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词汇 ring




  1. enlarge image
    [countable] a piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger, consisting of a round band of gold, silver, etc., sometimes decorated with precious stones戒指;指环
    • a gold ring金戒指
    • a diamond ring (= a ring with a diamond on it)钻石戒指
    • He was wearing a ring on his middle finger. 他中指上戴着一枚戒指。
    • Her mother gave her a beautiful ring.她妈妈给了她一枚漂亮的戒指。
    see also engagement ring, nose ring, signet ring, wedding ring
    • He slipped the ring on her finger.他迅速给她戴上戒指。
    • I pulled the small ring box out of my pocket.我从口袋中掏出那个小小的戒指盒。
    • They exchange rings and wedding vows.他们交换了戒指和结婚誓词。
    • She kissed the great ring of the archbishop of Chicago.她吻了吻芝加哥大主教的大戒指。
    • He has earned three Super Bowl rings in the last four years.他在过去的 4 年里赢得了 3 个超级杯戒指。
    Topics Clothes and Fashiona2, Life stagesa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • engagement
    • eternity
    • promise
    verb + ring
    • have on
    • sport
    • wear
    ring + noun
    • finger
    • box
  2. circle圆圈

  3. enlarge image
    [countable] an object in the shape of a circle with a large hole in the middle环状物;圈形的东西
    • a key ring钥匙环
    • curtain rings窗帘环
    • the rings of Saturn土星的光环。
    • The villagers were literally surrounded by a ring of fire.村民们被一圈火圈团团围住。
    see also key ring, onion ring
    • a plate of onion rings一盘洋葱圈
    • His right ear sported a gold ring.他的右耳戴着一个金环。
    • He can blow smoke rings.他会吐烟圈。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • inner
    • innermost
    • outer
    verb + ring
    • form
    • stand in
    • ring of
    • in a/​the ring
  4. enlarge image
    [countable] a round mark or shape圆形标记;圆形
    • She had dark rings around her eyes from lack of sleep.她因为缺觉,眼圈儿都黑了。
    • The children sat on the floor in a ring.孩子们围成一圈,坐在地板上。
    • The army formed a protective ring around the presidential palace. 军队在总统府周围形成了一个保护圈。
    • The children formed a ring around their teacher.孩子们围成一圈站在他们的老师周围。
    • The street plan of the city has evolved as a series of concentric rings.该城市的街道平面图像一圈圈的同心圆环。
    • He had dark rings around his eyes.他有黑眼圈。
    • She drew a neat blue ring around the phone number. 她在电话号码周围画了一个整洁的蓝色圈。
    Topics Plants and treesb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • inner
    • innermost
    • outer
    verb + ring
    • form
    • stand in
    • ring of
    • in a/​the ring
  5. for performance/competition表演;比赛

  6. [countable] an area in which animals or people perform or compete, with seats around the outside for the audience圆形表演场(或竞技场)
    • a boxing ring拳击场
    • a circus ring马戏场
    • The next competitor rode into the ring.下一个参赛者骑着马进入了拳击台。
    see also bullring
    • He entered the ring wearing his usual outfit.他穿着惯常穿的全套赛服上场了。
    • He was back in the ring only a month after the injury.他受伤仅一个月后就重返拳击场。
    Topics Sports: other sportsc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • boxing
    • bull
    • circus
    verb + ring
    • enter
    • leave
    • in the ring
    • into the ring
    • retire from the ring
  7. for cooking烹饪

  8. [countable] (especially British English) a small flat place on a cooker that is heated by gas or electricity and is used for cooking on炉口;灶盘 synonym burner
    • to turn off the gas ring关上煤气灶
    • I put the saucepan on the ring.我把炖锅放在戒指上。
    see also gas ring
  9. group of people人群

  10. [countable] a group of people who are working together, especially in secret or illegally(尤指秘密的或非法的)团伙,帮派,集团
    • a spy ring间谍网
    • a drugs ring贩毒集团
    • The four men are accused of running a drug smuggling ring.那四个男人被控操纵毒品走私团伙。
    • Customs officials have broken up a major drug ring.海关关员已摧毁了一个主要贩毒集团。
    Topics Crime and punishmentc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • drug
    • drugs
    • money-laundering
    verb + ring
    • be involved in
    • break up
    • bust
  11. 词源Old English hring, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ring, German Ring, also to the noun rank.
the brass ring
  1. (North American English, informal) the opportunity to be successful; success that you have worked hard to get成功的机遇;获胜良机;(来之不易的)成功
    • The girls' outdoor track team has grabbed the brass ring seven times.女子室外径赛运动队已经七次夺冠。
    Topics Successc2
run rings around/round somebody
  1. (informal) to be much better at doing something than somebody else做事远比某人好;遥遥领先
    • I used to beat my son at chess but now he runs rings around me.我以前下棋赢过我儿子,但现在他赢了。
throw your hat into the ring
  1. to announce officially that you are going to compete in an election, a competition, etc.正式宣布参加竞选(或比赛等)


present simple I / you / we / they ring
he / she / it rings
past simple ringed
past participle ringed
-ing form ringing


  1. [often passive] ring somebody/something (with something) to surround somebody/something包围;环绕
    • Thousands of demonstrators ringed the building.成千上万的示威者包围了大楼。
    • The basin was ringed with specks of dirt and hair.盆子上布满了灰尘和毛发。
    • The village is ringed with beautiful forests.这个村庄被美丽的森林环绕着。
  2. bird’s leg鸟腿

  3. ring something to put a metal ring around a bird’s leg so that it can be easily identified in the future给…戴上金属环(以便将来辨认)
  4. draw circle画圆

  5. ring something (especially British English) to draw a circle around something绕…画圆;把…圈起来 synonym circle
    • Ring the correct answer in pencil.用铅笔圈出正确答案。
  6. 词源Old English hring, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ring, German Ring, also to the noun rank.


present simple I / you / we / they ring
he / she / it rings
past simple rang
past participle rung
-ing form ringing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    (British English)
    (also call North American English, British English)
    [transitive, intransitive] to phone somebody/something给…打电话
    • ring somebody/something up I'll ring you up later.我稍后再给你打电话。
    • He rang up the police station.他给警察局打了电话。
    • ring somebody/something When is the best time to ring New York?什么时间给纽约打电话最好?
    • I'll ring you later.我晚点打电话给你。
    • Concerned residents can write or ring my office. 关心的居民可以写信或打电话到我的办公室。
    • ring (up) David rang up while you were out.你不在的时候戴维打电话来了。
    • He said he was ringing from London.他说他是从伦敦打来的。
    • I'm ringing about your advertisement in the paper.我打电话来问一下你们在报纸上登的广告。
    • She rang to say she'd be late.她打电话来说她要迟到。
    • ring for something Could you ring for a cab?你打电话叫辆出租车来好吗?
    • We rang for an ambulance and he was taken to hospital.我们打电话叫救护车,他被送往医院。
    British/American phone / call / ringphone / call / ringverbs
    • In British English, to phone, to ring and to call are the usual ways of saying to telephone. In North American English the most common word is call, but phone is also used. Speakers of North American English do not say ring. Telephone is very formal and is used mainly in British English.
    • You can use call or phone call (more formal) in both British English and North American English:
      • Were there any phone calls for me?有我的电话吗?
      • How do I make a local call?本地电话怎么打?
      The idiom give somebody a call is also common:习语 give sb a call 亦常用:
      • I’ll give you a call tonight.我今晚会给你打电话。
      In informal British English you could also say:
      • I’ll give you a ring tonight.我今晚会给你打电话。
    Topics Phones, email and the interneta2
    [intransitive] (of a phone) to make a sound because somebody is trying to phone you发出铃声
    • Will you answer the telephone if it rings?电话铃响时你接一下好吗?
    • The phone rang and rang (= rang for a long time) until eventually someone answered. 电话响了又响,直到最后有人接了。
    • I'm just waiting for the phone to ring.我只是在等电话铃响。
  3. bell铃;钟

    [transitive, intransitive] if you ring a bell or if a bell rings, it produces a sound(使)发出钟声,响起铃声
    • ring (something) Someone was ringing the doorbell.有人在按门铃。
    • The church bells rang.教堂的钟声响了。
    • The doorbell rang loudly.门铃响得很响。
    • ring for somebody/something Just ring for the nurse (= attract the nurse's attention by ringing a bell) if you need her.如果需要护士,按一下铃就行了。
    • She climbed out of bed and rang for her maid.她爬下床,按铃叫她的女仆。
  5. with sound声响

  6. [intransitive] ring (with something) (literary) to be full of a sound; to fill a place with sound回响;响彻 synonym resound
    • The house rang with children's laughter.房子里回响着孩子们的笑声。
    • Applause rang through the hall.掌声响彻整个大厅。
  7. with quality特性

  8. [intransitive] ring (with something) to be full of a particular quality充满
    • His words rang with pride.他的话充满了骄傲。
  9. of ears耳朵

  10. [intransitive] to be uncomfortable and be unable to hear clearly, usually because you have heard a loud noise, etc.嗡嗡作响
    • The music was so loud it made my ears ring.音乐的声音太大了,震得我的耳朵嗡嗡响。
  11. 词源Old English hringan, of Germanic origin, perhaps imitative.
alarm bells ring/are ringing
  1. if you say that alarm bells are ringing, you mean that people are starting to feel worried and to suspect that something is wrong警钟敲响;发出危险信号
    • The government’s proposal has set alarm bells ringing for people on low incomes.政府的提议为低收入人群敲响了警钟。
ring a bell
  1. (informal) to sound familiar to you, as though you have heard it before听起来耳熟
    • His name rings a bell but I can't think where we met.他的名字听着很熟,但我想不起我们在哪里见过。
ring the changes (with something)
  1. (British English) to make changes to something in order to have greater variety使更多样化;变换花样
    • Ring the changes with a new colour.用一种新的颜色来改变一下。
ring in your ears/head
  1. to make you feel that you can still hear something在耳边回响
    • His warning was still ringing in my ears.他的警告依然在我耳边回响。
ring off the hook
  1. (usually used in the progressive tenses通常用于进行时) (of a phone) to ring many times, with one phone call after another响声不断;铃声大作
    • The phone has been ringing off the hook with offers of help.表示愿意提供援助的电话接连不断。
ring true/hollow/false
  1. to give the impression of being sincere/true or not sincere/true给人以真实(或空洞、虚假)的印象
    • It may seem a strange story but it rings true to me.这个故事也许显得离奇,但我却觉得很真实。
    • His expressions of support rang rather hollow.他支持的表情听起来相当空洞。
    • His promise rang hollow.他的诺言听起来很空洞。



    of bell铃;钟

    [countable] the sound that a bell makes; the act of ringing a bell铃声;钟声;摇铃;敲钟
    • There was a ring at the door.门铃响了。
    • He gave a couple of loud rings on the doorbell.他使劲地按了几下门铃。
  2. sound声响

  3. [singular] a loud, clear sound清晰的响声
    • the ring of horse’s hooves on the cobblestones马蹄在鹅卵石上发出的清脆响声
  4. quality特性

  5. [singular] ring (of something) a particular quality that words, sounds, etc. have(言语、声音等的)特性
    • His explanation has a ring of truth about it.他的解释听上去真实可信。
    • Her protestation of innocence had a hollow ring to it (= did not sound sincere).她自称无辜的辩白显得空洞乏力。
    • The story had a familiar ring to it (= as if I had heard it before).这个故事听起来耳熟。
  6. 词源Old English hringan, of Germanic origin, perhaps imitative.
the brass ring
  1. (North American English, informal) the opportunity to be successful; success that you have worked hard to get成功的机遇;获胜良机;(来之不易的)成功
    • The girls' outdoor track team has grabbed the brass ring seven times.女子室外径赛运动队已经七次夺冠。
    Topics Successc2
give somebody a ring
  1. (British English, informal) to make a phone call to somebody给某人打电话
    • I'll give you a ring tomorrow.我明天给你打电话。
    • I'll give you a ring once I get home.一到家我就给你打电话。
    British/American phone / call / ringphone / call / ringverbs
    • In British English, to phone, to ring and to call are the usual ways of saying to telephone. In North American English the most common word is call, but phone is also used. Speakers of North American English do not say ring. Telephone is very formal and is used mainly in British English.
    • You can use call or phone call (more formal) in both British English and North American English:
      • Were there any phone calls for me?有我的电话吗?
      • How do I make a local call?本地电话怎么打?
      The idiom give somebody a call is also common:习语 give sb a call 亦常用:
      • I’ll give you a call tonight.我今晚会给你打电话。
      In informal British English you could also say:
      • I’ll give you a ring tonight.我今晚会给你打电话。
    Topics Phones, email and the internetb2




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