- a football team from Glasgow, Scotland, with a ground at Ibrox Stadium. It was established in 1873 and has had many successes in Scottish football, including several wins in the Scottish Cup. Its traditional rival in Glasgow is Celtic, which has mainly Roman Catholic supporters, while Rangers has mainly Protestant supporters.
游骑兵:一支来自苏格兰格拉斯哥的橄榄球队,在伊布罗克斯体育场(Ibrox Stadium)着陆。它成立于1873年,在苏格兰足球中取得了许多成功,包括在苏格兰杯中取得了几项胜利。它在格拉斯哥的传统竞争对手是凯尔特人,主要是罗马天主教的支持者,而流浪者则主要是新教徒的支持者。