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词汇 retirement


    [uncountable, countable] the fact of stopping work because you have reached a particular age; the time when you do this退休;退职;退休年龄
    • At 60, he was now approaching retirement.他 60 岁了,就要退休了。
    • Susan is going to take early retirement (= retire before the usual age).苏珊要提前退休。
    • retirement age退休年龄
    • This year we have seen the retirements of several senior personnel.今年我们有几位高层人员退休了。
    • a retirement pension退休金
    Collocations Jobs工作Jobs职业Getting a job找工作
    • look for work找工作
    • look for/​apply for/​go for a job找工作;申请一个职位;努力争取工作
    • get/​pick up/​complete/​fill out/ (British English) fill in an application (form)得到/拿到/完成/填写申请(表)
    • send/​email your (British English) CV/(North American English) résumé/application/​application form/​covering letter寄/通过电邮发送简历/申请/申请表/附函
    • be called for/​have/​attend an interview被要求参加/有/参加面试
    • offer somebody a job/​work/​employment/​promotion给某人提供一份工作;雇用某人;提拔某人
    • find/​get/​land a job找到工作
    • employ/ (especially North American English) hire/​recruit/ (especially British English) take on staff/​workers/​trainees雇用员工/工人/实习生
    • recruit/​appoint a manager招聘/任命经理
    Doing a job做工作
    • arrive at/​get to/​leave work/​the office/​the factory上/下班;到办公室/工厂上班;从办公室/工厂下班
    • start/​finish work/​your shift开始/结束工作/轮班工作时间
    • do/​put in/​work overtime加班
    • have/​gain/​get/​lack/​need experience/​qualifications拥有/获得/缺乏/需要经验/资格
    • do/​get/​have/​receive training做/得到/接受培训
    • learn/​pick up/​improve/​develop (your) skills学习/偶然学会/提高/发展技能
    • cope with/​manage/​share/​spread the workload应付/勉力完成/分担/分摊工作量
    • improve your/​achieve a better work-life balance达到更好的工作与生活的平衡
    • have (no) job satisfaction/​job security有/没有工作满足感/职业保障
    Building a career建立职业生涯
    • have a job/​work/​a career/​a vocation有工作/事业/职业
    • find/​follow/​pursue/ (especially North American English) live (out) your vocation找到/从事/致力于/实践适合自己的职业
    • enter/​go into/​join a profession加入一个行业
    • choose/​embark on/​start/​begin/​pursue a career选择/从事/开始/致力于一种职业
    • change jobs/​profession/​career换工作/行业/职业
    • be/ (both especially British English) work/​go freelance做自由职业
    • do/​take on temp work/​freelance work做/开始从事临时工作/特约工作
    • do/​be engaged in/​be involved in voluntary work做/从事/参与义务性工作
    Leaving your job离职
    • leave/ (especially North American English) quit/​resign from your job离职;辞职
    • give up work/​your job/​your career放弃工作/事业
    • hand in your notice/​resignation递交辞呈
    • plan to/​be due to retire in June/​next year, etc.计划/预计六月/明年等退休
    • take early retirement提前退休
    • After her retirement from the stage she began to drink.她退出舞台后就开始了酗酒。
    • He has a good retirement income.他有不错的退休收入。
    • He remained in the post until his retirement last year.直到去年退休,他一直留在那个岗位上。
    • Her official retirement date is March 12.她正式退休的日期是 3 月 12 日。
    • In 1996 health problems forced her retirement.1996 年,她因健康原因被迫退休。
    • She announced her impending retirement.她宣布很快就要退休了。
    • She took voluntary retirement in 2001.她于 2001 年自愿退休。
    • Thanks to his diligence, his retirement portfolio is flourishing.由于勤劳,他的退休投资组合回报丰厚。
    • The age of retirement for all employees is 60.所有雇员的退休年龄都是 60 岁。
    • The company suggested that he should take early retirement.公司建议他提前退休。
    • They have about $14 800 in retirement savings.他们有大约 14,800 美元的退休储蓄金。
    • They presented him with a watch to mark his retirement.他们送给他一块手表作为退休纪念。
    • Your pension plan provides a cash lump sum at retirement.你的养老金计划让你在退休时一次性获得一笔现金。
    • a gift from the company on his retirement公司在他退休时送给他的礼物
    • compulsory retirement at 6060 岁强制性退休
    • her retirement as sales director她退休时是销售主管
    • his official retirement in 2012他 2012 年正式退休
    • retirement at age fifty50 岁时退休
    • the benefits of private retirement accounts私人退休账户的好处
    Topics Life stagesb2, Jobsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • early
    • premature
    • active
    verb + retirement
    • consider
    • contemplate
    • think about
    retirement + noun
    • age
    • date
    • benefits
    • after (your) retirement
    • before (your) retirement
    • at (your) retirement
    • the age of retirement
    • take early retirement
    • a long and happy retirement
    [uncountable, singular] the period of your life after you have stopped work at a particular age退休生活
    • He provided for a comfortable retirement by selling the business.他把企业卖掉,过上了舒适的退休生活。
    • We all wish you a long and happy retirement.我们大家祝愿你的退休生活长久而幸福。
    • in retirement Up to a third of one's life is now being spent in retirement.现在人们一生中能有三分之一的时间过退休生活。
    Collocations The ages of lifeThe ages of life年龄段Childhood/​youth童年/青年时期
    • be born and raised/​bred in ; into a wealthy/​middle-class family
    • have a happy/​an unhappy/​a tough childhood有幸福/不幸/艰苦的童年
    • grow up in a musical family/​in an orphanage/​on a farm成长于音乐之家/孤儿院/农场
    • be/​grow up an only child (= with no brothers or sisters)是独生子
    • reach/​hit/​enter/​go through adolescence/​puberty进入/经历青春期
    • be in your teens/​early twenties/​mid-twenties/​late twenties十几岁;二十出头;二十五岁左右;将近三十岁
    • undergo/​experience physical/​psychological changes经历生理/心理变化
    • give in to/​succumb to/​resist peer pressure屈服于/顶住同辈的压力
    • assert your independence/​individuality维护独立/个性
    • leave school/​university/​home中学/大学毕业;离家
    • go out to work (at sixteen)(16 岁)投身工作
    • get/​find a job/​partner找到工作/伴侣
    • be/​get engaged/​married订婚;结婚
    • have/​get a wife/​husband/​mortgage/​steady job有妻子/丈夫/按揭贷款/稳定的工作
    • settle down and have kids/​children/​a family安定下来并生儿育女
    • begin/​start/​launch/​build a career (in politics/​science/​the music industry)开始(政治/科学/音乐)职业生涯
    • prove (to be)/represent/​mark/​reach a turning point in your life/​career最终成为/代表/标志/达到某人人生/某人职业生涯的转折点
    • reach/​be well into/​settle into middle age进入/安度中年
    • have/​suffer/​go through a midlife crisis经历中年危机
    • take/​consider early retirement提前退休;考虑提前退休
    • approach/​announce/​enjoy your retirement临近/宣布/享受退休
    Old age老年
    • have/​see/​spend time with your grandchildren有孙辈;与孙辈共度时光
    • take up/​pursue/​develop a hobby开始/追求/培养一种爱好
    • get/​receive/​draw/​collect/​live on a pension得到/提取/领取退休金;靠退休金生活
    • approach/​save for/​die from old age临近晚年;存钱养老;老死
    • live to a ripe old age高寿
    • reach the grand old age of 102/23 (often ironic)活到 102/23 岁高龄(常作反语)
    • be/​become/​be getting/​be going senile (often ironic)变得衰老(常作反语)
    • die (peacefully)/pass away in your sleep/​after a brief illness在睡梦中/患病不久(平静地)离开人世
    Culture retirementretirementIn Britain most people retire in their sixties. Some people take early retirement (= choose to retire early) from about 50. The law changed in 2011 and now in most jobs an employer cannot force a person to retire.In the US the usual retirement age is also 65. People can choose to retire earlier but may get less money from their pension. In the US, the phrase early retirement suggests that retirement has been proposed by a person's employer as an alternative to them being made redundant (= unemployed). Companies do this sometimes when they want to reduce the number of people working for them. Since older people are usually paid more than younger ones, the company may ask them to retire and hire younger people to replace them. A few people choose to continue working after the age of 65. People in certain professions, for example pilots, are required by law to retire at a particular age.When somebody retired after many years with the same employer they used to be given a present by the company, for example a gold watch or a clock. Now, few people work for the same company for all their working lives and do not receive a present from their employer. Instead, their colleagues contribute money for a present and organize a party.A person's quality of life in retirement depends largely on the amount of money they have. Many receive pensions, some have savings in the bank. In Britain people have at least a basic pension from the state. In the US most people can receive social security benefits, and can get government help in paying for their medical care. Many retired people have to live on a fixed income and find retirement hard.Now that older people have better health and live longer, people over retirement age are becoming an increasingly important economic and social force. The number of retired people in Britain and the US is growing, and through organizations like the AARP(American Association of Retired Persons) and, in Britain, the National Pensioners Convention, they have increased power to demand the services they need and the rights they deserve. This is sometimes referred to as ‘grey power’.
    • He is going to come out of retirement for this one last concert.他即将在退隐后复出,参加最后这一场音乐会。
    • His father was now living in retirement in France.他父亲已退休,住在法国。
    • I intend to spend my retirement playing golf.我打算退休后打高尔夫球。
    • I've been thinking about where I might like to spend my retirement years.我一直在想退休后去哪儿生活比较好。
    • It was their final concert before entering retirement.这是他们退休前最后一场音乐会。
    • She has found a new hobby in her retirement.她退休后找到了一个新的消遣。
    • She's saving for her retirement.她在为退休存钱。
    • The website helps you plan your retirement.这个网站帮助你规划退休生活。
    • helping you to plan your retirement帮助你计划退休生活
    • investments to fund their retirement为养老而进行的投资
    • older adults who relocate to retirement communities搬到老人社区居住的老年人
    • important matters like healthcare and retirement security卫生保健和退休保障之类的重要事项
    Topics Jobsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • early
    • premature
    • active
    verb + retirement
    • consider
    • contemplate
    • think about
    retirement + noun
    • age
    • date
    • benefits
    • after (your) retirement
    • before (your) retirement
    • at (your) retirement
    • the age of retirement
    • take early retirement
    • a long and happy retirement
    [uncountable] retirement (from something) the act of stopping a particular type of work, especially in sport, politics, etc.; the period of your life after a career in sport, politics, etc.(尤指从体育、政治等方面的)退出,引退,退职
    • He announced his retirement from football.他宣布退出足球运动。
    • She came out of retirement to win two gold medals at the championships.她复出后在锦标赛上赢得了两枚金牌。
    • his retirement from first-class cricket从一流的板球队退役
    • her enforced retirement from the sport她从体育界被强制退役
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • early
    • premature
    • active
    verb + retirement
    • consider
    • contemplate
    • think about
    retirement + noun
    • age
    • date
    • benefits
    • after (your) retirement
    • before (your) retirement
    • at (your) retirement
    • the age of retirement
    • take early retirement
    • a long and happy retirement




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