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词汇 slate


  1. [uncountable] a type of dark grey stone that splits easily into thin flat layers板岩;石板
    • a slate quarry板岩采石场
    • The sea was the colour of slate.大海的颜色像石板。
  2. [countable] a small thin piece of slate, used for covering roofs(盖房顶的)石板瓦
    • A loose slate had fallen from the roof.一块松动的石板瓦从房顶上掉了下来。
    Topics Buildingsc2
  3. [countable] (North American English) a list of the candidates in an election(选举中的)候选人名单
    • a slate of candidates候选人名单
    • the Democratic slate民主党候选人名单
  4. [countable] a small sheet of slate in a wooden frame, used in the past in schools for children to write on(旧时学生用以写字的)石板
  5. 词源Middle English sclate, sklate, shortening of Old French esclate, feminine synonymous with esclat ‘piece broken off’, from esclater ‘to split’. Sense (2) of the verb arose from the practice of noting a name on a writing slate.
a blank canvas/slate
  1. a person or thing that has the potential to be developed or changed in many different ways触控式电脑;平板电脑
    • The building is a blank canvas for an clever investor to potentially make a lot of money.对于一个聪明的投资者来说,这座建筑是一张空白的画布,可能会赚大钱。
    • Alice was a blank slate in the first film because she had memory loss and knew nothing about herself.爱丽丝在第一部电影中是空白的,因为她失去了记忆,对自己一无所知。
a clean slate/sheet
  1. a record of your work or behaviour that does not show any mistakes or bad things that you have done无过错记录;清白的历史
    • No government operates with a completely clean slate.没有一个政府是完全清白的。
wipe the slate clean
  1. to agree to forget about past mistakes or arguments and start again with a relationship把以往过错一笔勾销;一消前愆;捐弃前嫌Topics Discussion and agreementc2


present simple I / you / we / they slate
he / she / it slates
past simple slated
past participle slated
-ing form slating
  1. slate somebody/something (for something) (British English) to criticize somebody/something, especially in a newspaper(尤指在报纸上)批评,抨击
    • to slate a book/play/writer批评一部书/一出戏/一位作家
    • The critics slated his latest production.评论家们批评了他的最新作品。
    • She was universally slated for her much-publicized views on marriage.她因其广为人知的婚姻观而受到普遍指责。
    Topics TV, radio and newsc2
  2. [usually passive] to plan that something will happen at a particular time in the future预定;计划;安排
    • be slated for something The houses were first slated for demolition five years ago.这些房子在五年前就确定要拆除了。
    • The next conference is slated for July.下一次会议定于7月举行。
    • be slated to do something The new store is slated to open in spring.新商店预计春天开业。
  3. [usually passive] (especially North American English, informal) to suggest or choose somebody for a job, position, etc.推举;选定
    • be slated for something I was told that I was being slated for promotion.我听说,我被定为提升的人选。
    • be slated to do something He is slated to play the lead in the new musical.他获选在新的音乐剧中担任主角。
    Topics Suggestions and advicec2
  4. 词源Middle English sclate, sklate, shortening of Old French esclate, feminine synonymous with esclat ‘piece broken off’, from esclater ‘to split’. Sense (2) of the verb arose from the practice of noting a name on a writing slate.




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