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词汇 shake


present simple I / you / we / they shake
he / she / it shakes
past simple shook
past participle shaken
-ing form shaking
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [intransitive, transitive] to move or make somebody/something move with short quick movements from side to side or up and down摇动;抖动;(使)颤动
    • The whole house shakes when a train goes past.火车驶过时,整座房子都颤动起来。
    • shake somebody/something Shake the bottle well before use.使用前摇匀瓶内物品。
    • The explosion shook windows miles from the site.爆炸震动了离现场几英里的窗户。
    • shake somebody/something by something He shook her violently by the shoulders.他抓着她的肩膀使劲摇晃。
    • shake somebody/something + adj. He knelt and gently shook her awake.他跪下,轻轻地摇醒了她。
    • She shook her hair loose.她头一摇,头发就散开了。
    • The ground began to shake.地面开始摇晃。
    • He shook the blankets vigorously to get rid of the dust.他使劲抖动毯子以抖掉尘土。
    • Shake the pan gently to settle the contents.轻轻摇动锅,让里面的东西沉淀下来。
    • She must have shaken the baby quite violently to inflict such severe injuries.她肯定是猛烈摇动了婴儿才造成这么严重的伤害。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • hard
    • roughly
    • vigorously
    • by
    [transitive] shake something + adv./prep. to move something in a particular direction by shaking摇(出);抖(掉)
    • She bent down to shake a pebble out of her shoe.她弯下腰,把鞋里的一粒石子抖出来。
    • His father used to come home and shake the dust off his work clothes.他父亲过去常常回家抖掉工作服上的灰尘。
    • He stood up, shaking sand everywhere.他站了起来,到处抖沙子。
  3. hands

    [transitive, intransitive] to take somebody’s hand and move it up and down as a way of saying hello or to show that you agree about something(与某人)握手
    • shake hands Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet?在意大利,人们见面时握手吗?
    • shake hands with somebody She refused to shake hands with him.她拒绝同他握手。
    • shake somebody’s hand He stepped forward and shook my hand.他上前和我握手。
    • shake somebody by the hand Our host shook each of us warmly by the hand.主人热情地和我们每个人握手。
    • shake hands on something They shook hands on the deal (= to show that they had reached an agreement).他们达成了协议,相互握手祝贺。
    • shake on something They shook on the deal (= shook hands to show the deal was agreed).他们达成了协议,相互握手祝贺。
    • Let's shake on it.让我们握手庆贺取得一致。
    • The captains shook hands before the game commenced.比赛开始前,双方队长相互握手。
    • If I met him I'd shake him by the hand and congratulate him.如果遇到他,我会同他握手表示祝贺。
    Topics Opinion and argumenta2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • firmly
    • vigorously
    • warmly
    • shake somebody by the hand
  5. your head

    [transitive] shake your head to turn your head from side to side as a way of saying ‘no’ or to show that you are sad, feel doubt, etc.摇头
    • ‘Drink?’ he offered. She shook her head.“喝点什么吗?”他提议道。她摇了摇头。
    • The old man watched them walk off into the night, shaking his head sadly.老人看着他们消失在夜色中,悲伤地摇着头。
    • She shook her head in disbelief.她摇摇头,不相信。
    • He shook his head at the thought.想到这,他摇了摇头。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • decisively
    • emphatically
    • firmly
    • at
    • in
  7. your fist拳头

  8. [transitive] shake your fist (at somebody) to show that you are angry with somebody; to threaten somebody by shaking your fist (= closed hand)挥拳(威胁)
    • The man shook his fist at the court after he was sentenced.那男子被判刑后朝法庭挥舞拳头。
  9. of body身体

    [intransitive] to make short quick movements that you cannot control, for example because you are cold or afraid颤抖;发抖;战栗;哆嗦 synonym tremble
    • Her hands had started to shake.她的手早已哆嗦起来。
    • shake with something He was shaking with fear.他吓得发抖。
    • He saw his mother turn away, her shoulders shaking with laughter.他看见母亲转过身去,笑得肩膀发抖。
    • His whole body shook with rage.他气得浑身发抖。
    • I was shaking like a leaf.我像树叶似的直哆嗦。
    • He was almost shaking with the intensity of what he was saying.因为言辞太激烈,他说话的时候几乎是浑身发抖。
    • He was crying and shaking all over.他在哭,而且全身发抖。
    • I found myself shaking uncontrollably with cold.我发现自己冷得不由自主地直哆嗦。
    • I just couldn't stop shaking.我就是止不住发抖。
    • I was numb with dread. I was literally shaking.我吓呆了,真的是浑身发抖。
    • Roxy was practically shaking with anger.罗克西愤怒得简直是在浑身发抖。
    • Natalie fairly shook with laughter.纳塔莉笑得简直要浑身颤抖了。
    • She got up, her legs shaking as well as her hands. 她站了起来,她的腿和手都在颤抖。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • badly
    • furiously
    • terribly
    • from
    • with
    • be shaking all over
    • be shaking from head to toe
    • be shaking in your boots
  11. of voice声音

  12. [intransitive] shake (with something) (of somebody’s voice嗓音) to sound unsteady, usually because you are nervous, upset or angry颤抖
    • ‘Who are you?’ he asked, his voice shaking.“你是谁,”。他问,声音颤抖。
    • Her voice shook with emotion.她激动得声音颤抖。
  13. shock somebody使震惊

  14. [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to shock or upset somebody very much使非常震惊(或烦恼)
    • shake somebody He was badly shaken by the news of her death.听到她的死讯,他大为震惊。
    • shake somebody up The accident really shook her up.出了事故,她烦透了。
    • Shaken up by the early goal against them, the team began to fight back.早早失了一分,这反倒激励球队开始大举反攻。
    Topics Feelingsb2
  15. belief/idea信念;观点

  16. [transitive] shake something to make a belief or an idea less certain动摇
    • The incident had shaken her faith in him.这件事动摇了她对他的信心。
    • This announcement is bound to shake the confidence of the industry.这个声明必将动摇这一行业的信心。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2
  17. get rid of去除

  18. [transitive] to get rid of something去除;摆脱
    • shake something off I can't seem to shake off this cold.这场感冒我好像老好不了。
    • She has finally managed to shake off her old wrist injury.她终于设法摆脱了手腕上的旧伤。
    • shake something He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something wrong.他总感觉有什么地方不对头。
    • She never seemed to completely shake off the dumb blonde image.她似乎从来没有完全摆脱愚蠢的金发形象。
  19. 词源Old English sc(e)acan (verb), of Germanic origin.
shake/rock the foundations of something | shake/rock something to its foundations
  1. to cause people to question their basic beliefs about something从根本上动摇
    • This issue has shaken the foundations of French politics.这个问题从根本上动摇了法国的政治。
    • an event which rocked the foundations of British politics动摇英国政治根基的事件
    • The scandal rocked the legal establishment to its foundations.这件丑闻动摇了法律界的基础。
shake in your boots/shoes
  1. (informal) to be very frightened or nervous非常害怕(或紧张);战战兢兢;心惊肉跳Topics Feelingsc2
shake a leg
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used to tell somebody to start to do something or to hurry(用于催促)快点动手,行动快点




    [countable, usually singular] an act of shaking somebody/something摇动;抖动;颤动
    • She gave him a shake to wake him.她摇摇他,把他叫醒。
    • Give the bottle a good shake before opening.打开瓶子前,先使劲摇一摇。
    • shake of something He dismissed the idea with a firm shake of his head (= turning it from side to side to mean ‘no’).他坚定地摇了摇头,否定了那个想法。
    see also handshake
    • He gave himself a mental shake and got down to work.他振作了一下精神,然后开始认真工作。
    • a rueful shake of the head后悔地摇头
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • good
    • vigorous
    • firm
    verb + shake
    • give somebody/​something
    • with a shake
    • shake of
    • a shake of your/​the head
  2. of body身体

  3. the shakes
    [plural] (informal) a physical condition in which you cannot stop your body from shaking because of fear, illness, or because you have drunk too much alcohol颤抖;战栗;哆嗦
    • I always get the shakes before exams.考试前,我总是紧张得发抖。
    Topics Illnessc1
  4. drink饮料

  5. (also milkshake)
    [countable] a drink made of milk, and sometimes ice cream, with the added taste of fruit or chocolate, which is mixed or shaken until it is full of bubbles摇动:一种由牛奶制成的饮料,有时甚至是冰淇淋制成的饮料,带有水果或巧克力的附加味道,可以混合或摇动直至充满气泡
    • a strawberry shake一杯草莓奶昔
    see also protein shake
  6. 词源Old English sc(e)acan (verb), of Germanic origin.
be no great shakes
  1. (informal) to be not very good, efficient, suitable, etc.不太出色;不太有效;不怎么合适;不怎么样
(give somebody/get) a fair shake (North American English)
(Australian English, New Zealand English (give somebody/get) a fair go)
  1. (informal) (to give somebody/get) fair treatment that gives you the same chance as somebody else(给某人/得到)公平待遇
    • Are minority students getting a fair shake at college?少数民族学生在大学受到公平对待吗?
    • We need a government that cares about equity and a fair go for all.我们需要一个关心公平和人人平等的政府。
in two shakes | in a couple of shakes
  1. (informal) very soon立刻;马上
    • We’ll be there in a couple of shakes.我们马上就到。




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