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词汇 shelter


    [uncountable] the fact of having a place to live or stay, considered as a basic human need居所;住处
    • Human beings need food, clothing and shelter.人类有衣、食、住的需求。
    • without shelter In developing countries, more than 640 million are without shelter.在发展中国家,超过6.4亿人没有住所。
    • The nuns won't refuse you shelter.这些修女不会拒绝保护你的。
    • They were anxious to find shelter for the night.他们急于找个地方过夜。
    [uncountable] protection from rain, danger, or attack遮蔽,庇护,避难(避雨、躲避危险或攻击)
    • shelter from something to take shelter from the storm躲避暴风雨
    • People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire.人们拼命地找地方躲避炮火。
    • The sand dunes provided shelter from the wind.沙丘提供了挡风的地方。
    • shelter of something The fox was running for the shelter of the trees.狐狸朝树丛跑,想要躲藏起来。
    • She was standing in the shelter of the doorway.她正躲在门口。
    • The great elm trees gave shelter from the wind.这些大榆树挡住了风。
    • We had to leave the shelter of the trees.我们不得不离开树林,失去了掩护。
    • He took shelter from the rain under a bridge.他躲在桥下避雨。
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + shelter
    • afford (somebody)
    • give (somebody)
    • offer (somebody)
    • in the shelter of
    • under the shelter of
    • shelter from
    • shelter for the night
    [countable] (often in compounds常构成复合词) a structure built to give protection, especially from the weather or from attack(尤指用以躲避风雨或攻击的)遮蔽物,庇护处,避难处
    • They built a rough shelter from old pieces of wood.他们用旧木条搭了一个简陋的窝棚。
    • He helped construct temporary shelters in 10 villages before the rains came.在雨季到来之前,他帮助在10个村庄建造了临时避难所。
    • an air-raid shelter防空洞
    • a bomb shelter防空洞
    • Pupils have been sent home and schools have been turned into emergency shelters.学生们被送回家,学校变成了紧急避难所。
    • shelter for somebody/something a shelter for cattle牛棚
    see also bus shelterTopics Buildingsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • makeshift
    • temporary
    • stone
    verb + shelter
    • build
    • construct
    • erect
    • in a/​the shelter
    • shelter for
  4. [countable] a building, usually owned by a charity, that provides a place to stay for people without a home, or protection for people or animals who have been badly treated(无家可归者或受虐待者的)收容所,庇护所
    • a night shelter for the homeless无家可归者夜间收容所
    • an animal shelter动物收容处
    see also hostel, tax shelter
    • She works as a volunteer at a homeless shelter.她在无家可归者的收留所里做义工。
    • You'll be safer in the shelter.在避难所里会安全些。
    Topics Houses and homesb2, Social issuesb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • makeshift
    • temporary
    • stone
    verb + shelter
    • build
    • construct
    • erect
    • in a/​the shelter
    • shelter for
  5. 词源late 16th cent.: perhaps an alteration of sheld, an old spelling of shield, + -ure.


present simple I / you / we / they shelter
he / she / it shelters
past simple sheltered
past participle sheltered
-ing form sheltering
    [transitive] to give somebody/something a place where they are protected from the weather or from danger; to protect somebody/something保护;掩蔽
    • shelter somebody/something from somebody/something Trees shelter the house from the wind.树给房子挡住了风。
    • shelter somebody/something helping the poor and sheltering the homeless帮助贫穷者,庇护无家可归者
    • The American government has accused them of sheltering terrorists.美国政府指责他们庇护恐怖分子。
    • Perhaps I sheltered my daughter too much (= protected her too much from unpleasant or difficult experiences).也许我对女儿保护过度了。
    [intransitive] to stay in a place that protects you from the weather or from danger躲避(风雨或危险)
    • A bomb fell on the building, killing those who were sheltering inside.一枚炸弹落在大楼上,炸死了躲在里面的人。
    • shelter from something We sheltered from the rain in a doorway.我们在一处门廊里避雨。
    • Spectators sheltered under umbrellas as the rain got heavier.雨越下越大,观众们躲在雨伞下。
    • As the storm approached, they tried to find somewhere to shelter.随着暴风雨的临近,他们试图找个地方躲避。
    • downpour
    • drought
    • flash flood
    • monsoon
    • precipitation
    • puddle
    • rain
    • shelter
    • shower
    • squall
  3. 词源late 16th cent.: perhaps an alteration of sheld, an old spelling of shield, + -ure.


  1. a British charity established in 1966 to help people who have nowhere to live, either by finding homes for them or by providing places in cities where they can sleep at night. It also acts as a pressure group to try to influence the government to do more to help people without homes.庇护所:1966年成立的英国慈善机构,通过为无家可归的人寻找住房或在城市中提供夜间可睡觉的地方,来帮助无处居住的人。它还是一个压力团体,试图影响政府做更多的事情来帮助无家可归的人。




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