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词汇 serve


present simple I / you / we / they serve
he / she / it serves
past simple served
past participle served
-ing form serving
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [transitive, intransitive] to give somebody food or drink, for example at a restaurant or during a meal(给某人)提供;端上
    • serve (something) Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m.早餐供应时间从上午 7 点到 10 点。
    • When do you stop serving hot food?你什么时候停止供应热食?
    • Pour the sauce over the pasta and serve immediately.把酱汁浇在意大利面上就立刻上桌。
    • Shall I serve?现在上菜好吗?
    • serve something with something Serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans.羊肉配新鲜土豆和青刀豆一起上。
    • serve something to somebody They served a wonderful meal to more than fifty delegates.他们招待五十多位代表吃了一餐美味佳肴。
    • serve somebody with something The delegates were served with a wonderful meal.代表们受到款待,吃了一餐美味佳肴。
    • serve somebody something She served us a delicious lunch.她招待我们吃了一顿可口的午餐。
    • serve something + adj. The quiche can be served hot or cold.蛋奶馅饼热吃也行,冷吃也行。
    • Cover and chill the salad until ready to serve.将色拉加盖冷藏后再上桌。
    • Serve chilled.冷藏后饮用。
    • Serve with rice or potatoes.与米饭或土豆一起食用。
    Topics Cooking and eatinga2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • immediately
    verb + serve
    • be ready to
    • to
    • with
    • dinner is served
    • serve something chilled
    • serve something cold
  2. [transitive] serve somebody/something (of an amount of food食物的量) to be enough for somebody/something够…吃(或用)
    • This dish will serve four hungry people.这饭够四个饥饿的人吃。
  3. customers顾客

    [transitive, intransitive] serve (somebody) (especially British English) to help a customer or sell them something in a shop接待;服务
    • Are you being served?有人接待您吗?
    • The bar staff spend more time chatting to friends than serving customers.酒吧工作人员花在和朋友聊天上的时间比服务顾客的时间还多。
    • She was serving behind the counter.她在柜台服务。
    Topics Shoppinga2
  5. be useful有用

    [transitive] serve something/somebody to be useful to somebody in achieving or satisfying something对…有用;能满足…的需要
    • These experiments serve no useful purpose.这些实验没有任何实际意义。
    • Most of their economic policies serve the interests of big business.他们的经济政策多半符合大企业的利益。
    • How can we best serve the needs of future generations?我们怎样才最能满足后代子孙的需要?
    • Art serves an important function in our society.艺术在我们的社会中起着重要的作用。
    • His linguistic ability served him well in his chosen profession.他的语言能力对他所选择的职业大有帮助。
    • This old car has served me very well.这辆旧车对我很有用。
    • The story would be better served by slowing down a little.稍微放慢一点速度会对故事更有帮助。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • merely
    • only
    • simply
    • as
  7. provide something提供

    [transitive] to provide an area or a group of people with a product or service(向某地或某群体)供应,提供
    • serve somebody/something The centre will serve the whole community.这个中心将为整个社区提供服务。
    • serve somebody/something with something The town is well served with buses and major road links.这座城市乘坐公共汽车很方便,与干线公路的连接也很发达。
  9. work工作

    [intransitive, transitive] to work or perform duties for a person, an organization, a country, etc.; to spend a period of time in a particular job(为…)工作,服务,履行义务,尽职责
    • serve as something He served as a captain in the army.他曾是一名陆军上尉。
    • She was elected to serve as secretary of the local party.她当选为地方党组织的书记。
    • to serve as president/director/chairman担任总裁/董事/主席
    • serve under/with somebody He served under Tony Blair in the 1990s.他曾于 20 世纪 90 年代在托尼 · 布莱尔手下任职。
    • serve + adv./prep. She served in the medical corps.她在医务部队服过役。
    • His father served with distinction in the First World War.他父亲在第一次世界大战中表现出色。
    • serve somebody/something He proudly served his country during the war.战争期间,他自豪地为国家服务。
    • I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the community.我想找一个能够为公众服务的工作岗位。
    • She has already served two terms as mayor.她已经连任两届市长。
    • He served a one-year apprenticeship.他做了一年的学徒。
    • He served the family faithfully for many years (= as a servant).他忠心耿耿,伺候这家人多年。
    • Have you ever served on a jury?你参加过陪审团吗?
    • I currently serve on the Board of Directors.我目前是董事会成员。
    • He served on active duty in the US Marine Corps.他战时在美国海军陆战队服役。
    • He served with distinction in the First World War.他在第一次世界大战中战功卓著。
    • She served in the US military for six years.她在美国军队服役六年。
    • I shall continue to serve as a trustee.我将继续履行受托人的职责。
    • She has served in an advisory capacity for a number of groups.她以顾问的身分为许多组织工作过。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • faithfully
    • loyally
    • well
    verb + serve
    • continue to
    • as
    • in
    • on
    • if memory serves you
    • if memory serves (you) correctly
    • if memory serves you right
  11. be suitable适合

  12. [intransitive] serve (as something) to be suitable for a particular use, especially when nothing else is available可用作,可当…使(尤指别无选择时)
    • The sofa will serve as a bed for a night or two.沙发可以当床凑合一两夜。
    • The Declaration served primarily as a propaganda piece.宣言主要起宣传作用。
    • The texts ultimately serve as springboards for the artists' imagination.这些文稿最终成为激发艺术家想象力的助力跳板。
    • The first chapter serves as a useful introduction to the subject.第一章是对这个主题的有用介绍。
  13. have particular result产生某种结果

  14. [intransitive, transitive] to have a particular effect or result产生…的效果(或结果)
    • serve as something The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others.法官说这种惩罚将对其他人起到杀一儆百的作用。
    • The highly visible ruins serve as a reminder of the building's history.高度可见的废墟提醒人们这座建筑的历史。
    • There are several women in the field who have served as role models.这一领域有几名妇女成为了榜样。
    • serve to do something The attack was unsuccessful and served only to alert the enemy.进攻未奏效,反而使敌人警觉起来。
    • This only served to complicate the situation further.这只是使得局面更加复杂。
    Topics Change, cause and effectc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • merely
    • only
    • simply
    • as
  15. time in prison监禁时间

  16. [transitive] serve something to spend a period of time in prison服(刑)
    • prisoners serving life sentences服无期徒刑的囚犯
    • She is serving two years for theft.她因盗窃罪正在服两年徒刑。
    • He has served time (= been to prison) before.他以前坐过牢。
    Topics Crime and punishmentc1
  17. official document正式文件

  18. [transitive] (law法律) to give or send somebody an official document, especially one that orders them to appear in court把…送达;向(某人)送交
    • serve something (on somebody) to serve a writ/summons on somebody把令状/传票送达某人
    • serve somebody with something to serve somebody with a writ/summons向某人送交令状/传票
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • immediately
    verb + serve
    • be ready to
    • to
    • with
    • dinner is served
    • serve something chilled
    • serve something cold
  19. in sport体育运动

  20. [intransitive, transitive] (in tennis, etc.网球等) to start playing by throwing the ball into the air and hitting it发(球)
    • Who's serving?谁发球?
    • serve something She served an ace.她发球直接得分。
    Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsc2
  21. 词源Middle English: from Old French servir, from Latin servire, from servus ‘slave’.
do/pull/serve double duty (as something)
  1. to perform two roles or functions at the same time侍奉二主(同时支持两个敌对的党派);徘徊于两种对立原则之间
    • This device can pull double duty as a decent laptop and an adequate tablet.这款设备可以作为一台像样的笔记本电脑和一台合适的平板电脑发挥双重作用。
    • She deserves credit for serving double duty as a host and performer.她作为主持人和表演者的双重职责值得称赞。
first come, first served
  1. (saying) people will be dealt with, seen, etc. strictly in the order in which they arrive先来先接待;先到先供应;按先来后到对待
    • Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis.票先来先买,售完为止。
if (my) memory serves me well, correctly, etc.
  1. if I remember correctly如果我没有记错的话
it serves somebody right (for doing something)
  1. used to say that something that has happened to somebody is their own fault and they deserve it咎由自取;罪有应得
    • Left you, did she? It serves you right for being so selfish.她离开了你,是吗?那你活该,你太自私了。
serve your/its turn
  1. (British English) to be useful for a particular purpose or period of time(在某方面或某期间)发挥作用,派上用场;足以满足…的需要
serve two masters
  1. (usually used in negative sentences通常用于否定句) to support two different parties, principles, etc. at the same time侍奉二主(同时支持两个敌对的党派);徘徊于两种对立原则之间


  1. (in tennis, etc.网球等) the action of serving the ball to your opponent发球
    • He has not lost his serve (= lost a game in which it was his turn to serve) in three matches.他在三场比赛中没有发球失误。
    Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsc2
    词源Middle English: from Old French servir, from Latin servire, from servus ‘slave’.




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