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词汇 Roman


  1. connected with ancient Rome or the Roman Empire古罗马的;古罗马帝国的
    • a Roman road/temple/villa古罗马的公路/庙宇/别墅
    • Roman Britain古罗马统治下的不列颠
    Culture Roman BritainRoman BritainThe Romans occupied Britain from around 55 BC to AD 410 and there are still many signs of the occupation at archaeological sites and Roman roads and walls stretching across the countryside.Julius Caesar came to Britain in 55 BC and 54 BC, defeating some of the local Celtic tribes and introducing taxes and establishing trade. When, in AD 43, this was under threat, the emperor Claudius ordered an invasion and southern Britain became Britannia, a province of the Roman Empire which was ruled by a Roman governor. In AD 78 the governor Agricola brought Wales under Roman control, but failed to conquer the Picts and other Scottish tribes in the north. The emperor Hadrian visited Britain in AD 122 and after that Hadrian's Wall, much of which can still be seen today, was built between Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Bowness marking the northern border of the province.The Romans founded over 20 large towns called coloniae, including Colchester which was built as the new capital, Gloucester and Lincoln. It took many years before a town had all the things expected by a Roman citizen, such as a forum (= meeting place) with shops and a town hall, and baths and theatres, which were all highly decorated. London developed first as a trading centre and became the focus for several roads, soon replacing Colchester as the capital. Many roads were built to transport soldiers to border areas and for travel between towns, the most famous of which are Watling Street which ran from Dover to London and then on to St Albans and Chester, Ermine Street between London and York and the Fosse Way which ran from Exeter to Lincoln.By AD 410, when Roman officials left Britain, the country had already been attacked by the picts and invaded by Germanic tribes from northern Europe. More soldiers were sent to defend the province, but when part of the army was moved to deal with trouble elsewhere, the British rebelled against Roman rule and Roman influence declined. Germanic settlers, the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, began arriving in Britain from about AD 430 and took over much of the south and east of the country.
    Topics Historya2
  2. connected with the modern city of Rome罗马的;罗马城的
  3. connected with the Roman Catholic Church天主教的
  4. roman
    used to describe ordinary printing type that does not lean forward罗马体的;西文白正体的
    • Definitions in this dictionary are printed in roman type.这本词典里的释义是用罗马体印刷的。
    compare italic
  5. 词源Middle English: from Old French Romain, from Latin Romanus, from Roma ‘Rome’.


  1. [countable] a member of the ancient Roman republic or empire古罗马人
  2. [countable] a person from the modern city of Rome(现代的)罗马人,罗马市民
  3. roman
    [uncountable] the ordinary style of printing that uses small letters that do not lean forward罗马体;西文白正体 compare italics
  4. 词源Middle English: from Old French Romain, from Latin Romanus, from Roma ‘Rome’.
when in Rome (do as the Romans do)
  1. (saying) used to say that when you are in a foreign country, or a situation you are not familiar with, you should behave in the way that the people around you behave入乡随俗




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