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词汇 raise


present simple I / you / we / they raise
he / she / it raises
past simple raised
past participle raised
-ing form raising
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    move upwards提升

    raise something to lift or move something to a higher level提升;举起;提起
    • She raised the gun and fired.她举枪射击。
    • He raised a hand in greeting.他扬起手表示问候。
    • She raised her eyes from her work.她停下工作,抬起头看了看。
    • raise something up He slowly raised his head up.他慢慢抬起头。
    opposite lower1
    Homophones raise | rays | razeraise   rays   raze
    • raise verb
      • Raise your hand if you know the answer.如果你知道答案就举手。
    • raise noun
      • You work so hard, you deserve a raise!你这么努力,应该加薪!
    • rays noun (plural of ray)
      • Rays of sunlight streamed through the window.阳光透过窗户照射进来。
    • raze verb
      • They wanted to raze the old town centre to make room for new architecture.他们想把旧市中心夷为平地,为新建筑腾出空间。
    Which Word? rise / raiserise / raiseverbs
    • Raise is a verb that must have an object and rise is used without an object. When you raise something, you lift it to a higher position or increase it:动词 raise 后必须接宾语,而 rise 不接宾语。raise 表示举起、提起、提升、增加:
      • He raised his head from the pillow.他从枕头上抬起头来。
      • We were forced to raise the price.我们被迫提价。
      When people or things rise, they move from a lower to a higher position:表示人或物从低处向高处上升用 rise:
      • She rose from the chair.她从椅子上站起来。
      • The helicopter rose into the air.直升机升上了天空。
      Rise can also mean ‘to increase in number or quantity’:rise 亦表示数字上升或数量增加:
      • Costs are always rising.成本总是不断地增加。
    • The noun rise means a movement upwards or an increase in an amount or quantity:名词 rise 表示上升、升起、(数量的)增加:
      • a rise in interest rates.利率的上升
      In British English it can also be used to mean an increase in pay:
      • Should I ask my boss for a rise?我应要求老板增加工资吗?
      In North American English this is a raise:
      • a three per cent pay raise.百分之三的加薪
      Rise can also mean the process of becoming more powerful or important:rise 亦可表示地位提高:
      • his dramatic rise to power.他的突然掌权
    see also curtain-raiser
    to move somebody/something/yourself to a standing, sitting or vertical position(使)直立,站立
    • raise somebody/something/yourself + adv./prep. Somehow we managed to raise her to her feet.不管怎样,我们终于让她站了起来。
    • He raised himself up on one elbow.他用一只胳膊肘支起身子。
    • raise somebody/something The security man raised the barrier for me.保安为我竖起了屏障。
    opposite lower1
  3. increase增加

    to increase the amount or level of something增加,提高(数量、水平等)
    • raise something to raise prices/taxes提高价格/税收
    • We need to raise public awareness of the issue.我们需要提高公众对这个问题的认识。
    • How can we raise standards in schools?我们怎样才能提高学校的水平?
    • raise something to something They raised their offer to $500.他们将出价抬高到 500 美元。
    • Don't tell her about the job until you know for sure—we don't want to raise her hopes (= make her hope too much).没确定之前别告诉她工作的事,我们不想让她期望过高。
    • I've never heard him even raise his voice (= speak louder because he was angry).我甚至从没听到他提高过嗓门儿。
    • They are threatening to raise fuel prices by 10%.他们威胁要将燃料价格提高10%。
    • The government has promised not to raise taxes.政府已承诺不加税。
    • The campaign aims to raise awareness of the risks of illegal drugs.该运动旨在提高人们对非法药物风险的认识。
    Topics Change, cause and effectb1
  5. collect money/people筹募钱财;征集人员

    raise something to bring or collect money or people together; to manage to get or form something筹募;征集;召集;组建
    • We are raising money for charity.我们在进行慈善募捐。
    • They are holding a quiz to help raise funds for the club.他们正在举行一场智力竞赛,为俱乐部筹集资金。
    • The event raised over £30 000 for cancer research.该活动为癌症研究筹集了3万多英镑。
    • He set about raising an army.他着手组建一支部队。
    see also fundraiser
    • He needed to raise a loan in order to set up in business.他需要筹得一笔贷款做生意。
    • to help raise money for the repair of the stadium帮助筹集资金修复体育场
    • The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine.这家医院正设法募集资金购买一台新的血液透析器。
    • The sale raised over £3 000 for charity.拍卖募集了超过3 000英镑善款。
    Topics Moneyb1, Social issuesb1
  7. mention subject提及主题

    raise something to mention something for people to discuss or somebody to deal with提及;提起(课题) synonym broach
    • The book raises many important questions.这本书谈到了许多重要问题。
    • I'm glad you raised the subject of money.我很高兴你提到了钱这个话题。
    • I have raised this issue with the environmental health office.我已经向环境健康办公室提出了这个问题。
    • Local residents have raised concerns about late-night noise.当地居民对深夜噪音表示担忧。
    • You raise some interesting points.你提出了一些有趣的观点。
  9. cause/produce

  10. raise something to cause or produce a feeling or reaction引起;导致;使出现
    • to raise doubts in people’s minds引起人们的怀疑
    • The plans for the new development have raised angry protests from local residents.新的开发计划惹得当地居民愤怒抗议。
    • It wasn't an easy audience but he raised a laugh with his joke.虽然这些观众很难逗乐,但他的笑话还是引起了一阵笑声。
    • It had been a difficult day but she managed to raise a smile.尽管这一天很不顺利,但她还是努力露出笑容。
  11. raise something to make something happen or appear激怒某人
    • She raised the alarm when he failed to return home.当他未能回家时,她拉响了警报。
    • The horses' hooves raised a cloud of dust.马蹄翻飞,扬起一片尘土。
    see also fire-raiser
  12. child/animal孩子;动物

    (especially North American English) to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself抚养;养育;培养
    • raise somebody/something She raised five children on her own.她独自抚养了五个孩子。
    • They were both raised in the South.他们俩都是在南方长大的。
    • kids raised on a diet of hamburgers吃汉堡包长大的孩子
    • raise somebody/something (as) something They raised her (as) a Catholic.他们把她培养成为天主教徒。
    • I was born and raised a city boy.我是个在都市里出生、长大的男孩。
    compare bring somebody upTopics Life stagesb2
  14. farm animals/crops牲畜;农作物

  15. raise something to breed (= keep and produce young from) particular farm animals; to grow particular crops饲养;培育;种植
    • Farmers cleared the land in order to raise cattle.农民清理出土地来养牛。
    • They raise corn, soybeans and alfalfa on 460 acres.他们在460英亩土地上种植玉米、大豆和苜蓿。
    Topics Farmingc1
  16. end something终止

  17. raise something to end the limits on somebody/something终止,解除(约束)
    • to raise a blockade/ban/siege解除封锁/禁令/包围
  18. on radio/phone无线电;电话

  19. raise somebody to contact somebody and speak to them by radio or phone(通过无线电或电话)与…取得联系,和…通话
    • We managed to raise him on his mobile phone.我们打他的移动电话,总算找到了他。
    Topics Phones, email and the internetc2
  20. dead person死人

  21. raise somebody (from something) to make somebody who has died come to life again使起死回生;使复活 synonym resurrect
    • Christians believe that God raised Jesus from the dead.基督教徒相信上帝让耶稣死而复生。
  22. in card games纸牌游戏

  23. raise somebody something to make a higher bet than another player in a card game在(另一玩牌人)基础上加注
    • I'll raise you another hundred dollars.我比你再加 100 美元。
  24. mathematics数学

  25. raise something to the power of something to multiply an amount by itself a particular number of times使自乘(若干次)
    • 3 raised to the power of 3 is 27 (= 3 × 3 × 3).3 的三次方等于 27。
  26. build

  27. raise something (especially North American English) to build something终止,解除(约束)
    • Our priority will be to raise a boundary wall and prevent trespassing.我们的首要任务是筑起一道界墙,防止入侵。
  28. document文件

  29. raise something to create a document such as an invoice or a petition升/降温;增加/减少热烈程度等
    • They have been raising a petition against the war.他们一直在提出反对战争的请愿书。
  30. 词源Middle English: from Old Norse reisa; related to the verb rear.
make somebody’s hackles rise | raise somebody’s hackles
  1. to make somebody angry激怒某人
    • Her controversial article is bound to raise hackles.她那篇有争议的文章一定会引起愤怒。
not lift/raise a finger/hand (to do something)
  1. (informal) to do nothing to help somebody一点忙也不帮;油瓶倒了都不扶
    • The children never lift a finger to help around the house.孩子们从不帮着做家务。
not raise/lift a finger/hand (to do something)
  1. (informal) to do nothing to help somebody一点忙也不帮;油瓶倒了都不扶
    • The children never raised a finger to help around the house.孩子们从来不举手帮忙打扫房子。
raise/up the ante
  1. to increase the level of something, especially demands or sums of money提高要求;增加金额
    • His ex-wife has upped the ante in her alimony suit against him.他的前妻在诉讼中要求提高赡养费。
raise the bar
  1. to set a new, higher standard of quality or performance提高标准
    • The factory has raised the bar on productivity, food safety and quality.工厂提高了在生产力、食品安全和质量方面的标准。
    • This latest computer game raises the bar for interface design.这款最新的电脑游戏提高了界面设计的门槛。
    • The awards go to people who have truly raised the bar.奖项授予真正提高标准的人。
    • Perhaps the new admission requirements raised the bar too high.也许新的入学要求把门槛提得太高了。
    opposite lower1 compare set the bar
raise your eyebrows (at something)
  1. [often passive] to show that you think something is bad or are surprised by something扬起眉毛(表示不赞同或惊讶)
    • Eyebrows were raised when he arrived without his wife.他没有和妻子一起来,大家都很惊讶。
raise your glass (to somebody)
  1. to hold up your glass and wish somebody happiness, good luck, etc. before you drink举杯祝酒
raise a/your hand against/to somebody
  1. to hit or threaten to hit somebody打人;威胁要打人
raise hell
  1. (informal) to protest angrily, especially in a way that causes trouble for somebody愤怒抗议;(尤指)大吵大闹
raise the roof
  1. to produce or make somebody produce a lot of noise in a building, for example by shouting or cheering(在屋内)大声喧闹,闹翻天
    • Their cheers raised the roof.他们的欢呼声响彻云霄。
raise/lower your sights
  1. to expect more/less from a situation提高/降低要求;眼光变高/变低
    • If they can’t afford such a big house, they’ll just have to lower their sights a little.如果他们买不起这么大的房子,他们就只能放低眼光了。
    • After failing to get into university, he lowered his sights and got a job in a shop.未能上成大学后他降低了目标,在一家商店里 找了份工作。
raise somebody’s spirits
  1. to make somebody feel more cheerful or brave使振奋;使鼓起勇气 synonym cheer up
    • The sunny weather raised my spirits a little.晴朗的天气让我心情略微愉悦一些。
raise/lower the temperature
  1. to increase/decrease the amount of excitement, emotion, etc. in a situation升/降温;增加/减少热烈程度等
    • His angry refusal to agree raised the temperature of the meeting.他愤然拒不同意,使得会议的气氛紧张起来。
    • The government tried to lower the political temperature by agreeing to some of the demands.政府试图通过答应部份要求以使紧张的政治气候降温。
something rears its (ugly) head
  1. if something unpleasant rears its head or rears its ugly head, it appears or happens(讨厌的事情)出现,发生


(North American English)
(British English rise)
  1. an increase in the money you are paid for the work you do加薪;工资增长
    • If I asked my boss for a raise he’d fire me.我要是要求老板加薪,他会解雇我。
    Homophones raise | rays | razeraise   rays   raze
    • raise verb
      • Raise your hand if you know the answer.如果你知道答案就举手。
    • raise noun
      • You work so hard, you deserve a raise!你这么努力,应该加薪!
    • rays noun (plural of ray)
      • Rays of sunlight streamed through the window.阳光透过窗户照射进来。
    • raze verb
      • They wanted to raze the old town centre to make room for new architecture.他们想把旧市中心夷为平地,为新建筑腾出空间。
    Topics Moneyb1
    Collocations DictionaryRaise is used after these nouns:
    • merit
    • pay
    • salary
    词源Middle English: from Old Norse reisa; related to the verb rear.




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