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词汇 queen



    female ruler女统治者

    the female ruler of an independent state that has a royal family女王;女酋长;女首领
    • She was crowned queen at the age of fifteen.她 15 岁时接受加冕成为女王。
    • kings and queens国王和女王
    • queen of… the Queen of Norway挪威女王
    • Queen Victoria维多利亚女王
    • She became queen after the sudden death of her brother.她在哥哥猝死之后当上了女王。
    • England under Queen Elizabeth I伊丽莎白一世统治下的英格兰
    • The banquet will be hosted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace.女王将在白金汉宫主持这次宴会。
    Topics Historya2, People in societya2, Politicsa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • rightful
    • future
    • homecoming
    verb + queen
    • become
    • crown (somebody)
    • make somebody
    queen + verb
    • reign
    • rule
    • rule somebody/​something
    • under a/​the queen
    • queen of
    • queen consort
    (also queen consort)
    the wife of a king王后
    • Henry VII and his queen, Elizabeth of York亨利七世和他的女王,约克的伊莉莎白
    • queen of… The King and Queen of Denmark attended the wedding.丹麦国王和王后出席了这次婚礼。
    Topics People in societya2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • rightful
    • future
    • homecoming
    verb + queen
    • become
    • crown (somebody)
    • make somebody
    queen + verb
    • reign
    • rule
    • rule somebody/​something
    • under a/​the queen
    • queen of
    • queen consort
  3. best in group出类拔萃

  4. queen (of something) a woman, place or thing that is thought to be one of the best in a particular group or area(某领域的)杰出女性,精髓,精华
    • the queen of fashion时尚女王
    • a movie queen影后
    • Venice, queen of the Adriatic威尼斯,亚得里亚海的明珠
    see also drama queen
  5. at festival节日

  6. a woman or girl chosen to perform official duties at a festival or celebration(节日或庆典活动中)当选行使庆典职责的女子
    • a carnival queen狂欢节小姐
    • a May queen (= at a festival to celebrate the coming of spring)五朔节王后
    • a homecoming queen返校节王后
    • She was nominated for prom queen in high school.她上高中时曾被提名为舞会王后。
    see also beauty queen, pearly queen
  7. in chess国际象棋

  8. enlarge image
    the most powerful piece used in the game of chess that can move any number of squares in any direction
    Topics Games and toysc2
  9. in cards纸牌

  10. enlarge image
    a playing card with the picture of a queen on it
    Topics Games and toysc2
  11. insect昆虫

  12. a large female insect that lays eggs for the whole group(为群体产卵的)雌性昆虫,王;后
    • a queen bee蜂王
    Topics Insects, worms, etc.c2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • rightful
    • future
    • homecoming
    verb + queen
    • become
    • crown (somebody)
    • make somebody
    queen + verb
    • reign
    • rule
    • rule somebody/​something
    • under a/​the queen
    • queen of
    • queen consort
  13. gay

  14. (taboo, informal) an offensive word for a gay man who behaves like a woman(对女性化的男同性恋者的贬称)王后,假娘儿们 see also drag queen
  15. 词源Old English cwēn, of Germanic origin; related to quean ‘badly behaved woman or girl’.
the uncrowned king/queen (of something)
  1. the person considered to be the best, most famous or successful in a particular place or area of activity无冕之王(某地区或领域中最杰出的人)Topics Successc2


  1. a successful British pop group formed in 1971. Its singer was Freddie Mercury and its albums A Night at the Opera (1975), The Game (1980) and Innuendo (1991) as well as the song Bohemian Rhapsody (1975) were all No. 1 in Britain. The 2002 musical We Will Rock You is based on the group's music.提供同犯的罪证,揭发其他案犯(以减轻所受惩罚)




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