而广为人知。他在马斯顿·摩尔(Marston Moor)和纳斯比(Naseby)的战斗中被击败,但逃到国外,在恢复之后回到了英格兰。后来他帮助成立了哈德逊湾公司和皇家学会。