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词汇 skin



    on body身体

    [uncountable, countable] the layer of tissue that covers the body皮;皮肤
    • to have dark/pale skin皮肤黝黑/苍白
    • skin cancer皮肤癌
    • She said she was treated unfairly because of the colour of her skin.她说因为她的肤色,她受到了不公平的待遇。
    • skin colour/tone肤色/色调
    • to have brown/fair/olive skin棕色/白皙/橄榄色皮肤
    • to have dry/oily skin皮肤干燥/油腻
    • cosmetics for sensitive skins过敏性皮肤适用的化妆品
    • The snake sheds its skin once a year.蛇一年蜕一次皮。
    • They were both soaked to the skin and shivering from cold.他们都湿透了,冷得发抖。
    • He could feel the sun on his skin.他能感觉到阳光照射在他的皮肤上。
    • the wrinkled skin of his face他满脸皱纹的皮肤
    • dead skin cells死亡的皮肤细胞
    • to have a skin test做皮肤测试
    Collocations Physical appearancePhysical appearance外貌
    • A person may be described as having:描述一个人的长相可用 have 一词:
    • (bright) blue/​green/(dark/​light) brown/​hazel eyes(明亮的)蓝/绿/(深/浅)棕色/浅绿褐色眼睛
    • deep-set/​sunken/​bulging/​protruding eyes凹陷的/凸出的眼睛
    • small/​beady/​sparkling/​twinkling/(informal) shifty eyes
    • piercing/​penetrating/​steely eyes敏锐的/锐利的眼睛;冷冰冰的眼神
    • bloodshot/​watery/​puffy eyes布满血丝的/水汪汪的/肿胀的眼睛
    • bushy/​thick/​dark/​raised/​arched eyebrows浓密的/扬起的/弓形的眉毛
    • long/​dark/​thick/​curly/​false eyelashes/​lashes长长的/浓密的/弯曲的/假的眼睫毛
    • a flat/​bulbous/​pointed/​sharp/​snub nose塌/蒜头/尖头/尖/短平而上翘的鼻子
    • a straight/​a hooked/​a Roman/(formal) an aquiline nose
    • full/​thick/​thin/​pouty lips丰满的/厚/薄/翘嘴唇
    • dry/​chapped/​cracked lips干的/皲裂的/干裂的嘴唇
    • flushed/​rosy/​red/​ruddy/​pale cheeks发红的/红润的/苍白的面颊
    • soft/​chubby/​sunken cheeks柔嫩的/胖乎乎的/凹陷的面颊
    • white/​perfect/​crooked/​protruding teeth洁白的/完好无缺的/参差不齐的/凸出来的牙齿
    • a large/​high/​broad/​wide/​sloping forehead大大的/高高的/宽大的/后倾的前额
    • a strong/​weak/​pointed/​double chin硬朗的/瘦削的/尖/双下巴
    • a long/​full/​bushy/​wispy/​goatee beard长/大/浓密的/一小撮/山羊胡子
    • a long/​thin/​bushy/​droopy/​handlebar/​pencil moustache长长的/稀疏的/浓密的/耷拉着的/翘/细直的八字胡
    Hair and skin头发和皮肤
    • pale/​fair/​olive/​dark/​tanned skin苍白的/白皙的/橄榄色的/黝黑的/晒黑的皮肤
    • dry/​oily/​smooth/​rough/​leathery/​wrinkled skin干性的/油性的/光滑的/粗糙的/有皱纹的皮肤
    • a dark/​pale/​light/​sallow/​ruddy/​olive/​swarthy/​clear complexion黝黑的/苍白的/白皙的/蜡黄的/红润的/浅褐色的/黝黑的/无瑕的面容
    • deep/​fine/​little/​facial wrinkles深深的/细小的/小的/面部的皱纹
    • blonde/​blond/​fair/(light/​dark) brown/(jet-)black/​auburn/​red/(British English) ginger/​grey hair金黄色的/浅色的/(浅/深)棕色的/乌黑的/红褐色的/红色的/姜黄色的/灰白色的头发
    • straight/​curly/​wavy/​frizzy/​spiky hair直发;鬈发;波浪形的/鬈曲的/刺猬式的头发
    • thick/​thin/​fine/​bushy/​thinning hair厚密的/稀疏的/纤细的/浓密的/逐渐稀少的头发
    • dyed/​bleached/​soft/​silky/​dry/​greasy/​shiny hair染了色的/漂白了的/柔顺的/丝滑的/干性的/油性的/有光泽的头发
    • long/​short/​shoulder-length/​cropped hair长/短/齐肩/剪短了的头发
    • a bald/​balding/​shaved head秃头;开始秃顶的头;剃光了的头
    • a receding hairline后移的发际线
    • a bald patch/​spot秃了的一块
    • a side/​centre(British English) parting
    • a long/​short/​thick/​slender/(disapproving) scrawny neck长/短/粗/细/干瘦的脖子
    • broad/​narrow/​sloping/​rounded/​hunched shoulders宽/窄/斜/圆/耸肩膀
    • a bare/​broad/​muscular/​small/​large chest赤裸的/宽阔的/肌肉发达的胸膛;小胸;大胸
    • a flat/​swollen/​bulging stomach扁平的/鼓胀的/鼓起的肚子
    • a small/​tiny/​narrow/​slim/​slender/28-inch waist纤细的/28英寸的腰
    • big/​wide/​narrow/​slim hips大的/宽的/窄小的/苗条的臀部
    • a straight/​bent/​arched/​broad/​hairy back直的/弯曲的/弓着的/宽大的/多毛的背部
    • thin/​slender/​muscular arms瘦削的/细长的/肌肉发达的臂膀
    • big/​large/​small/​manicured/​calloused/​gloved hands大的/小的/修剪整齐的/有老茧的/戴着手套的手
    • long/​short/​fat/​slender/​delicate/​bony fingers长的/短的/粗的/细长的/纤细的/瘦削的手指
    • long/​muscular/​hairy/​shapely/(both informal, often disapproving) skinny/​spindly legs长的/肌肉发达的/多毛的/有曲线美的/皮包骨的/干瘦的腿
    • muscular/​chubby/(informal, disapproving) flabby thighs肌肉发达的/胖乎乎的/肥胖的大腿
    • big/​little/​small/​dainty/​wide/​narrow/​bare feet大的/小的/娇小可爱的/宽的/窄的/光着的脚
    • a good/​a slim/​a slender/​an hourglass figure好的/修长的/苗条的/沙漏形身材
    • be of slim/​medium/​average/​large/​athletic/​stocky build有着苗条的/中等的/普通的/大块头的/健壮的/矮壮的身材
    see also foreskin
    • A network of veins showed through his skin.他青筋暴露。
    • Beneath his skin, the muscles were tight with tension.他皮下的肌肉因紧张而绷紧。
    • Her skin was glistening with sweat after her run.她跑完步后皮肤上带着汗珠闪闪发光。
    • I examined the puffy skin under my eyes.我仔细查看自己浮肿的眼袋。
    • Jenny is small and slender with porcelain skin.珍妮身材小巧纤细,皮肤白晰光滑。
    • Smoking undoubtedly ages the skin.吸烟无疑会使皮肤老化。
    • The sheets felt nice next to his bare skin.被单紧贴着他裸露的皮肤,感觉很舒服。
    • There was a patch of raw skin on my back where the sun had burned it.我背上有一块皮肤被太阳晒伤了,非常疼。
    • Avoid skin contact with the glue.避免皮肤与胶水接触。
    • I picked up the kitten by the loose skin on its neck.我抓住小猫脖子后面松松的毛皮把它拎了起来。
    • The skin on your feet may get dry and cracked.你脚上的皮肤可能会变得干燥和开裂。
    • Some poisons can be absorbed through the skin.有些毒药可以通过皮肤吸收。
    • The oil is diluted and rubbed into the skin.油被稀释并擦入皮肤。
    Topics Bodya2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • beautiful
    • clear
    • fine
    verb + skin
    • break
    • burn
    • damage
    skin + verb
    • glisten
    • glow
    • age
    skin + noun
    • allergy
    • burns
    • cancer
    • against the/​your skin
    • beneath the/​your skin
    • on the/​your skin
    • skin and bone
    • skin and bones
  2. -skinned有…皮肤

  3. (in adjectives构成形容词) having the type of skin mentioned…皮肤的
    • dark-skinned深色皮肤的
    • fair-skinned白皙皮肤的
    see also thick-skinned, thin-skinned
    More Like This Compound adjectives for physical characteristicsCompound adjectives for physical characteristics
    • -beaked
    • -bellied
    • -billed
    • -blooded
    • -bodied
    • -cheeked
    • -chested
    • -eared
    • -eyed
    • -faced
    • -fingered
    • -footed
    • -haired
    • -handed
    • -headed
    • -hearted
    • -hipped
    • -lidded
    • -limbed
    • -mouthed
    • -necked
    • -nosed
    • -skinned
    • -tailed
    • -throated
    • -toothed
    Topics Appearancea2
  4. of dead animal死兽

    [countable, uncountable] (often in compounds常构成复合词) the skin of a dead animal with or without its fur, used for making leather, etc.(兽)皮;毛皮;皮张
    • The skins are removed and laid out to dry.皮剥下来,摊开晾干。
    • animal skins动物皮
    • a tiger-skin rug虎皮毯
    • skin of something They would wear the skins of animals they had killed.他们会穿上他们杀死的动物的皮。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • animal
    • crocodile
    • goat
    verb + skin
    • cure
    • tan
  6. of fruit/vegetables水果;蔬菜

  7. enlarge image
    [countable, uncountable] the outer layer of some fruits and vegetables(某些果实和蔬菜的)皮,壳
    • Remove the skins by soaking the tomatoes in hot water.把西红柿放在热水里烫一下去皮。
    • a chemical found in the skin of grapes葡萄皮中发现的一种化学物质
    compare peel, rind, zest see also banana skinTopics Fooda2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • banana
    • onion
    • potato
    verb + skin
    • peel off
    • remove
  8. of sausage香肠

  9. [countable, uncountable] the thin outer layer of a sausage外皮;肠衣
    • Prick the skins before grilling.烤前先在肠衣上扎孔。
  10. on liquids液体

  11. [countable, uncountable] the thin layer that forms on the surface of some liquids, especially when they become cold after being heated(尤指加热冷却后形成的)薄层,皮
    • A skin had formed on the top of the milk.奶上结了一层奶皮。
    • She skimmed the skin off the cocoa.她撇去了可可皮。
  12. outside layer外壳

  13. [countable] a layer that covers the outside of something外壳;外层
    • the outer skin of the earth地壳
    • the metal skin of the aircraft飞机的金属外壳
  14. (also wrap)
    [countable] a special cover for any small electronic device that you can carry with you(便携式电子音乐播放器的)护套,保护壳
    • Do phone skins protect your phone?手机皮肤保护手机吗?
    • You can create your own custom skin for your iPod.你可以为你的 iPod 制作个性化护套。
    • The skin has a clear protective layer.皮肤有一层清晰的保护层。
  15. in a computer program计算机程序

  16. [countable] (computing计算机) the interface of a computer program (= the way a computer program presents information on screen), that the user can change as they wish 皮肤(电脑程序的用户界面,可按个人喜好变换)
  17. 词源late Old English scinn, from Old Norse skinn; related to Dutch schinden ‘flay, peel’ and German schinden.
by the skin of your teeth
  1. (informal) if you do something by the skin of your teeth, you only just manage to do it刚好;勉强
    • He escaped defeat by the skin of his teeth.他侥幸逃脱了失败。
get under somebody’s skin
  1. (informal) to annoy somebody惹某人生气(或恼火)
    • Don't let him get under your skin.别让他惹你生气。
have got somebody under your skin
  1. (informal) to be extremely attracted to somebody极其迷恋;被某人深深打动
it’s no skin off my, your, his, etc. nose
  1. (informal) used to say that somebody is not upset or annoyed about something because it does not affect them in a bad way(指某人没有受到不良影响)这不关某人的事,这跟某人没关系
jump out of your skin
  1. (informal) to move violently because of a sudden shock大吃一惊;吓一大跳
    • She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw me.她见到我时大吃一惊。
make your skin crawl
  1. to make you feel afraid or full of horror使人毛骨悚然;让人起鸡皮疙瘩
    • Just the sight of him makes my skin crawl.一看到他,我就浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。
    Topics Feelingsc2
save your (own) skin/hide/neck
  1. to try to avoid death, punishment, etc., especially by leaving others in an extremely difficult situation(尤指不惜置他人于困境而)保全自己的性命,使自己免受惩罚
    • To save his own skin, he lied and blamed the accident on his friend.为了自保,他竟然说谎,把事故的责任推到朋友身上。
(nothing but/all/only) skin and bone
  1. (informal) extremely thin in a way that is not attractive or healthy瘦得皮包骨;瘦骨嶙峋
    • The dog lost more and more weight, and was soon little more than skin and bone.这只狗越来越瘦,很快就皮包骨了。
    • He's all skin and bone after his illness.他病后瘦得皮包骨头。
a thick skin
  1. the ability to accept criticism, offensive remarks, etc. without becoming upset厚脸皮;不计较面子 opposite a thin skin see also thick-skinned
a thin skin
  1. the lack of ability to accept criticism, offensive remarks, etc. without becoming upset脸皮薄;顾及脸面
    • You shouldn’t be in politics if you have such a thin skin.脸皮这么薄就不该从政。
    opposite a thick skin see also thin-skinned


present simple I / you / we / they skin
he / she / it skins
past simple skinned
past participle skinned
-ing form skinning
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


  1. skin something to take the skin off an animal, a fruit or a vegetable剥皮;扒皮;削皮
    • You'll need four ripe tomatoes, skinned and chopped.需要四个成熟了的西红柿,去皮切碎。
    • We learnt how to trap and skin a rabbit.我们学会了如何诱捕和剥兔子的皮。
  2. part of body身体部位

  3. skin something to rub the skin off part of your body by accident擦破(身体某部位的)皮肤
    • He skinned his knees climbing down the tree.他从树上爬下来时把膝盖蹭破了。
  4. (computing计算机) skin something to change the way that a computer program presents information on the screen to suit your particular needs换皮肤(指更改用户界面)
    • The only initial costs the business had were those involved with skinning the website.该企业唯一的初始成本是那些与网站剥皮相关的成本。
  5. 词源late Old English scinn, from Old Norse skinn; related to Dutch schinden ‘flay, peel’ and German schinden.
keep your eyes skinned/peeled (for somebody/something)
  1. (informal) to look out for somebody/something that you might see留心;注意;仔细查找
    • We kept our eyes skinned for any signs of life.我们密切注意任何生命迹象。
there’s more than one way to skin a cat
  1. (saying, humorous) there are many different ways to achieve something(要做成某事)方法不只一个,有的是办法Topics Successc2




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