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词汇 project



    school/college work学校的课题

    a piece of work involving careful study of a subject over a period of time, done by school or college students(大、中学学生的)专题研究
    • a history project历史科的专题研究
    • project on something My class is doing a project on medieval towns.我班学生正在做中世纪城镇的专题研究。
    • The final term will be devoted to project work.最后一学期的时间将全部用于专题研究。
    Topics Educationa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • class
    • school
    • French
    verb + project
    • do
    project + noun
    • work
    • project on
  2. planned work规划的工作

    a planned piece of work that is designed to find information about something, to produce something new, or to improve something生产(或研究等)项目;方案;工程
    • We worked on various projects together.我们一起做了各种项目。
    • About 300 schools are involved in the project.大约300所学校参与了这个项目。
    • to fund/finance a project资助/资助一个项目
    • to start/launch/initiate a project开始/启动/发起一个项目
    • to undertake/complete a project承担/完成一个项目
    • a building/construction project建筑工程
    • project to do something They've set up a research project to investigate the harmful effects of air pollution.他们已制订了研究方案,探讨空气污染的危害。
    • Work has begun on a project to build a new hospital.建造一所新医院的工程已经开始。
    • project on something They are taking part in a project on the genetics of eating disorders.他们正在参加一个关于饮食紊乱遗传学的项目。
    • a project manager/team项目经理/团队
    • The company runs large construction projects.这家公司经营大型建筑项目。
    • He embarked on an ambitious project to translate all the works of Plato.他开始了一项翻译柏拉图所有著作的艰巨计划。
    • We are seeking funding for this project.我们正在为这个项目寻求资金。
    • He needed some financial assistance from the bank to get his project off the ground.他需要银行的资金支持来启动他的项目。
    • The project aims to reduce homelessness.这个项目意欲减少无家可归者的人数。
    • The scheme will be extended throughout the country after a successful six-month pilot project.为期6 个月的试点项目成功之后,这个方案将在全国推广。
    • The wedding became her pet project, and she spent hours organizing it.婚礼成了她特别倾心的事项,她花了很长时间进行准备。
    • The proposed reform project contains some interesting ideas.提议的改革项目包含一些有趣的想法。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • ambitious
    • big
    • huge
    verb + project
    • get off the ground
    • implement
    • initiate
    project + verb
    • aim to
    • be aimed at something
    project + noun
    • management
    • coordinator
    • director
    • the aim of the project
    • somebody’s current project
    • somebody’s latest project
  4. set of aims/activities方案

  5. a set of aims, ideas or activities that somebody is interested in or wants to bring to people’s attention方案;计划
    • The party attempted to assemble its aims into a focused political project.该党试图将其目标整合成一个有重点的政治项目。
  6. housing住房

  7. (also housing project)
    (North American English) a group of houses or apartments built for poor families, usually with government money项目:通常由政府拨款为贫困家庭建造的一组房屋或公寓
    • Going into the projects alone can be dangerous.独自一人进入贫民住宅区很危险。
  8. 词源late Middle English (in the sense ‘preliminary design, tabulated statement’): from Latin projectum ‘something prominent’, neuter past participle of proicere ‘throw forth’, from pro- ‘forth’ + jacere ‘to throw’. Early senses of the verb were ‘plan’ and ‘cause to move forward’.


present simple I / you / we / they project
he / she / it projects
past simple projected
past participle projected
-ing form projecting
Phrasal Verbs


    [transitive, usually passive] to estimate what the size, cost or amount of something will be in the future based on what is happening now预测;预计;推想 synonym forecast
    • be projected A growth rate of 4 per cent is projected for next year.预计明年的增长率为4%。
    • Spending cuts will help to reduce huge projected deficits in future years.削减开支将有助于减少未来几年的巨额预计赤字。
    • be projected at something The overall cost is projected at $11 billion.总成本预计为110亿美元。
    • be projected to do something Unemployment is projected to rise to over 5 per cent next year.预计明年失业率将升至5%以上。
    • it is projected that… It is projected that the unemployment rate will fall.据预测失业率将会下降。
    • The budget deficit was projected at £30 million.预算赤字预计为3000万英镑。
    • the population increases projected for Asia亚洲人口增长预测
    • These rates can be projected forward to give figures for the next ten years.这些比率可以预测未来十年的数字。
    Topics Businessb2
  2. plan计划

    [transitive, usually passive] to plan an activity, a project etc. for a time in the future规划;计划;拟订方案
    • be projected The next edition of the book is projected for publication in March.本书的下一版计划于三月发行。
    • The projected housing development will go ahead next year.计划中的住宅建设将于明年动工。
  4. light/image光;影像

    [transitive] to make light, an image, etc. fall onto a flat surface or screen放映;投射;投影
    • project something onto something They projected the digital image onto the model's surface.他们将数字图像投射到模型表面。
    • Images are projected onto the retina of the eye.影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。
    • The videos were projected onto two screens.视频被投影到两个屏幕上。
    • project something on something Old photographs were projected on the wall behind her.旧照片投射在她身后的墙上。
  6. stick out突出

  7. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to stick out beyond an edge or a surface突出;外伸;伸出 synonym protrude
    • a building with balconies projecting out over the street阳台伸出到街上的楼房
    • He saw the top of the car projecting above the water.他看到汽车的顶部伸出水面。
    • His feet were projecting beyond the end of the bed.他的脚伸出床尾。
    • Two iron bars projected from the wall.两根铁棒从墙上伸出来。
  8. present yourself表现

  9. [transitive] to present somebody/something/yourself to other people in a particular way, especially one that gives a good impression展现;表现;确立(好印象)
    • project something They sought advice on how to project a more positive image of their company.他们就如何树立公司更正面的形象征询意见。
    • She projects an air of calm self-confidence.她表现出镇定自若的神态。
    • project somebody/something/yourself (as somebody/something) He projected himself as a man worth listening to.他装成很有见地的样子。
  10. send/throw up or away发出;抛射

  11. [transitive] project something/somebody (+ adv./prep.) to send or throw something up or away from yourself投掷;抛射;发送
    • Actors must learn to project their voices.演员必须学会放开声音。
    • (figurative) the powerful men who would project him into the White House能使他平步进入白宫的有力人士
  12. 词源late Middle English (in the sense ‘preliminary design, tabulated statement’): from Latin projectum ‘something prominent’, neuter past participle of proicere ‘throw forth’, from pro- ‘forth’ + jacere ‘to throw’. Early senses of the verb were ‘plan’ and ‘cause to move forward’.




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