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词汇 property


(plural properties)
    [uncountable] a thing or things that are owned by somebody; a possession or possessions所有物;财产;财物
    • personal/stolen property个人/被盗财产
    • This building is government property.这座大楼是政府的财产。
    • Be careful not to damage other people's property.小心别损及别人的财物。
    see also intellectual property, lost property, public property
    Synonyms thingsthings
    • stuff
    • property
    • possessions
    • junk
    • belongings
    • goods
    • valuables
    These are all words for objects or items, especially ones that you own or have with you at a particular time.
    • things (rather informal) objects, clothing or tools that you own or that are used for a particular purpose:指个人拥有或作特定用途的物品、衣服、用具:
      • Shall I help you pack your things?我帮你打点行装好吗?
      • Bring your swimming things.随身带上游泳用品。
    • stuff [U] (informal) used to refer to a group of objects when you do not know their names, when the names are not important or when it is obvious what you are talking about:
      • Where’s all my stuff?我的东西都哪儿去了?
    • property [U] (rather formal) a thing or things that are owned by somebody:
      • This building is government property.这座大楼是政府的财产。
      • Be careful not to damage other people’s property.小心别损坏别人的财物。
    • possessions things that you own, especially something that can be moved:
      • Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions except letters and photographs.囚犯除信件和照片外不允许有任何私人物品。
    • junk [U] things that are considered useless or of little value:
      • I’ve cleared out all that old junk from the attic.我把阁楼里所有的废旧杂物都清除干净了。
    • belongings possessions that can be moved, especially ones that you have with you at a particular time:
      • Please make sure you have all your belongings with you when leaving the plane.请确保在下飞机前带好所有的随身物品。
    • goods (technical or rather formal) possessions that can be moved:
      • He was found guilty of handling stolen goods.他被判犯销赃罪。
    • valuables things that are worth a lot of money, especially small personal things such as jewellery or cameras:
      • Never leave cash or other valuables lying around.现金或其他贵重物品请勿乱放。
    • personal things/​stuff/​property/​possessions/​belongings
    • to collect/​gather/​pack (up) your things/​stuff/​possessions/​belongings
    • to search somebody’s/​your/​the things/​stuff/​property/​belongings
    • to go through somebody’s/​your/​the things/​stuff/​belongings
    • The market was known as a place where people disposed of stolen property.大家都知道那个市场是个销赃的地方。
    • The youths were convicted of defacing public property.那些青年被判犯了毁坏公物罪。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • personal
    • private
    • common
    verb + property
    • protect
    • dispose of
    • confiscate
    property + noun
    • rights
    • be the exclusive property of somebody
    • be the sole property of somebody
    [uncountable] land and buildings不动产;房地产
    • The price of property has risen enormously.房地产的价格大幅上升了。
    • A sign indicates that it is now private property.一个标志表明它现在是私有财产。
    • commercial/residential property商业/住宅物业
    • property prices/values/taxes房地产价格/价值/税收
    • a property developer/owner房地产开发商/业主
    • property development/investment房地产开发/投资
    • a slump in the property market房地产市场的急剧衰退
    • The storms caused millions of pounds worth of property damage.暴风雨造成了价值数百万英镑的财产损失。
    see also community property
    Synonyms buildingbuilding
    • property
    • premises
    • complex
    • structure
    • block
    These are all words for a structure such as a house, office block or factory that has a roof and four walls
    • building a structure such as a house, an office block or a factory that has a roof and four walls.
    • property a building or buildings and the surrounding land; land and buildings:
      • We have a buyer who would like to view the property.我们有一买主想看看这房产。
      • The price of property has risen enormously.房地产的价格大幅上升了。
      This word is often used when talking about buying/​selling houses or other buildings and land.
    • premises [pl.] the building or buildings and surrounding land that a business owns or uses:
      • The company is looking for larger premises.这家公司正在寻找更大的营业场所。
    • complex a group of buildings of a similar type together in one place:
      • a leisure complex休闲活动中心
    • structure a thing that is made of several parts, especially a building:
      • The pier is a wooden structure.这个码头是木结构建筑。
    • block (British English) a tall building that contains flats or offices; a building that forms part of a school, hospital, etc. and is used for a particular purpose:指公寓、办公大楼或学校、医院等作特定用途的大楼:
      • a block of flats公寓大楼
      • the school’s science block这所学校的理科大楼
    • a(n) commercial/​industrial/​residential building/​property/​premises/​complex/​block
    • an apartment building/​complex/​block
    • a/​the school building/​premises
    • to build a property/​complex/​structure/​block
    • to put up a building/​property/​structure/​block
    • to demolish/​pull down a building/​property/​complex/​structure/​block
    • How does it feel to be a woman of property?作为有产业的女人有何种感觉?
    • Students are not allowed on school property outside of school hours.学生不准在非上课期间进入学校的房子。
    • They are living in rented property.他们现住在租来的房子里。
    Topics Buildingsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • freehold
    • leasehold
    • adjacent
    verb + property
    • hold
    • own
    • acquire
    property + noun
    • market
    • prices
    • values
    • a man of property
    • a woman of property
    [countable] a building or buildings and the surrounding land房屋及院落;庄园;房地产
    • to own/buy/purchase/acquire/sell a property拥有/购买/购买/获得/出售财产
    • rental/investment properties租赁/投资物业
    • There are a lot of empty properties in the area.这个地区有大量的闲置房地产。
    Synonyms buildingbuilding
    • property
    • premises
    • complex
    • structure
    • block
    These are all words for a structure such as a house, office block or factory that has a roof and four walls
    • building a structure such as a house, an office block or a factory that has a roof and four walls.
    • property a building or buildings and the surrounding land; land and buildings:
      • We have a buyer who would like to view the property.我们有一买主想看看这房产。
      • The price of property has risen enormously.房地产的价格大幅上升了。
      This word is often used when talking about buying/​selling houses or other buildings and land.
    • premises [pl.] the building or buildings and surrounding land that a business owns or uses:
      • The company is looking for larger premises.这家公司正在寻找更大的营业场所。
    • complex a group of buildings of a similar type together in one place:
      • a leisure complex休闲活动中心
    • structure a thing that is made of several parts, especially a building:
      • The pier is a wooden structure.这个码头是木结构建筑。
    • block (British English) a tall building that contains flats or offices; a building that forms part of a school, hospital, etc. and is used for a particular purpose:指公寓、办公大楼或学校、医院等作特定用途的大楼:
      • a block of flats公寓大楼
      • the school’s science block这所学校的理科大楼
    • a(n) commercial/​industrial/​residential building/​property/​premises/​complex/​block
    • an apartment building/​complex/​block
    • a/​the school building/​premises
    • to build a property/​complex/​structure/​block
    • to put up a building/​property/​structure/​block
    • to demolish/​pull down a building/​property/​complex/​structure/​block
    Collocations Moving house搬家Moving house Renting租房子
    • live in a rented/(especially North American English) rental property住在租来的住所里
    • rent/​share/​move into a furnished house/(British English) flat/(especially North American English) apartment租用/合住/搬进配有家具的房屋/公寓
    • rent a studio/(British English) a studio flat/(especially North American English) a studio apartment/(British English) a bedsit租一个单间公寓
    • find/​get a housemate/(British English) a flatmate/(North American English) a roommate找一个室友
    • sign/​break the lease/​rental agreement/​contract签署/违反租约/租赁协议/合同
    • extend/​renew/​terminate the lease/(British English) tenancy延长租赁期限;续签/终止租约
    • afford/​pay the rent/​the bills/(North American English) the utilities付得起/支付租金/账单/水电气等杂费
    • (especially British English) fall behind with/ (especially North American English) fall behind on the rent拖欠租金
    • pay/​lose/​return a damage deposit/(North American English) security deposit支付/失去/退还损坏押金/保证金
    • give/​receive a month’s/​two-weeks’ notice to leave/​vacate the property提前一个月/两周发出/收到离开/腾空住房的通知
    Being a landlord做房东
    • have a flat/​an apartment/​a room (British English) to let/(especially North American English) for rent
    • rent (out)/lease (out)/ (British English) let (out)/sublet a flat/​an apartment/​a house/​a property
    • collect/​increase/​raise the rent收取/增加/提高房租
    • evict the existing tenants赶走现有房客
    • attract/​find new/​prospective tenants吸引/寻找新的/可能的房客
    • invest in rental property/(British English) property to let/(British English) the buy-to-let market投资购房用于出租
    • buy/​acquire/​purchase a house/(a) property/(especially North American English) (a piece of) prime real estate购置一栋房子/一处房产/(一块)优质房地产
    • call/​contact/​use (British English) an estate agent/(North American English) a Realtor™/(North American English) a real estate agent/​broker电话联系/联系/任用房地产经纪人
    • make/ (British English) put in an offer on a house提供房子的报价
    • put down/​save for (British English) a deposit on a house支付/存钱付房屋订金
    • make/​put/​save for (especially North American English) a down payment on a house/​home支付/攒钱支付买房的首付金
    • apply for/​arrange/​take out a mortgage/​home loan申请/商定/取得按揭/住房贷款
    • (struggle to) pay the mortgage(竭力)支付按揭贷款
    • make/​meet/​keep up/​cover the monthly mortgage payments/(British English also) repayments支付每月的按揭贷款
    • (British English) repossess/ (especially North American English) foreclose on somebody’s home/​house收回某人的房子;终止某人的房屋赎回权
    • put your house/​property on the market/​up for sale/​up for auction将房屋/房产投放市场/出售/拍卖
    • increase/​lower your price/​the asking price提高/降低价格/要价
    • have/​hold/​hand over the deed/(especially British English) deeds of/​to the house, land, etc.持有/移交房屋、土地等契约
    • Once the tenants have left, the property will be put on the market.一旦房客离开,这处房子就会在市场上出售。
    • The property was valued at $750 000.这处房地产的估价为 75 万美元。
    • They decided to rent out the property while they were abroad.他们决定出国期间把房屋租出去。
    • We have a potential buyer who wants to view the property.有一个潜在的购房者要来看房。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • freehold
    • leasehold
    • adjacent
    verb + property
    • hold
    • own
    • acquire
    property + noun
    • market
    • prices
    • values
    • a man of property
    • a woman of property
  4. [countable, usually plural] (formal) a quality or characteristic that something has性质;特性
    • Compare the physical properties of the two substances.比较一下这两种物质的物理性质。
    • a plant with medicinal properties药用植物
    • The substance has properties similar to plastic.该物质的性质类似于塑料。
    • The difference occurs because of local variation in soil properties.这种差异是由于土壤性质的局部变化造成的。
    Topics Physics and chemistryc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • biological
    • chemical
    • electrical
    verb + property
    • have
    • possess
    • display
    • have properties similar to something
  5. 词源Middle English: from an Anglo-Norman French variant of Old French propriete, from Latin proprietas, from proprius ‘one's own, particular’.




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