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词汇 rob


present simple I / you / we / they rob
he / she / it robs
past simple robbed
past participle robbed
-ing form robbing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
  1. rob somebody/something (of something) to steal money or property from a person or place抢劫;掠夺;盗取
    • to rob a bank抢劫银行
    • The tomb had been robbed of its treasures.这座坟墓里的财宝早已被盗。
    • The gang had robbed and killed the drugstore owner.那伙匪徒抢劫并杀害了药房的老板。
    Collocations CrimeCrime犯罪Committing a crime犯罪
    • commit a crime/​a murder/​a violent assault/​a brutal killing/​an armed robbery/​fraud犯罪/谋杀罪/暴力侵犯他人身体罪/残杀罪/持械抢劫罪/诈骗罪
    • be involved in terrorism/​a suspected arson attack/​people smuggling/​human trafficking参与恐怖主义活动;涉嫌纵火袭击;参与人口走私/人口贩卖
    • engage/​participate in criminal activity/​illegal practices/​acts of mindless vandalism参与犯罪活动/非法活动/愚昧的故意毁坏他人财产的行为
    • steal somebody’s wallet/​purse/(British English) mobile phone/(North American English) cell phone偷某人的钱包/手机
    • rob a bank/​a person/​a tourist抢劫银行/他人/游客
    • break into/ (British English) burgle/ (North American English) burglarize a house/​a home/​an apartment入室盗窃
    • hijack a plane/​ship/​bus劫持飞机/轮船/公共汽车
    • smuggle drugs/​weapons/​arms/​immigrants走私毒品/武器/军火;偷运移民
    • launder drug money (through something)(通过…)洗毒资
    • forge documents/​certificates/​passports伪造文件/证件/护照
    • take/​accept/​pay somebody/​offer (somebody) a bribe索取/收受贿赂;向(某人)行贿
    • run a phishing/​an email/​an internet scam进行网络钓鱼/电子邮件/互联网诈骗
    Fighting crime打击犯罪
    • combat/​fight crime/​terrorism/​corruption/​drug trafficking打击犯罪/恐怖主义/腐败/贩毒
    • prevent/​stop credit-card fraud/​child abuse/​software piracy防止/阻止信用卡诈骗/虐待儿童/软件盗版
    • deter/​stop criminals/​burglars/​thieves/​shoplifters/​vandals威慑/阻止犯罪分子/入室盗窃者/小偷/商店扒手/故意破坏公物者
    • reduce/​tackle/​crack down on knife/​gun/​violent/​street crime; (especially British English) antisocial behaviour减少/处理/严厉打击持刀/持枪/暴力/街头犯罪/反社会行为
    • foil a bank raid/​a terrorist plot挫败一起银行抢劫案/一次恐怖分子的阴谋
    • help/​support/​protect the victims of crime帮助/支持/保护犯罪活动的受害者
    Investigating crime调查犯罪活动
    • report a crime/​a theft/​a rape/​an attack/(especially British English) an incident to the police向警方举报不法行为/偷窃案/强奸案/袭击事件/暴力事件
    • witness the crime/​attack/​murder/​incident目击犯罪/袭击/谋杀/暴力事件
    • investigate a murder/(especially North American English) a homicide/​a burglary/​a robbery/​the alleged incident调查谋杀案/蓄意杀人案/入室盗窃案/抢劫案/涉嫌的暴力事件
    • conduct/​launch/​pursue an investigation (into…); (especially British English) a police/​murder inquiry进行/开始/继续(对…的)调查/警方调查/谋杀案调查
    • investigate/​reopen a criminal/​murder case调查/重新审理犯罪/谋杀案件
    • examine/​investigate/​find fingerprints at the crime scene/​the scene of crime仔细检查/调查/查找犯罪现场的指纹
    • collect/​gather forensic evidence收集法医证据
    • uncover new evidence/​a fraud/​a scam/​a plot/​a conspiracy/​political corruption/​a cache of weapons发现新证据/诈骗/欺诈/密谋/阴谋/政治腐败/私藏武器
    • describe/​identify a suspect/​the culprit/​the perpetrator/​the assailant/​the attacker描述/指认嫌疑犯/罪犯/作恶者/攻击者/袭击者
    • question/​interrogate a suspect/​witness询问嫌疑人/目击证人
    • solve/​crack the case破案
    • The tourists were robbed of their bags.游客的包被抢走了。
    • An armed gang robbed a bank in Main Street last night.一伙持械匪徒昨晚抢劫了主街上的一家银行。
    • He was accused of robbing the company's pension funds.他被指控盗取公司的养老基金。
    • In the 19th century doctors robbed graves to obtain cadavers for medical training purposes.在19世纪,医生抢劫坟墓以获取尸体用于医学培训。
    Topics Crime and punishmentb2
    Collocations DictionaryRob is used with these nouns as the object:
    • bank
    词源Middle English: from Old French rober, of Germanic origin.
rob somebody blind
  1. (informal) to cheat or trick somebody so that they lose a lot of money骗取某人大量钱财
    • You can’t trust them. They’ll rob you blind as soon as your back is turned.你不能相信他们。你一转身,他们就会把你抢瞎。
rob the cradle
  1. (North American English, informal) to have a sexual relationship with a much younger person老牛吃嫩草(指跟比自己年龄小很多的人发生性关系)
rob Peter to pay Paul
  1. (saying) to borrow money from one person to pay back what you owe to another person; to take money from one thing to use for something else借新债还旧账;拆东墙补西墙


  1. a first name for boys, short for Robert男孩的名字,Robert的缩写




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