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词汇 publicity


    the attention that is given to somebody/something by newspapers, television, etc.(媒体的)关注,宣传,报道
    • good/bad/adverse publicity有利的/不利的/反面的报道
    • There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance.他的失踪已为传媒广泛报道。
    • The trial took place amid a blaze of (= a lot of) publicity.审讯在媒体的广泛关注下进行。
    • Taking part in the event will be good publicity for our school.参与这项活动对我们学校将是很好的宣传。
    • The chairman resigned amid a storm of publicity over the bonus payments.董事长在有关奖金额的媒体风暴中辞职。
    • The company had received bad publicity over a defective product.该公司因为有一种劣质产品而受到媒体攻击。
    • The papers have begun to give greater publicity to the campaign against GM food.报纸已开始更多地关注反对转基因食品的运动。
    • The release of the report was timed to generate maximum publicity.这份报告选择的发布时间能够引起最大关注。
    • There was a lot of negative publicity surrounding the film.这部影片有许多负面宣传。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • considerable
    • enormous
    • extensive
    verb + publicity
    • give somebody/​something
    • gain
    • garner
    publicity + verb
    • surround something
    • publicity  about
    • publicity  for
    • publicity  over
    • a blaze of publicity
    • a storm of publicity
    • the glare of publicity
    the business of attracting the attention of the public to something/somebody; the things that are done to attract attention宣传业;广告宣传工作;传播工作
    • She works in publicity.她从事宣传工作。
    • There has been a lot of advance publicity for her new film.她的新电影尚未上映即大加宣传。
    • publicity material宣传材料
    • a publicity campaign宣传运动
    • The band dressed up as the Beatles as a publicity stunt.乐队扮作披头士乐队作为宣传噱头。
    • He’s in charge of the publicity for next year’s festival.他负责明年节日的宣传。
    Synonyms advertisementadvertisement
    • publicity
    • ad
    • commercial
    • promotion
    • trailer
    These are all words for a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service.
    • advertisement a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service; an example of something that shows its good qualities; the act of advertising something and making it public:
      • They ran advertisements on TV and on social media.他们在电视和社交媒体上投放广告。
      • Dirty streets are no advertisement for a prosperous society.肮脏的街道绝不是繁荣社会的景象。
    • publicity [U] the business of attracting the attention of the public to somebody/​something such as a company, book, film, film star or product; the things that are done to attract attention:
      • She works in publicity.她从事宣传工作。
      • There has been a lot of advance publicity for her new film.她的新电影尚未上映即大加宣传。
    • ad, advert (informal) a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service:
      • We put an ad on that website.我们在那个网站上登了一则广告。
      • an ad for a new chocolate bar新品种巧克力棒的广告
    • commercial an advertisement on television or on the radio.指电视或电台播放的广告
    • promotion a set of advertisements for a particular product or service; activities done in order to increase the sales of a product or service:
      • a special promotion of local products当地产品的特别促销活动
      • She works in sales and promotion.她从事销售和推广工作。
    • trailer (especially British English) a series of short scenes from a film or television programme, shown in advance to advertise it.
    • (a/​an) advertisement/​publicity/​ad/​commercial/​promotion/​trailer for something
    • a TV/​television/​radio/​cinema advertisement/​ad/​commercial/​promotion
    • an online/​internet advertisement/​ad/​commercial/​promotion
    • to run/​show a(n) advertisement/​ad/​commercial/​trailer
    • The record company's publicity machine was working flat out.唱片公司的宣传机器正在全速运转。
    • I read some publicity about vaccinations while waiting at the doctor's.我在医生那里等的时候看了一些关于疫苗接种的宣传。
    • He's better-looking in his publicity shots than he is in real life.宣传照片上的他比在现实生活中的好看。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • advance
    publicity + noun
    • material
    • photograph
    • shot
    • publicity  about
    • publicity  for
    • a lack of publicity
  3. 词源late 18th cent.: from French publicité, from public ‘public’, from Latin publicus, blend of poplicus ‘of the people’ (from populus ‘people’) and pubes ‘adult’.




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