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词汇 bid


    an offer by a person or a company to pay a particular amount of money for something(买方的)出价
    • bid for something A German firm launched a takeover bid for the company.一家德国公司试图收购这家公司。
    • At the auction (= a public sale where things are sold to the person who offers the most), the highest bid for the picture was £200.拍卖会上,这幅画的最高出价为 200 英镑。
    • bid on something (North American English also) the highest bid on the picture这幅画的最高出价
    • Any more bids?还有谁出更高的价吗?
    • I placed a bid on a repossessed Ferrari.我出价买一辆二手法拉利车。
    • He made a cash bid for the company.他提出以现金收购这家公司。
    • They have invited bids for the property.他们为这块地产招标。
    • They blocked a $24 million bid by a rival company.他们阻止了一家竞争公司2400万美元的投标。
    Topics Artb2, Shoppingb2, Businessb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • high
    • low
    • opening
    verb + bid
    • make
    • place
    • put in
    bid + noun
    • price
    • process
    • bid by
    • bid from
    • bid for
    bid (for something) (North American English also) bid (on something) an offer to do work or provide a service for a particular price, in competition with other companies, etc.投标 synonym tender
    • The company submitted a bid for the contract to clean the hospital.该公司投标承包这所医院的清洁工作。
    Topics Businessb2
    (used especially in newspapers尤用于报章) an effort to do something or to obtain something努力争取
    • bid for something a bid for power权力之争
    • bid to do something a desperate bid to escape from his attackers竭力躲避攻击他的人
    • He attacked his guards in a desperate bid for freedom.他不顾一切地想获得自由,并为此袭击了看守。
    • This play was her last bid for recognition.这部戏是她为获得认可而进行的最后一次尝试。
    • It was a bid by the president to boost his popularity.这是总统为了提高自己的声望而做出的努力。
    • They failed in their bid to buy the company.他们意欲收购这家公司的行动失败了。
    Topics Successc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • successful
    • failed
    • unsuccessful
    verb + bid
    • launch
    • make
    • mount
    bid + verb
    • succeed
    • fail
    • in a/​the bid
    • bid by
    • bid for
    • a bid for freedom
    • a bid for power
    • a bid to escape
  4. (in some card games某些牌戏中) a statement of the number of points a player thinks he or she will win叫牌;叫出的点数


present simple I / you / we / they bid
he / she / it bids
past simple bid
past participle bid
-ing form bidding
    [intransitive, transitive] to offer to pay a particular price for something, especially at an auction出(价);(尤指拍卖中)喊价
    • bid (something) (for something) I bid £2 000 for the painting.我出 2 000 英镑买这幅画。
    • bid (against somebody) (for something) We wanted to buy the chairs but another couple were bidding against us.我们想买下那几把椅子,但另一对夫妇在同我们较劲出价。
    • Two dealers bid against each other for the antique table.两个商人就这张古董桌互相竞价。
    Topics Artb2, Shoppingb2
    Collocations Dictionarypreposition
    • against
    • for
    [intransitive] to offer to do work or provide a service for a particular price, in competition with other companies, etc.投标 synonym tender
    • bid for something A French firm will be bidding for the contract.一家法国公司将投标争取这项合同。
    • bid on something (North American English also) A French firm will be bidding on the contract.一家法国公司将投标该合同。
    • bid to do something Which other cities are bidding to host the 2028 Olympics?还有哪些城市在申办2028年奥运会?
    • acquisition
    • bid
    • broker
    • contract
    • deal
    • merger
    • negotiation
    • offer
    • proposal
    • takeover
    Topics Businessb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • successfully
    • competitively
    • for
    • on
    [transitive] bid to do something (used especially in newspapers尤用于报章) to try to do, get or achieve something努力争取;企图获得 synonym attempt
    • The team is bidding to retain its place in the league.这个队正争取保住它在联赛中的位置。
    Topics Successc1
  4. [transitive, intransitive] bid (something) (in some card games) to say how many points you expect to win(某些牌戏中)叫牌;叫出的点数
    • She bid four hearts.她叫四红桃。
what am I bid?
  1. used by an auctioneer when he or she is selling something(拍卖人用语)诸位愿出多少钱
    • What am I bid for this vase?诸位愿给这个花瓶出多少钱?


present simple I / you / we / they bid
he / she / it bids
past simple bade
/beɪd/, /bæd/
/beɪd/, /bæd/
past simple bid
past participle bidden
past participle bid
-ing form bidding
  1. bid (somebody) good morning, farewell, etc. (formal) to say ‘good morning’, etc. to somebody向(某人)问候、道别等
    • I bade farewell to all the friends I had made in Paris.我告别了我在巴黎结交的所有朋友。
    • I bade all my friends farewell.我告别了所有的朋友。
    • He bade farewell to the city where he had been so happy.他告别了他曾经如此快乐的城市。
    • He bade her good day and left.他向她道了声再见就离开了。
  2. bid somebody (do something) (old use or literary) to tell somebody to do something告诉(某人做某事);吩咐
    • He bade me come closer.他让我靠近些。




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