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词汇 rest



    remaining part/people/things剩余的部分/人/事物

    the rest
    [singular] the part of something that remains剩余部分;残留;其余
    • Take what you want and throw the rest away.把你想要的拿走,其余的丢掉。
    • the rest of something The country enjoys friendly relations with the rest of the world.这个国家与世界其他地方有着友好的关系。
    • How would you like to spend the rest of the day?后半天你打算怎么过?
    • for the rest of something I'm not doing this job for the rest of my life.我不会一辈子干这种工作。
    the rest
    [plural] the people or things that remain; the others其余的人;其他事物;其他
    • The first question was difficult, but the rest were pretty easy.第一个问题很难,但其余的都相当简单。
    • the rest of something Don't blame Alex. He's human, like the rest of us.不要责怪亚历克斯。他和我们大家一样,也是人。
  3. period of relaxing休息时间

    [countable, uncountable] a period of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing after a period of activity休息时间;睡眠时间
    • I had a good night's rest.我睡了一宿好觉。
    • We stopped for a well-earned rest.我们停下来休息,也该休息一下了。
    • rest from something to have/take a rest from all your hard work放下繁重的工作,休息一下
    • Try to get some rest—you have a busy day tomorrow.休息一下吧,你明天还要忙一天呢。
    • There are no matches tomorrow, which is a rest day, but the tournament resumes on Monday.明天是休息日,没有比赛,但星期一继续比赛。
    see also bed rest, chapel of rest
    Synonyms restrest
    • break
    • respite
    • time out
    • breathing space
    These are all words for a short period of time spent relaxing.
    • rest a period of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing after a period of activity:
      • We stopped for a well-earned rest.我们停下来作个应有的休息。
    • break a short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest or eat:
      • Let’s take a break.咱们休息会儿吧。
      In British English break is a period of time between lessons at school. The North American English word is recess.
    • respite a short break from something difficult or unpleasant:
      • The drug brought a brief respite from the pain.药物暂时缓解了疼痛。
    • time out (especially North American English, informal) time for resting or relaxing away from your usual work or studies:
      • Take time out to relax by the pool.去游泳池边歇一歇吧。
    • breathing space a short rest in the middle of a period of mental or physical effort:
      • This delay gives the party a breathing space in which to sort out its policies.这一延误使该党有了喘息之机来厘定其政策。
    • (a) rest/​break/​respite/​time out from something
    • to have/​take (a) rest/​break/​time out
    • to give somebody (a) rest/​break/​respite/​breathing space
    • Get some rest while you can.能休息就休息一下。
    • Her heart would find no rest until she knew the truth.在知道真相以前她是不会放心的。
    • I apologize for disturbing your rest.抱歉打扰你休息了。
    • I had a good long rest before the party.聚会前我美美地歇了好长时间。
    • I need my beauty rest.我需要睡个美容觉。
    • I was hospitalized many times and put on bed rest for six months.我多次住院并卧床休息了半年。
    • The body requires a healthy diet and adequate rest.身体需要健康的饮食和足够的休息。
    • The doctor advised him to take a complete rest from football.医生建议他不要踢足球,彻底休息一下。
    • You need a rest from all your hard work.你需要放下繁重的工作,休息一下。
    Topics Illnessa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • complete
    • good
    • long
    verb + rest
    • find
    • get
    • have
    rest + noun
    • break
    • day
    • interval
    • at rest
    • rest from
    • a day of rest
  5. support支撑物

  6. enlarge image
    (often in compounds常构成复合词) an object that is used to support or hold something支撑物;支架;基座;托
    • an armrest (= for example on a seat or chair)座椅扶手
  7. in music音乐

  8. enlarge image
    [countable, uncountable]
    a period of silence between notes; a sign that shows a rest between notes休止;休止符
    Topics Musicc2
  9. 词源noun senses 3 to 5 Old English ræst, rest (noun), ræstan, restan (verb), of Germanic origin, from a root meaning ‘league’ or ‘mile’ (referring to a distance after which one rests). noun senses 1 to 2 late Middle English: from Old French reste (noun), rester (verb), from Latin restare ‘remain’, from re- ‘back’ + stare ‘to stand’.
and (all) the rest (of it)
  1. (informal) used at the end of a list to mean everything else that you might expect to be on the list(列举时用)诸如此类,等等
    • He wants a big house and an expensive car and all the rest of it.他想要大房子、豪华汽车,如此等等。
and the rest
  1. (informal) used to say that the actual amount or number of something is much higher than somebody has stated(比所说的)还要多;远不只此数
    • ‘It cost 250 pounds…’ ‘And the rest, and the rest!’“这要花 250 英镑…” “不只这些,不只!”
at rest
  1. (specialist) not moving静止;不动
    • At rest the insect looks like a dead leaf.这种昆虫不动时看上去像一片枯叶。
  2. dead and therefore free from trouble or worry. People say at rest to avoid saying dead.(委婉说法,与 dead 同义)安息,长眠
    • She now lies at rest in the churchyard.她现在长眠在教堂墓地里。
    Topics Life stagesc2
come to rest
  1. to stop moving停止移动;不再移动
    • The car crashed through the barrier and came to rest in a field.汽车闯过护栏,在一块田里停了下来。
    • His eyes came to rest on Clara's face.他的目光停留在克拉拉的脸上。
    • The ball rolled down the hill and came to rest against a tree.球滚下山,撞在一棵树上停了下来。
for the rest
  1. (British English, formal) apart from that; considering other matters除此之外;至于其他
    • The book has some interesting passages about the author's childhood. For the rest, it is extremely dull.这本书中关于作者童年的一些章节倒还有意思。除此之外,便无聊至极。
give it a rest
  1. (informal) used to tell somebody to stop talking about something because they are annoying you不要再提(恼人的事)了
    • Give it a rest! You’ve been complaining all day.休息一下吧!你一整天都在抱怨。
give something a rest
  1. (informal) to stop doing something for a while暂停;暂时不做
lay somebody to rest
  1. to bury somebody. People say to lay somebody to rest to avoid saying to bury somebody.(委婉说法,与 bury 同义)安葬
    • George was laid to rest beside his parents.乔治被安葬在他父母墓旁。
lay/put something to rest
  1. to stop something by showing it is not true(通过揭穿假象)平息,使停止
    • The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest.通告最终消除了一切有关他们的未来的推测。
(there’s) no peace/rest for the wicked
  1. (usually humorous) used when somebody is complaining that they have a lot of work to do(有人抱怨工作太多时说)恶人绝无平安
put/set somebody’s mind at ease/rest
  1. to do or say something to make somebody stop worrying about something安慰;宽解;使宽心 synonym reassure
the rest is history
  1. used when you are telling a story to say that you do not need to tell the end of it, because everyone knows it already结局是尽人皆知的;结果如何不必赘述


present simple I / you / we / they rest
he / she / it rests
past simple rested
past participle rested
-ing form resting
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [intransitive, transitive] to relax, sleep or do nothing after a period of activity or illness; to not use a part of your body for some time休息;放松
    • The doctor told me to rest.医生叫我休息。
    • (figurative) He won't rest (= will never be satisfied) until he finds her.他非得找到她才会安心。
    • rest something He had to rest his injured knee for six weeks.他不得不让受伤的膝盖休息六周。
    • Rest your eyes every half an hour.每过半小时让眼睛休息一下。
    see also rested
    • He could rest safely in this place.他可以在此地安全地休息。
    • I stopped to rest on one of the benches.我停下来坐在其中一条长凳上休息。
    • I awoke feeling rested and refreshed.我睡醒后感觉精力充沛,神清气爽。
    Topics Illnessa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • casually
    • gently
    • lightly
    verb + rest
    • let something
    • have to
    • need to
    • against
    • atop
    • in
    • rest easy
    • solely
    • squarely
    • entirely
    • squarely
    • ultimately
  2. support支撑物

    [transitive, intransitive] to support something by putting it on or against something; to be supported in this way(被)支撑;(使)倚靠;托
    • rest something + adv./prep. Rest your head on my shoulder.把头靠在我肩上。
    • He rested his chin in his hands.他双手托着下巴。
    • + adv./prep. Their bikes were resting against the wall.他们的自行车靠在墙上。
    • I settled back, my hands resting in my lap.我往后一靠,把双手放在腿上。
    • She rested the ladder against the wall.她把梯子靠在墙上。
    • She let his hand rest heavily on hers.她把他的手用力放在自己的手上。
    • His hands rested lightly on her shoulders.他双手轻轻搭在她的肩膀上。
    • His hand was resting lazily against the steering wheel.他的手懒散地搭在方向盘上。
    • Her head was resting comfortably against his chest.她的头舒服地靠在他胸前。
    • His chin rested on his hands.他双手托着下巴。
    • Her thin hands were resting atop the quilted bed cover.她瘦削的双手搭在夹棉床罩上。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • casually
    • gently
    • lightly
    verb + rest
    • let something
    • have to
    • need to
    • against
    • atop
    • in
    • rest easy
    • solely
    • squarely
    • entirely
    • squarely
    • ultimately
  4. be left被搁置

  5. [intransitive] if you let a matter rest, you stop discussing it or dealing with it被搁置;中止
    • The matter cannot rest there—I intend to sue.这件事不能就此了结,我打算提出诉讼。
    • And there the matter rested until an interested journalist uncovered the file.事情就这样搁置了,直到一名感兴趣的记者发现了这份文件。
  6. be buried被埋葬

  7. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to be buried. People say rest to avoid saying be buried(委婉说法,与 be buried 同义)安息,长眠
    • She rests beside her husband in the local cemetery.在当地的墓地里,她长眠在她丈夫的墓旁。
    • May he rest in peace.愿他安息吧。
    see also RIP
  8. 词源verb Old English ræst, rest (noun), ræstan, restan (verb), of Germanic origin, from a root meaning ‘league’ or ‘mile’ (referring to a distance after which one rests).
breathe/rest/sleep easy
  1. to relax and stop worrying安下心;松口气
    • You can rest easy—I'm not going to tell anyone.你尽管放心,我不会告诉任何人的。
    • I can sleep easy knowing that she's safely home.知道她平安到家,我可以睡个好觉。
God rest his/her soul | God rest him/her
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used to show respect when you are talking about somebody who is dead(对死者表示敬意)魂归天国,安息主怀
rest assured (that…)
  1. (formal) used to emphasize that what you say is true or will definitely happen(强调所言确凿无误)尽管放心
    • You may rest assured that we will do all we can to find him.你就放心吧,我们会千方百计找到他。
rest your case
  1. I rest my case (sometimes humorous) used to say that you do not need to say any more about something because you think that you have proved your point我的论证到此为止(已经足够)
  2. (law法律) used by lawyers in court to say that they have finished presenting their case(律师在法庭上)对案情陈述完毕
    • The prosecution rests its case.控方对案情陈述完毕。
rest/sit on your laurels
  1. (usually disapproving) to feel so satisfied with what you have already achieved that you do not try to do any more满足于既得成就;不思进取Topics Successc2




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