Ruth Rendell
/ˌruːθ ˈrendl/
/ˌruːθ ˈrendl/
- (1930-2015) an English author of detective and mystery novels. Her main character is Chief Inspector Wexford, and her books include Wolf to the Slaughter (1967), Shake Hands Forever (1975), Road Rage (1997), Adam and Eve and Pinch Me (2002) and No Man's Nightingale (2013). She also wrote under the name of Barbara Vine. Many of her books have been made into successful television series. She was made a life peer in 1977.
露丝·伦德尔(Ruth Rendell):( 1930-2015年)侦探小说和神秘小说的英国作家。她的主要角色是首席督察员韦克斯福德(Wexford),她的著作包括《狼来了杀人狂》(1967),《永远握手》(1975),《狂暴之路》(1997),《亚当与夏娃和小矮人》(2002)和《无人夜莺》(2013)。她还以Barbara Vine的名字写作。她的许多书都成功地制作成了电视连续剧。她在1977年成为终身同伴。