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词汇 separate


Word Family
  • separate adjective
  • separately adverb
  • separable adjective (≠ inseparable)
  • separate verb
  • separated adjective
  • separation noun
    forming a unit by itself; not joined to something else单独的;独立的;分开的
    • They have begun to sleep in separate rooms.他们已经开始分房睡了。
    • separate from somebody/something Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat.生肉和熟肉必须分开存放。
    • The school is housed in two separate buildings.学校设在两栋独立的楼房内。
    • Write a list of names on a separate piece of paper.将名单写在另一张纸上。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • become
    • remain
    • somewhat
    • very
    • essentially
    • from
    • go your separate ways
    [usually before noun] different; not connected不同的;不相关的
    • a separate incident/issue单独的事件/问题
    • The companies now exist as two separate entities.这些公司现在作为两个独立的实体存在。
    • separate from something I try to keep my private life separate from my work.我试图把我的私生活和工作分开。
    • This is a completely separate matter.这是完全不同的事情。
    • It happened on three separate occasions.这事在三个不同的场合发生过。
    • Their ultimate political goal is the creation of a separate state.他们的最终政治目标是建立一个独立的国家。
    • For the past three years they have been leading totally separate lives.三年来,他们完全是各过各的生活。
    • The two groups are essentially separate and independent.这两个团体本质上是各自独立的。
    • to merge the two previously separate businesses将两个先前彼此独立的企业合并
    • species from widely separate parts of the world来自相隔甚远的不同地区的物种
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • become
    • remain
    • somewhat
    • very
    • essentially
    • from
    • go your separate ways
  3. 词源late Middle English: from Latin separat- ‘disjoined, divided’, from the verb separare, from se- ‘apart’ + parare ‘prepare’.
go your separate ways
  1. to end a relationship with somebody断绝往来;分道扬镳
    • When the business was sold they went their separate ways.生意出售后,他们分道扬镳。
    • They decided to go their separate ways after being together for five years.在一起 5 年之后,他们决定分手。
    • When we finished school, we all went our separate ways.毕业之后,我们就都各奔东西。
  2. to go in a different direction from somebody you have been travelling with分路而行;分手
under separate cover
  1. (business商业) in a separate envelope另函
    • The information you requested is being forwarded to you under separate cover.现另函寄上所要资料。


present simple I / you / we / they separate
he / she / it separates
past simple separated
past participle separated
-ing form separating
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
    [intransitive, transitive] to divide into different parts or groups; to divide things into different parts or groups(使)分开,分离;分割;划分
    • Stir the sauce constantly so that it does not separate.不停地搅动酱汁,免得出现分层。
    • separate something Separate the eggs (= separate the yolk from the white).把蛋黄和蛋清分开。
    • A civil war separated the two sides.内战使双方分离。
    • separate A from B It is impossible to separate belief from emotion.信仰和感情是分不开的。
    • separate A and B the law separating church and state政教分离的法律
    • separate something into something Make a list of points and separate them into ‘desirable’ and ‘essential’.列出各点,把它们分成 “渴望拥有的” 和 “绝对必要的” 两类。
    • Mechanically separated meat made from cattle and sheep has now been banned.现在机械分割的牛羊肉已被禁止食用。
    • One cannot easily separate moral, social and political issues.道德、社会和政治问题不容易区分开。
    • These two branches of the science have now become clearly separated.这门科学的两大分支现在已经明确分开了。
    • an island resort totally separated from the mainland一处远离大陆的海岛旅游胜地
    • I separated the documents into two piles.我把文件分成两摞。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • completely
    • carefully
    • clearly
    verb + separate
    • attempt to
    • try to
    • be difficult to
    • from
    • into
    • sharply separated
    • totally separated
    • widely separated
    [intransitive, transitive] to move apart; to make people or things move apart(使)分离,分散
    • South America and Africa separated 200 million years ago.南美洲和非洲于 2 亿年前分离。
    • They are actually twins separated at birth.他们实际上是一出生就分开的双胞胎。
    • separate from something South America separated from Africa 200 million years ago.2 亿年前南美洲和非洲分离。
    • separate into something We separated into several different search parties.我们分成几个搜索小组。
    • separate somebody/something Police tried to separate the two men who were fighting.警察力图把两个打架的人分开。
    • The war separated many families.这场战争使许多家庭离散。
    • separate A from B Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients.传染病患者同其他病人隔离开来。
    • separate A and B Women and men are separated in Orthodox synagogues.东正教犹太教堂里男女分开。
    • separate somebody/something into something The children were separated into two groups.孩子们被分成两组。
    • It was impossible to separate the rival fans.要把这些敌对的球迷分开是不可能的。
    • The boys are separated from the girls.男孩和女孩是分开的。
    • Two men separated from the others and walked towards me.两名男子与其他人分开,朝我走了过来。
    • Slave parents were forcibly separated from their children.身为奴隶的父母被迫与自己的孩子分离。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • completely
    • carefully
    • clearly
    verb + separate
    • attempt to
    • try to
    • be difficult to
    • from
    • into
    • sharply separated
    • totally separated
    • widely separated
    [transitive] to be between two people, areas, countries, etc. so that they are not touching or connected隔开;阻隔
    • separate somebody/something A thousand kilometres separates the two cities.两座城市相隔一千公里。
    • It is not uncommon for families to be separated by great distances.家庭相隔很远并不罕见。
    • separate A from/and B A high wall separated our back yard from the playing field.我们的后院和运动场之间隔着一堵高墙。
    • At this point a barbed wire fence separates the United States and Mexico.在这一点上,一个带刺的铁丝网将美国和墨西哥隔开。
    [intransitive] to stop living together as a couple with your husband, wife or partner分居
    • They separated last year.他们于去年分居了。
    • separate from somebody He separated from his wife after 20 years of marriage.他和妻子在结婚 20 年后分居了。
    Collocations Marriage and divorceMarriage and divorce结婚和离婚Romance恋爱
    • fall/​be (madly/​deeply/​hopelessly) in love (with somebody)(疯狂地/深深地/无可救药地)爱上/爱着(某人)
    • be/​believe in/​fall in love at first sight是/相信一见钟情;一见钟情
    • be/​find true love/​the love of your life是/找到真爱/一生的爱
    • suffer (from) (the pains/​pangs of) unrequited love受单相思之苦
    • have/​feel/​show/​express great/​deep/​genuine affection for somebody/​something对某人/某事有着/表示出强烈的/深深的/真挚的爱慕之情
    • meet/​marry your husband/​wife/​partner/​fiancé/fiancée/​boyfriend/​girlfriend与丈夫/妻子/伴侣/未婚夫/未婚妻/男朋友/女朋友结识/结婚
    • have/​go on a (blind) date有个/去约会/相亲
    • be going out with/(especially North American English) dating a guy/​girl/​boy/​man/​woman与一个小伙子/女生/男生/男人/女人在谈恋爱
    • move in with/​live with your boyfriend/​girlfriend/​partner与男朋友/女朋友/伴侣同居
    • get/​be engaged/​married/​divorced订婚;结婚;离婚
    • arrange/​plan a wedding安排婚礼
    • have a big wedding/​a honeymoon/​a happy marriage举行隆重的婚礼;度蜜月;婚姻幸福
    • have/​enter into an arranged marriage有一个/走入包办婚姻
    • call off/​cancel/​postpone your wedding取消/推迟婚礼
    • invite somebody to/​go to/​attend a wedding/​a wedding ceremony/​a wedding reception邀请某人出席/参加婚礼/结婚典礼/结婚喜宴
    • conduct/​perform a wedding ceremony举行结婚典礼
    • exchange rings/​wedding vows/​marriage vows交换戒指;互致结婚誓言
    • congratulate/​toast/​raise a glass to the happy couple祝贺这对幸福的新人;为这对幸福的伉俪干杯
    • be/​go on honeymoon (with your wife/​husband)(与妻子/丈夫)在/去度蜜月
    • celebrate your first (wedding) anniversary庆祝第一个(结婚)纪念日
    Separation and divorce分居和离婚
    • be unfaithful to/(informal) cheat on your husband/​wife/​partner/​fiancé/fiancée/​boyfriend/​girlfriend对丈夫/妻子/伴侣/未婚夫/未婚妻/男朋友/女朋友不忠
    • have an affair (with somebody)(和某人)有暧昧关系
    • break off/​end an engagement/​a relationship解除/终止婚约/恋爱关系
    • break up with/​split up with/ (informal) dump your boyfriend/​girlfriend与男友/女友分手;甩掉男友/女友
    • separate from/​be separated from/​leave/​divorce your husband/​wife和丈夫/妻子分居;离弃丈夫/妻子;与丈夫/妻子离婚
    • annul/​dissolve a marriage宣布婚姻无效;解除婚姻关系
    • apply for/​ask for/​go through/​get a divorce申请/要求/办理离婚;离婚
    • get/​gain/​be awarded/​have/​lose custody of the children获得/被判予/拥有/失去对孩子的监护权
    • pay alimony/​child support (to your ex-wife/​husband)(向前妻/前夫)支付生活费/子女抚养费
    Topics Family and relationshipsb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • legally
    • recently
    • forcibly
    verb + separate
    • decide to
    • from
  5. [transitive] separate somebody/something (from somebody/something) to make somebody/something different in some way from somebody/something else区分;区别 synonym divide
    • Politics is the only thing that separates us (= that we disagree about).我们之间唯一的分歧是政治观点。
    • Her lack of religious faith separated her from the rest of her family.她缺乏宗教信仰,这使她跟家里的人格格不入。
    • The judges found it impossible to separate the two contestants (= they gave them equal scores).裁判无法把两位参赛者分出高下。
    • Only four points separate the top three teams.领先的三支队只相差四分。
  6. 词源late Middle English: from Latin separat- ‘disjoined, divided’, from the verb separare, from se- ‘apart’ + parare ‘prepare’.
separate/sort out the men from the boys
  1. to show or prove who is brave, skilful, etc. and who is not表明/证明谁有技能(或更勇敢等)
sort out/separate the sheep from the goats
  1. to recognize the difference between people who are good at something, intelligent, etc. and those who are not区分能手与常人;分清智者和庸人
sort out/separate the wheat from the chaff
  1. to recognize the difference between useful or valuable people or things and those that are not useful or have no value识别优劣;分清好坏;去芜存菁
    • We sifted through the application forms to separate the wheat from the chaff.我们仔细检查了申请表,把小麦和谷壳分开。




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