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词汇 rent


    [uncountable, countable] an amount of money that you regularly pay so that you can use a house, room, etc.租金
    • I earn just about enough to pay the rent.我挣的钱刚好够付房租。
    • How much rent do you pay for this place?你租这个地方的租金是多少?
    • The landlord has put the rent up again.房东又提高房租了。
    • The landlord charged them a month's rent in advance.房东预先收取了他们一个月的租金。
    • a high/low/fair rent高的/低的/合理的租金
    • He was evicted for rent arrears.他因拖欠租金而被驱逐。
    • rent for something What's the average rent for homes in your part of town?你所在地区的房屋平均租金是多少?
    • rent on something The rent on the two-bedroom flat was £250 a week.这套两居室公寓的租金是每周250英镑。
    • at a … rent The supply of housing at affordable rents became inadequate.以负担得起的租金提供的住房变得不足。
    • at a rent of something The property is available at a rent of £55,000 per annum.该房产的租金为每年55,000英镑。
    • (British English) a rent book (= used to record payments of rent)租金登记簿
    see also ground rent, peppercorn rent
    Synonyms raterate
    • charge
    • fee
    • rent
    • fine
    • fare
    • toll
    • rental
    These are all words for an amount of money that is charged or paid for something.
    • rate a fixed amount of money that is asked or paid for something:
      • a low hourly rate of pay按小时支付的低报酬
      • interest rates利率
    • charge an amount of money that is asked for goods or services:
      • an admission charge入场费
    • fee (rather formal) an amount of money that you have to pay for professional advice or services, to go to a school or college, or to join an organization:指专业服务费、咨询费、学费、会费:
      • legal fees诉讼费
      • an annual membership fee 年度会费
    • rent an amount of money that you regularly have to pay for use of a building or room. 指房屋租金In American English, rent can be used to mean rental: The weekly rent on the car was over $300.
    • fine a sum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule:
      • a parking fine违规停车罚款
    • fare the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, etc.指乘坐公共汽车、飞机、出租车等的费用
    • toll an amount of money that you have to pay to use a particular road or bridge.指道路、桥梁的通行费
    • rental an amount of money that you have to pay to use something for a particular period of time.指租金
    rent or rental?用 rent 还是 rental?In British English rent is only money paid to use a building or room: for other items use rental. In American English rent can be used for both, but rental is still more common for other items.Patterns
    • (a) rate/​charge/​fee/​rent/​fine/​fare/​toll/​rental for something
    • (a) rate/​charge/​fee/​rent/​toll/​rental on something
    • at a rate/​charge/​fee/​rent/​fare/​rental of…
    • for a charge/​fee
    • to pay (a) rate/​charge/​fee/​rent/​fine/​fare/​toll/​rental
    • to charge (a) rate/​fee/​rent/​fare/​toll/​rental
    Collocations Moving house搬家Moving house Renting租房子
    • live in a rented/(especially North American English) rental property住在租来的住所里
    • rent/​share/​move into a furnished house/(British English) flat/(especially North American English) apartment租用/合住/搬进配有家具的房屋/公寓
    • rent a studio/(British English) a studio flat/(especially North American English) a studio apartment/(British English) a bedsit租一个单间公寓
    • find/​get a housemate/(British English) a flatmate/(North American English) a roommate找一个室友
    • sign/​break the lease/​rental agreement/​contract签署/违反租约/租赁协议/合同
    • extend/​renew/​terminate the lease/(British English) tenancy延长租赁期限;续签/终止租约
    • afford/​pay the rent/​the bills/(North American English) the utilities付得起/支付租金/账单/水电气等杂费
    • (especially British English) fall behind with/ (especially North American English) fall behind on the rent拖欠租金
    • pay/​lose/​return a damage deposit/(North American English) security deposit支付/失去/退还损坏押金/保证金
    • give/​receive a month’s/​two-weeks’ notice to leave/​vacate the property提前一个月/两周发出/收到离开/腾空住房的通知
    Being a landlord做房东
    • have a flat/​an apartment/​a room (British English) to let/(especially North American English) for rent
    • rent (out)/lease (out)/ (British English) let (out)/sublet a flat/​an apartment/​a house/​a property
    • collect/​increase/​raise the rent收取/增加/提高房租
    • evict the existing tenants赶走现有房客
    • attract/​find new/​prospective tenants吸引/寻找新的/可能的房客
    • invest in rental property/(British English) property to let/(British English) the buy-to-let market投资购房用于出租
    • buy/​acquire/​purchase a house/(a) property/(especially North American English) (a piece of) prime real estate购置一栋房子/一处房产/(一块)优质房地产
    • call/​contact/​use (British English) an estate agent/(North American English) a Realtor™/(North American English) a real estate agent/​broker电话联系/联系/任用房地产经纪人
    • make/ (British English) put in an offer on a house提供房子的报价
    • put down/​save for (British English) a deposit on a house支付/存钱付房屋订金
    • make/​put/​save for (especially North American English) a down payment on a house/​home支付/攒钱支付买房的首付金
    • apply for/​arrange/​take out a mortgage/​home loan申请/商定/取得按揭/住房贷款
    • (struggle to) pay the mortgage(竭力)支付按揭贷款
    • make/​meet/​keep up/​cover the monthly mortgage payments/(British English also) repayments支付每月的按揭贷款
    • (British English) repossess/ (especially North American English) foreclose on somebody’s home/​house收回某人的房子;终止某人的房屋赎回权
    • put your house/​property on the market/​up for sale/​up for auction将房屋/房产投放市场/出售/拍卖
    • increase/​lower your price/​the asking price提高/降低价格/要价
    • have/​hold/​hand over the deed/(especially British English) deeds of/​to the house, land, etc.持有/移交房屋、土地等契约
    compare hire
    • He couldn't afford the rent by himself.他自己付不起租金。
    • The company has paid out a lot of money in rent.公司已经支付了大量租金。
    • The company receives rent on local property that it owns.该公司收取归其所有的当地房产的租金。
    • The initial rent will be reviewed annually.首期租金每年都要审核。
    • The landlord came around to collect the month's rent.房东来收本月房租。
    • The large stores have pushed up the rents in the area.大商店抬高了这一地区的租金。
    • The movement advocated the non-payment of rent and taxes.这一运动主张不缴纳租金和税款。
    • The new lease will put her rent up to £200 a week.新租约将使她的租金涨到每周 200 英镑。
    • The rent charged depends largely on the size and locality of the flat.租金的高低主要取决于公寓的大小和位置。
    • The rent for the four-roomed house is affordable.四居室房屋的房租付得起。
    • The rent is due on the last day of the quarter.租金在这个季度的最后一天到期。
    • The rent will be fixed at 18% of the market value of the property.该房屋的租金将定为市值的 18%。
    • The tenants were not prepared to pay the higher rents demanded.房客不愿意付更高的租金。
    • Their rent has increased from $25 200 to $28 600 a year.他们一年的租金从 25,200 美元提高到了 28,600 美元。
    • There was a sign saying ‘Room for rent’.有个招牌上面写着“房屋出租”。
    • They earned rent from their property in London.他们出租伦敦的房子赚取租金。
    • They get free rent in return for taking care of the house.他们无须交租金,但条件是要照看好房子。
    • They took the landlord to court over increasing rent levels.他们因房东提高租金而将其告上法庭。
    • They weren't paying market rent on the properties.他们没有按市值租金支付那些房产的使用费。
    • Thousands try to avoid the rent man so they can have more cash to spend.数以千计的人躲避收租者以便有更多的现金花销。
    • We gave tenants rent books.我们把租金册交给租户。
    • You put your tenancy at risk if you fall behind with the rent.如果你拖欠租金,就会有被拒租的危险。
    • the rent on a factory工厂的租金
    • to be liable for arrears of rent负有拖欠租金的法律责任
    • Rents are rising in the business district.商业区的租金在上涨。
    • They began falling behind in their rent.他们开始拖欠房租。
    Topics Houses and homesb1, Moneyb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • exorbitant
    • high
    • affordable
    verb + rent
    • pay
    • afford
    • be behind with
    rent + verb
    • be due
    • be payable
    • go up
    rent + noun
    • money
    • payment
    • book
    • in rent
    • rent for
    • rent from
    • arrears of rent
    • for rent
    • a month’s, a year’s, etc. rent
  2. (especially North American English)
    (also rental British and North American English)
    [uncountable, countable] the amount of money that you pay to use something for a particular period of time(短期)租用,租借
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • exorbitant
    • high
    • affordable
    verb + rent
    • pay
    • afford
    • be behind with
    rent + verb
    • be due
    • be payable
    • go up
    rent + noun
    • money
    • payment
    • book
    • in rent
    • rent for
    • rent from
    • arrears of rent
    • for rent
    • a month’s, a year’s, etc. rent
  3. [countable] (old use or literary) a torn place in a piece of material or clothing破裂处;裂口;撕裂
  4. 词源noun senses 1 to 2 Middle English: from Old French rente, from a root shared by render. noun sense 3 mid 16th cent.: from obsolete rent ‘pull to pieces, lacerate’, variant of rend.
for rent
  1. (especially North American English) (especially on printed signs尤用于告示) available to rent出租;招租Topics Houses and homesc1
British/American rent / hire / letrent / hire / letverbs
  • You can hire something for a short period of time, (British English only) but rent something for a longer period:短期租用可用 hire(仅用于英式英语),较长时间的租用则用 rent:
    • We can hire bikes for a day to explore the town.我们可租用自行车一天来游览这城镇。
    • We don’t own our TV, we rent it.我们没有自己的电视机,这是租的。
  • In North American English, rent is always used. It is sometimes now used in British English instead of hire, too.
  • The owners of a thing can hire it out for a short period:
    • (British English) Do you hire out bikes?你们出租自行车吗?
    Or they can rent (out)/let (out) a building, etc:出租房屋等可用 rent (out)/let (out):
    • We rent out rooms in our house to students.我们把住宅里的房间出租给学生。
  • Outside a building you could see:
    • (British English) 在建筑物外可看到:To let招租
    • (especially North American English) For rent招租
  • To hire can also mean to employ somebody, especially in North American English:
    • We hired a new secretary.我们雇了一名新秘书。
see also leaseNouns名词
  • The amount of money that you pay to rent something is rent or rental (more formal). When you hire something you pay a hire charge (British English). On a sign outside a shop you might see:
    • (British English) Bikes for hire出租自行车
see also let, lease, hire


present simple I / you / we / they rent
he / she / it rents
past simple rented
past participle rented
-ing form renting
    [transitive, intransitive] to regularly pay money to somebody so that you can use something that they own, such as a house, a room, some land, etc.租用,租借(房屋、土地、机器等)
    • Are you looking to buy or rent?你想买还是租?
    • rent something to rent a house/an apartment租房/租公寓
    • to live in rented accommodation/housing/property住在租来的住所里
    • The property is available to rent on a short-term lease.该房产可以短期租赁。
    • We're looking for a house to rent in the area.我们正在这个地区寻找一所房子出租。
    • rent something from somebody Who do you rent the land from?你从谁那里租用的土地?
    • We rented a cottage from an agency.我们从一家代理处租了一间小屋。
    • privately rented accommodation私人出租的住所
    • She had to rent from a private landlord. 她不得不向私人房东租房子。
    Topics Houses and homesb1, Moneyb1
    [transitive] to allow somebody to use something that you own such as a house or some land in exchange for regular payments出租;将…租给
    • rent something (out) We rented our house out for a year when we went abroad.我们出国时把房子租了一年。
    • She bought a three-bedroom flat with the objective of renting two rooms.她买了一套三居室的公寓,目的是租两个房间。
    • He is making a profit from renting out the property.他从出租房产中获利。
    • rent something (out) to somebody He rents rooms in his house to students.他把家中的房间租给学生。
    • The land is rented out to other farmers.这片土地租给别的农民了。
    • She agreed to rent the room to me.她同意将这个房间租给我。
    • rent somebody something She agreed to rent me the room.她同意租给我这个房间。
    [transitive] rent something (especially North American English) to pay money to somebody so that you can use something for a short period of time(短期)租用,租借
    • to rent a film/movie/DVD租一部电影/电影/DVD
    • We rented a car for the week and explored the area.我们租了一个星期的车考查这个地区。
    • to rent a bike/van/boat租自行车/货车/船
    • They rented a meeting room in a downtown hotel.他们在市中心的一家酒店租了一个会议室。
    compare hire
    • She rented a car at the airport.她在机场租了一辆汽车。
    • You can rent mountain bikes and explore the area.你可以租山地自行车,探索这个地区。
    Topics Moneyb1
  4. [intransitive] (North American English) to be available for somebody to use if they pay a particular amount of money以…出租;租金为
    • The apartment rents for $500 a month.这套房间每月租金为 500 美元。
  5. past tense, past participle of rend
  6. 词源verb Middle English: from Old French rente, from a root shared by render.




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