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词汇 scheme


    (British English) a plan or system for doing or organizing something计划;方案;体系;体制
    • a training scheme培训方案
    • scheme for doing something a local scheme for recycling newspapers当地的报纸回收计划
    • scheme to do something to introduce/operate a scheme to improve links between schools and industry推行/实施加强学校和业界之间联系的方案
    • under a scheme Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding.在新体制下,只有办得好的学校才可获得额外经费。
    • to introduce/launch/run a scheme介绍/发起/实施一项计划
    • a salary/insurance/loan scheme工资/保险/贷款计划
    • The houses have been demolished as part of a major regeneration scheme.作为一项重大重建计划的一部分,这些房屋已被拆除。
    see also pension scheme
    • The project is based on a successful pilot scheme in Glasgow.该项目基于格拉斯哥一个成功的试验方案。
    • The scheme allows customers to trade in their own computer against the cost of a new one.这一方案让顾客用原有的电脑冲抵一部份购买新电脑的费用。
    • Under the scheme, land would be sold to building companies.根据这一计划,土地将出售给建筑公司。
    • a government-backed scheme政府资助的计划
    • a scheme whereby the elderly will be provided with help in the home为老年人居家生活提供帮助的方案
    Topics Businessb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • major
    • multi-million-pound
    • ambitious
    verb + scheme
    • have
    • come up with
    • design
    scheme + verb
    • offer something
    • provide something
    • allow something
    • in a/​the scheme
    • under a/​the scheme
    • scheme for
    a plan for getting money or some other advantage for yourself, especially one that involves cheating other people阴谋;诡计;计谋
    • scheme to do something an elaborate scheme to avoid taxes周密的避税方案
    • They hatched a scheme to rob a Monte Carlo casino. 他们策划了一个抢劫蒙特卡洛赌场的计划。
    • scheme for doing something Is this another one of your crazy schemes for making money?这是你另一个疯狂的赚钱计划吗?
    see also pyramid scheme
    • Police uncovered a scheme to steal paintings worth more than $250 000.警方发现了一起企图盗窃价值超过25万元画作的阴谋。
    • This is not one of those get-rich-quick schemes that you see on the internet.这可不是你在因特网上看到的那类暴富计划。
    • She's come up with a hare-brained scheme for getting her novel published.她想出了一个让自己的小说得以发表的不靠谱计划。
    • He has an ingenious scheme to attract funding.他有一套吸引资金的独特计划。
    • They concocted an elaborate fund-raising scheme.他们精心策划了一个筹款计划。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • crazy
    • hare-brained
    • elaborate
    verb + scheme
    • concoct
    • devise
    • dream up
    scheme + verb
    • involve something
  3. an ordered system or arrangement有序的系统或安排
    • It is a poem with a rhyme scheme and a defined structure.这是一首有韵律和明确结构的诗。
    see also colour scheme
  4. (Scottish English, informal) an area of social housing (= houses or flats for people to rent or buy at low prices)社会保障性住房
    • I'm from Glasgow and grew up in a scheme.我来自格拉斯哥,在一个安居计划房中长大。
  5. 词源mid 16th cent. (denoting a figure of speech): from Latin schema, from Greek skhēma ‘form, figure’. An early sense was ‘diagram of the position of celestial objects’, giving rise to ‘diagram, outline’, which led to the current senses. The unfavourable sense “plot” arose in the mid 18th cent.
the/somebody’s scheme of things
  1. the way things seem to be organized; the way somebody wants everything to be organized格局;心中的安排
    • My personal problems are not really important in the overall scheme of things.从全局来看,我个人的问题并非十分重要。
    • This small annoyance isn't much in the grand scheme of things.这个小小的烦恼在事情的大计划中并不算什么。
    • I don't think marriage figures in his scheme of things.我想,婚姻在他的心目中是无足轻重的。


present simple I / you / we / they scheme
he / she / it schemes
past simple schemed
past participle schemed
-ing form scheming
  1. [intransitive, transitive] (disapproving) to make secret plans to do something that will help yourself and possibly harm others密谋;秘密策划;图谋 synonym plot
    • scheme (against somebody) She seemed to feel that we were all scheming against her.她似乎觉得我们都在算计她。
    • scheme to do something His colleagues, meanwhile, were busily scheming to get rid of him.与此同时,他的同事在加紧谋划除掉他。
    • scheme something Her enemies were scheming her downfall.她的敌人正密谋把她搞垮。
  2. [transitive] scheme something (South African English, informal) to think or form an opinion about something想;认为
    • What do you scheme?你认为怎么样?
    • ‘Do you think he'll come?’ ‘I scheme so.’“你认为他会来吗?” “我想会来。”
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
  3. 词源mid 16th cent. (denoting a figure of speech): from Latin schema, from Greek skhēma ‘form, figure’. An early sense was ‘diagram of the position of celestial objects’, giving rise to ‘diagram, outline’, which led to the current senses. The unfavourable sense “plot” arose in the mid 18th cent.




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