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词汇 remove


present simple I / you / we / they remove
he / she / it removes
past simple removed
past participle removed
-ing form removing
    to take somebody/something away from a place移开;拿开;去掉;从…机构开除
    • remove somebody/something Illegally parked vehicles will be removed.非法停放的车辆将被拖走。
    • remove somebody/something from somebody/something He removed his hand from her shoulder.他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。
    • Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour.三个孩子因一再行为不检被学校开除。
    • Remove the pan from the heat and continue to stir the sauce.将锅从火上拿开,继续搅拌调味汁。
    • Fittings should be completely removed for cleaning.装置得全部移走以方便清扫。
    • She removed the dirty dishes from the table.她把桌上的脏盘子都端走了。
    • The old cladding can be easily removed using a claw hammer.用鱼尾锤很容易除掉旧的镀层。
    • people who have been forcibly removed from their homes被强行搬迁的人们
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • altogether
    • completely
    • entirely
    verb + remove
    • try to
    • be possible to
    • be difficult to
    • for
    • from
    • with
    remove something to take off clothing, etc. from the body脱去(衣服等);摘下
    • She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes.她摘下眼镜,揉了揉眼睛。
    • Passengers no longer have to remove their shoes during security checks.乘客在安检时不再需要脱鞋。
    Topics Clothes and Fashiona2
    to get rid of something unpleasant, dirty, etc.; to make something disappear去除,排除(污渍、不愉快的事物等);使消失
    • remove something She has had the tumour removed.她已经将肿瘤切除了。
    • She had surgery to remove the two tumours. 她做了手术切除了两个肿瘤。
    • to remove problems/obstacles/objections解决问题;排除障碍;消除异议
    • Considerable progress has been made in removing barriers to trade within the EU.在消除欧盟内部的贸易壁垒方面取得了相当大的进展。
    • The news removed any doubts about the company's future.这个消息消除了一切有关公司前景的疑虑。
    • This comment has been removed by a moderator.此评论已被版主删除。
    • remove something from somebody/something The police instructed the author to remove the offending material from the website.警方指示提交人从网站上删除违规内容。
    • She asked for her name to be removed from the list of candidates.她要求把她的名字从候选人名单中删除。
    • It was impossible to remove the stain from the tablecloth.不可能去除桌布上的污渍。
    • the best way to remove stains最佳的去污方法
    • These stains can be difficult to remove.这些污渍可能很难清除。
    • Unsightly moles can be removed surgically.不雅观的痣可以手术去除。
    • Bee stings should be removed with tweezers.蜜蜂的螫刺应该用小镊子拔出来。
    • By producing an heir, the Queen effectively removed her cousin's hopes of succeeding to the throne.因为有了子嗣,女王事实上断绝了其堂兄继承王位的希望。
    • The proposed law would remove at a stroke the long-cherished right to trial by jury.拟议中的法律将会一举废除长期实行的陪审团审判。
    • Translation software should effectively remove all barriers to communication between people.翻译软件应该有效消除人们之间的种种交流障碍。
    • A subsequent agreement removed the major obstacles to negotiations.随后的协议消除了主要的谈判障碍。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • altogether
    • completely
    • entirely
    verb + remove
    • try to
    • be possible to
    • be difficult to
    • for
    • from
    • with
  4. remove somebody from something to dismiss somebody from their position or job免除,解除(职务等)
    • The elections removed the government from power.这几次选举使得政府倒台。
    • After his arrest on corruption charges, he was immediately removed as party president.他因贪污罪被捕后,立即被解除了党主席的职务。
    • Only the college's governing body can remove him from office.只有学院的管理机构可以解除他的职务。
    • The shareholders of a company have the power to remove the board.公司的股东有权罢免董事会。
  5. 词源Middle English (as a verb): from the Old French stem remov-, from Latin removere, from re- ‘back’ + movere ‘to move’.
be far/further/furthest removed from something
  1. to be very different from something; to not be connected with something与…大相径庭;与…不相干
    • Many of these books are far removed from the reality of the children's lives.很多这样的书都远远地脱离了孩子们的现实生活。
once, twice, etc. removed
  1. (of a cousin堂亲或表亲) belonging to a different generation上代的;下代的
    • He's my cousin's son so he's my first cousin once removed.他是我表兄弟的儿子,所以他是低我一辈的表亲。


[countable, uncountable] (formal)
  1. an amount by which two things are separated距离;差距;间距
    • Charlotte seemed to be living at one remove from reality.夏洛特好像生活在现实之外。
    词源Middle English (as a verb): from the Old French stem remov-, from Latin removere, from re- ‘back’ + movere ‘to move’.




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