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词汇 reprieve


[usually passive] not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时
present simple I / you / we / they reprieve
he / she / it reprieves
past simple reprieved
past participle reprieved
-ing form reprieving
  1. reprieve somebody to officially cancel or delay a punishment for a prisoner who is condemned to death撤销…的死刑;缓期执行…的死刑
    • a reprieved murderer被判死刑而缓期执行的杀人犯
    Topics Crime and punishmentc2
  2. reprieve something to officially cancel or delay plans to close something or end something取消关闭;暂缓终止
    • 70 jobs have been reprieved until next April.有 70 个职位暂时保留到明年四月份。
  3. 词源late 15th cent. (as the past participle repryed): from Anglo-Norman French repris, past participle of reprendre, from Latin re- ‘back’ + prehendere ‘seize’. The insertion of -v- (16th cent.) remains unexplained. Sense development has undergone a reversal, from the early meaning ‘send back to prison’, via ‘postpone a legal process’, to the current sense ‘rescue from impending punishment’.


[usually singular]
  1. an official order stopping a punishment, especially for a prisoner who is condemned to death刑罚终止令;(尤指)死刑缓刑令
    • He was saved from the gallows by a last-minute reprieve.最后一刻的缓刑令使他得以免受绞刑。
    synonym a stay of executionTopics Crime and punishmentc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brief
    • temporary
    • welcome
    verb + reprieve
    • earn
    • gain
    • get
    • reprieve from
  2. a delay before something bad happens延缓;缓解
    • Campaigners have won a reprieve for the hospital threatened with closure.活动家们为这家受关闭威胁的医院赢得了喘息的机会。
    • The school was granted a six-month reprieve.这个学校获准暂缓关闭 6 个月。
    • This house offers no reprieve from the heat.这栋房子无法缓解炎热。
    • The railway line, due for closure, has been granted a six-month reprieve.本应停运的铁路线获准多运行6 个月。
    • The family has won a temporary reprieve from eviction.这家人暂时免于被驱逐。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brief
    • temporary
    • welcome
    verb + reprieve
    • earn
    • gain
    • get
    • reprieve from
  3. 词源late 15th cent. (as the past participle repryed): from Anglo-Norman French repris, past participle of reprendre, from Latin re- ‘back’ + prehendere ‘seize’. The insertion of -v- (16th cent.) remains unexplained. Sense development has undergone a reversal, from the early meaning ‘send back to prison’, via ‘postpone a legal process’, to the current sense ‘rescue from impending punishment’.




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