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词汇 regular



    following pattern规律

    following a pattern, especially with the same time or space in between each thing and the next规则的;有规律的;间隙均匀的;定时的
    • regular breathing均匀的呼吸
    • a regular pulse/heartbeat正常的脉搏/心跳
    • A light flashed at regular intervals.一盏灯有规律地闪着亮光。
    • There is a regular bus service to the airport.有公共汽车定时开往机场。
    • regular meetings/visits定期会议/访问
    • We also hold a regular monthly meeting.我们还每月定期举行会议。
    • The equipment is checked on a regular basis.设备定期进行检查。
    • She writes a regular column for a national newspaper.她为一家全国性报纸写专栏。
    • a regular geometric pattern正几何图形
    opposite irregular
    • His blood pressures was taken at regular intervals.定期测量他的血压。
    • She enjoyed his increasingly regular visits.她喜欢他越来越频繁的来访。
    • The paintings are changed on a regular basis.这些画定期更换。
    • at fairly regular intervals每隔相当长的时间
    • highly regular patterns很有规则的图案
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • highly
    • very
    • perfectly
  2. frequent频繁

    done or happening often频繁的;经常做(或发生)的
    • Do you take regular exercise?你经常锻炼吗?
    • I'm still in regular contact with friends I met at university.我仍然和我在大学遇到的朋友定期联系。
    • Domestic violence is a regular occurrence in some families.在某些家庭中,家庭暴力是常事。
    • a painter whose work is a regular feature of the Summer Exhibition一位其作品是夏季展览的固定特色的画家
    • The key to good anti-virus software is regular updates.好的杀毒软件的关键是定期更新。
    opposite irregular
    • She went on with her regular evening task of doing the accounts.她继续做她晚上例行的算账工作。
    • Eat a healthy diet and take regular exercise.健康饮食,经常锻炼。
    • In the 1950s he made regular appearances on Broadway.在20世纪50年代,他经常出现在百老汇舞台上。
    • Nightmares and night-time anxiety are a regular feature of his work.噩梦和夜间焦虑是他工作的常规特征。
    • Power cuts were a fairly regular occurrence.停电是相当常见的事情。
    • There were regular complaints of obstruction caused by parked vehicles.经常有人抱怨停车造成的阻塞。
    • The plant requires regular pruning to maintain its shape.这种植物需要定期修剪以保持其形状。
    • There were regular disputes over boundaries.关于边界经常有争议。
    • This breed of dog benefits from a regular supply of green vegetables in its diet.这个品种的狗在饮食中配有定量的绿叶蔬菜会更健康。
    Topics Timea2
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • become
    • very
    • fairly
    • pretty
    • at regular intervals
    • on a regular basis
    [only before noun] (of people) doing the same thing or going to the same place often经常做某事的;常去某地的
    • regular readers/customers/users普通读者/顾客/用户
    • She is a regular contributor to many journals and magazines她是许多杂志的定期撰稿人
    • regular offenders (= against the law)惯犯
    • He was a regular visitor to her house.他是她家的常客。
    • The parents are not regular churchgoers.父母不是经常去教堂的人。
    • They have been regular customers for many years.他们是多年的老主顾。
    • Her views on the subject will be familiar to regular readers of the paper.该报的固定读者都会熟悉她对这一问题的看法。
    • Regular smokers also drink more alcohol than non-smokers.经常吸烟的人也比不吸烟的人喝更多的酒。
    • Many of them were regular users of heroin.他们中许多人经常吸食海洛因。
    • He became a regular visitor to Hamilton Road.他开始经常去汉密尔顿路。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • become
    • very
    • fairly
    • pretty
    • at regular intervals
    • on a regular basis
  5. grammar语法

    (especially of verbs or nouns尤指动词或名词) changing their form in the same way as most other verbs and nouns规则的;按规则变化的
    • The past participle of regular verbs ends in ‘-ed’.规则动词的过去分词以 -ed 结尾。
    opposite irregularTopics Languagea2
  7. usual通常

    [only before noun] usual通常的;平常的;惯常的
    • I couldn't see my regular doctor today.我今天找不到平常给我看病的医生。
    • On Monday he would have to return to his regular duties.星期一,他就得回去正常上班了。
    • It's important to follow the regular procedure.按照惯常的程序行事是很重要的。
    • He was mistaken for one of the regular crew.他被误认为是正式船员之一。
    • the last match of the regular season常规赛的最后一场比赛
  9. standard size标准尺寸

    (especially North American English) of a standard size标准尺寸的;中等大小的;中号的
    • Regular or large fries?中号的还是大号的炸薯条?
  11. ordinary普通

    [only before noun] (especially North American English) ordinary; without any special or extra features普通的;平凡的
    • Do you want regular or diet cola?你要普通的还是低热量的可乐?
    • I just want to buy a regular white shirt—nothing fancy.我只想买一件普通的白衬衫——没有什么花哨的。
    • (approving) He's just a regular guy who loves his dog.他也不过是个十分疼爱自己狗儿的平凡人。
    • He's a pretty regular guy.他是个很普通的小伙子。
    • She comes from a perfectly regular middle-class family.她出身于一个极其普通的中产阶级家庭。
    • The other bag had my regular clothes in it.另一个包里有我平常穿的衣服。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • fairly
    • pretty
    • perfectly
  13. even匀称

    having an even shape均匀的;端正的;齐整的
    • a face with regular features五官端正的脸庞
    • He flashed a smile, showing two rows of white, regular teeth.他闪过一丝微笑,露出两排洁白整齐的牙齿。
    • Her face was perfectly regular.她的面貌极其端正。
    opposite irregular
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • highly
    • very
    • perfectly
  15. permanent持久

    lasting or happening over a long period持久的;稳定的;固定的
    • The need to earn a regular income restricted the time he could spend pursuing his real interests.赚取固定收入的需要限制了他追求自己真正兴趣的时间。
    • She couldn't find any regular employment.她找不到任何固定工作。
    • I needed to get a regular job.我需要一份固定的工作。
    • I decided to give up the freelance work and concentrate on my regular job.我决定放弃自由职业的工作,专注于我的固定工作上。
  17. soldier士兵

  18. [only before noun] belonging to or connected with the permanent armed forces or police force of a country常备军的;正规军的
    • the regular army正规军
    • regular soldiers正规军
    opposite irregular
  19. for emphasis强调

  20. (informal) used for emphasis to show that somebody/something is an exact or clear example of the thing mentioned完全的;彻底的
    • The whole thing was a regular disaster.整个事情完全是一场灾难。
  21. 词源late Middle English: from Old French reguler, from Latin regularis, from regula ‘rule’.
(as) regular as clockwork
  1. very regularly; happening at the same time in the same way非常有规律;极有规律
    • He is home by six every day, regular as clockwork.他每天 6 点前必定准时回到家。
    More Like This Similes in idiomsSimiles in idioms
    • (as) bald as a coot
    • (as) blind as a bat
    • (as) bright as a button
    • (as) bold as brass
    • as busy as a bee
    • as clean as a whistle
    • (as) dead as a/​the dodo
    • (as) deaf as a post
    • (as) dull as ditchwater
    • (as) fit as a fiddle
    • as flat as a pancake
    • (as) good as gold
    • (as) mad as a hatter/​a March hare
    • (as) miserable/​ugly as sin
    • as old as the hills
    • (as) pleased/​proud as Punch
    • as pretty as a picture
    • (as) regular as clockwork
    • (as) quick as a flash
    • (as) safe as houses
    • (as) sound as a bell
    • (as) steady as a rock
    • (as) thick as two short planks
    • (as) tough as old boots




  1. a customer who often goes to a particular shop, pub, restaurant, etc.常客;老主顾
    • He's one of our regulars.他是我们的一位老主顾。
    Topics Cooking and eatingc1
  2. member of team队员

  3. a person who often plays in a particular team, takes part in a particular television show, etc.主力(或正式)队员;(电视节目的)常任主持人;经常参加某项活动的人
    • We are missing six first-team regulars because of injury.我们有六位一线主力队员因伤不能出场。
  4. soldier士兵

  5. a professional soldier who belongs to a country’s permanent army正规军人;职业军人
  6. 词源late Middle English: from Old French reguler, from Latin regularis, from regula ‘rule’.




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