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词汇 recommend


present simple I / you / we / they recommend
he / she / it recommends
past simple recommended
past participle recommended
-ing form recommending
    to tell somebody that something is good or useful, or that somebody would be suitable for a particular job, etc.推荐;举荐;介绍
    • recommend somebody/something The hotel's new restaurant comes highly recommended (= a lot of people have praised it).这家酒店的新餐厅得到了人们的普遍赞扬。
    • Can you recommend a good hotel?你能推荐一家好的旅馆吗?
    • recommend somebody/something to somebody I recommend the book to all my students.我向我所有的学生都推荐这本书。
    • recommend somebody/something for something/somebody She was recommended for the post by a colleague.她由同事推荐到这个岗位。
    • This game is recommended for children aged 12 and above.这个游戏推荐给12岁以上的孩子玩。
    • recommend somebody/something as something The guidelines recommend low-fat dairy products as excellent sources of calcium该指南推荐低脂乳制品作为极好的钙来源
    • Consult a solicitor who is personally recommended to you.找个专门为你推荐的法律顾问咨询一下。
    • Food supplements are sometimes recommended for diabetic patients.保健品不时被推荐给糖尿病患者。
    • I can recommend this book to anyone interested in food.我愿意把这本书推荐给任何对饮食感兴趣的人。
    • I definitely recommend this film.我的确看好这部电影。
    • In the 1990s, doctors routinely recommended hormone replacement therapy.20 世纪 90 年代,医生们通常都推荐激素替代疗法。
    • The commission unanimously recommended the proposal.委员会一致推荐该提议。
    • This book is highly recommended by teachers.老师们十分推崇这本书。
    • Who would you recommend for the job?你会推荐谁来承担这个工作?
    • They were invited to recommend likely candidates for the two new positions.他们受邀为两个新职位推荐合适的人选。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • highly
    • thoroughly
    • certainly
    • for
    • to
    • something has a lot to recommend it
    • something has much to recommend it
    to advise a particular course of action; to advise somebody to do something劝告;建议
    • recommend something The report recommended a 10% pay increase.报告提议工资增加 10%。
    • It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose.超过建议服用的剂量会有危险。
    • a recommended price of $50建议售价 50 美元
    • recommend doing something He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie.他建议先看这本书,再去看这部电影。
    • I recommend using the latest version of the browser.我推荐使用最新版本的浏览器。
    • recommend against something My doctor recommended against surgery.我的医生建议不要手术。
    • recommend against doing something Medical guidelines recommend against using this drug to treat migraines.医学指南建议不要使用这种药物治疗偏头痛。
    • recommend (that)… I recommend that he see a lawyer.我建议他去找个律师。
    • (British English also) I recommend that he should see a lawyer.我建议他去找个律师。
    • it is recommended that… It is strongly recommended that the machines should be checked every year.强烈建议每年都要检查机器。
    • recommend somebody to do something We'd recommend you to book your flight early.我们建议你早点儿预订航班。
    • recommend how, what, etc… Can you recommend how much we should charge?我们该收多少钱,你能给个建议吗?
    Synonyms recommendrecommend
    • advise
    • advocate
    • urge
    These words all mean to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation.
    • recommend to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation; to say what you think the price or level of something should be:
      • We’d recommend you to book your flight early.我们建议你早点儿预订航班。
      • a recommended price of $50 建议售价 50 美元
    • advise to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation:
      • I’d advise you not to tell him.我劝你别告诉他。
    recommend or advise?用 recommend 还是 advise?Advise is a stronger word than recommend and is often used when the person giving the advice is in a position of authority: Police are advising fans without tickets to stay away.Police are recommending fans without tickets to stay away. I advise you… can suggest that you know better than the person you are advising: this may cause offence if they are your equal or senior to you. I recommend… mainly suggests that you are trying to be helpful and is less likely to cause offence. Recommend is often used with more positive advice to tell somebody about possible benefits and advise with more negative advice to warn somebody about possible dangers: He advised reading the book before seeing the movie.I would recommend against going out on your own.
    • advocate (formal) to support or recommend something publicly:指拥护、公开支持、提倡:
      • The group does not advocate the use of violence.该团体不支持使用暴力。
    • urge (formal) to recommend something strongly:指大力推荐、竭力主张:
      • The situation is dangerous and the UN is urging caution.局势岌岌可危,联合国力主谨慎行事。
    • to recommend/​advise/​advocate/​urge that…
    • It is recommended/​advised/​advocated/​urged that…
    • to recommend/​advise/​urge somebody to do something
    • to recommend/​advise/​advocate doing something
    • to strongly recommend/​advise/​advocate somebody/​something
    Express Yourself Asking for and making a recommendationAsking for and making a recommendation征求和提出建议When you need help making a choice, you can ask somebody to give you their view:需要别人帮助选择时,可以请他们提建议:
      • What would/​do you recommend?你会推荐什么呢?
      • What do you think would be best?你认为什么是最好的?
      • Which of the options do you favour/​prefer?你更喜欢哪一个选项?
      • I can recommend the steak today.我今天向您推荐牛排。
      • My favourite is the Corner Cafe.我最喜欢的是街角咖啡馆。
      • I'd recommend waiting a few months.我建议等几个月。
      • I suggest you have another look at the house before you make a decision.我建议你做决定之前再看看那房子。
      • If it were up to me/​If you ask me/​If it were my decision, I'd go for the cheaper one.如果让我来决定/如果你问我,我会选便宜的那个。
    • I would strongly recommend that you get professional advice.我力劝你去向专家请教。
    • Here are a few safeguards I recommend to my clients.这是我给客户建议的几条防护措施。
    Topics Suggestions and advicea2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • strongly
    • particularly
    • specifically
    • for
    • to
  3. recommend somebody/something (to somebody) to make somebody/something seem attractive or good使显得吸引人;使受欢迎 synonym commend
    • This system has much to recommend it.这套系统有很多可取之处。
    • He described the town as drab with nothing to recommend it.他形容这个城镇单调乏味,没有什么值得推荐的。
    • Your idea has much to recommend it.你的主意有许多可取之处。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • highly
    • thoroughly
    • certainly
    • for
    • to
    • something has a lot to recommend it
    • something has much to recommend it
  4. 词源late Middle English (originally meaning to commend or entrust someone or something to someone): from medieval Latin recommendare, from Latin re- (expressing intensive force) + commendare ‘commit to the care of’.




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