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词汇 slam


present simple I / you / we / they slam
he / she / it slams
past simple slammed
past participle slammed
-ing form slamming
    [intransitive, transitive] to shut, or to make something shut, with a lot of force, making a loud noise(使…)砰地关上 synonym bang
    • I heard the door slam behind him.我听见他砰地把身后的门关上。
    • + adj. A window slammed shut in the wind.风吹得一扇窗户咣地关上了。
    • slam something He stormed out of the house, slamming the door as he left.他怒气冲冲地从房子里出来,把门砰地关上。
    • slam something + adj. She slammed the lid shut.她砰的一声盖上盖子。
    • + adv./prep. She slammed out of the room (= went out and slammed the door behind her).她随手砰的一声关上门出去了。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • hard
    • loudly
    • angrily
    verb + slam
    • hear something
    • against
    • behind
    • into
    • slam something home
    • slam on the brakes
    • slam (something) shut
    [transitive] slam something + adv./prep. to put, push or throw something into a particular place or position with a lot of force用力一放;使劲一推;猛劲一摔
    • She slammed down the phone angrily.她气呼呼地啪的一声挂上电话。
    • He slammed on the brakes (= stopped the car very suddenly).他猛地刹住汽车。
    • He repeatedly slammed the man's head against the wall.他一次又一次把那男子的头往墙上猛撞。
    • He slammed home the penalty for goal number two.他一脚猛射,罚进了第二粒点球。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • hard
    • loudly
    • angrily
    verb + slam
    • hear something
    • against
    • behind
    • into
    • slam something home
    • slam on the brakes
    • slam (something) shut
  3. [intransitive, transitive] to crash into something with a lot of force; to make somebody/something crash into something with a lot of force(使)重重地撞上
    • + adv./prep. The car skidded and slammed into a tree.汽车打滑,砰的一声撞到树上。
    • (figurative) Kath's heart slammed against her ribs.卡思的心咚咚地跳着。
    • slam somebody/something + adv./prep. The force of the explosion slammed me against the wall.爆炸的力量把我摔到墙上。
    Synonyms crashcrash
    • slam
    • collide
    • smash
    • wreck
    These are all words that can be used when something, especially a vehicle, hits something else very hard and is damaged or destroyed.
    • crash to hit an object or another vehicle, causing damage; to make a vehicle do this:
      • I was terrified that the plane would crash.我很害怕飞机会失事。
    • slam (something) into/​against somebody/​something to crash into something with a lot of force; to make something do this:
      • The car skidded and slammed into a tree.汽车打滑,砰的一声撞到树上。
    • collide (rather formal) (of two vehicles or people) to crash into each other; (of a vehicle or person) to crash into somebody/​something else:指交通工具或人碰撞、相撞或撞上:
      • The car and the van collided head-on in thick fog.那辆小轿车和货车在浓雾中迎面相撞。
    • smash (rather informal) to crash into something with a lot of force; to make something do this; to crash a car:指(使)猛烈撞击、猛烈碰撞或撞车:
      • Ram-raiders smashed a stolen car through the shop window.飙车抢劫者驾着偷来的汽车撞破商店橱窗。
    crash, slam or smash?用 crash、slam 还是 smash?Crash is used especially to talk about vehicles and can be used without a preposition: We’re going to crash, aren’t we? In this meaning slam and smash always take a preposition: We’re going to slam/​smash, aren’t we? They are used for a much wider range of things than just vehicles. Crash can also be used for other things, if used with a preposition: He crashed down the phone.
    • wreck to crash a vehicle and damage it so badly that it is not worth repairing指使交通工具彻底毁坏
    • two vehicles crash/​collide
    • two vehicles crash/​slam/​smash into each other
    • to crash/​smash/​wreck a car
    Topics Transport by car or lorryc2
  4. [transitive] slam somebody/something (used especially in newspapers尤用于报章) to criticize somebody/something very strongly猛烈抨击
    • The government has been slammed for failing to take firm action against drinking and driving.政府因未能对酒后驾车采取坚决行动而受到抨击。
  5. 词源late 17th cent.: probably of Scandinavian origin; compare with Old Norse slam(b)ra.
shut/slam the door in somebody’s face
  1. to shut a door hard when somebody is trying to come in将某人拒之门外;让某人吃闭门羹
  2. to refuse to talk to somebody or meet them, in a rude way拒绝同某人谈话;拒绝见某人


[usually singular]
  1. an act of slamming something; the noise of something being slammed猛关(或推、摔、撞等);猛摔(或撞等)的声音
    • She gave the door a good hard slam.她使劲一推,门砰的一声关上了。
    • The front door closed with a slam.前门猛地关上了。
    see also body slam
  2. a competition in which people perform their poems to an audience, which chooses a winner 猛击:人们向观众表演诗歌的比赛,由比赛选择获胜者
    • A poetry slam with cash prizes will be among the social events. 带有现金奖励的诗歌朗诵会将是社交活动之一。
    see also grand slam, spoken word (2)
  3. Grand Slam
    a set of very important competitions in a particular sport in the same year in tennis, golf or rugby; one of the individual competitions that make up a Grand Slam大满贯:同一年在网球,高尔夫或橄榄球中一项特定运动中的一系列非常重要的比赛;组成大满贯的一项个人比赛
    • She won her first slam with a dominant final. 她以压倒性的决赛赢得了她的第一个大满贯。
  4. 词源late 17th cent.: probably of Scandinavian origin; compare with Old Norse slam(b)ra.




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