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词汇 slice


    a thin flat piece of bread, meat, cheese, etc. that has been cut off a larger piece; a piece of cake that has been cut from a larger cake(切下的食物)薄片,片
    • Cut the meat into thin slices.把肉切成薄片。
    • slice of something a slice of bread/pie一片面包/馅饼
    • a slice of toast/pizza一片烤面包/比萨饼
    • Another slice of cake, anyone?谁想再要一片蛋糕?
    • a gin and tonic with a slice of lemon一杯杜松子滋补酒加一片柠檬
    • The sausage is also sold pre-packed in slices.这种香肠也有切片预先包装好出售的。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • generous
    • great
    verb + slice
    • cut
    • eat
    • in slices
    • slice of
    • cut something into slices
  2. (informal) a part or share of something部分;份额
    • Our firm is well placed to grab a large slice of the market.我们公司处境有利,足以获得巨大的市场份额。
    • The rent for my room was a large slice out of my budget.我房间的租金占了我预算的很大一部分。
    • With this win, they can claim a slice of history.有了这场胜利,他们可以分享历史。
    • Every organization in the land has tried to claim a slice of the cash from the National Lottery.这个国家的每个组织都试图从国家彩票中分得一杯羹。
    • He needed a large slice of luck to win the game.要赢得比赛他得特别走运才行。
    • The agency takes a large slice of the profits.代理公司拿走了利润的一大部份。
    • They spend a fair slice of the budget on research and development.他们把相当一部份预算经费用于研发。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • huge
    • large
    verb + slice
    • carve
    • carve out
    • get
    • slice of
    • a slice of life
    • a slice of the action
    • a slice of the pie
  3. enlarge image
    a kitchen utensil (= tool) that you use to lift and serve pieces of food
    • a cake slice蛋糕铲
    see also fish slice
  4. (sport体育) (in golf, tennis, etc.高尔夫球、网球等) a shot that makes the ball go to one side rather than straight ahead, while turning round and round削球;侧旋球;斜切打Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsc2
  5. 词源Middle English (in the sense ‘fragment, splinter’): shortening of Old French esclice ‘splinter’, from the verb esclicier, of Germanic origin; related to German schleissen ‘to slice’, also to slit.
a slice/piece of the action
  1. (informal) a share or role in an interesting or exciting activity, especially one that makes money插手,参与(尤指为了赚钱)
    • Foreign firms will all want a slice of the action if the new airport goes ahead.如果新机场开工,外国公司都想分一杯羹。
a slice of life
  1. a film, play or book that gives a very realistic view of ordinary life反映现实生活的电影(或戏剧、书)
    • This drama provides a slice of life in 1950s Connecticut.该剧是 20 世纪 50 年代康涅狄格州生活的真实写照。
a slice/piece/share of the pie
(British English also a slice/share of the cake)
  1. a share of the available money or benefits that you believe you have a right to应分得的一份钱财(或好处)
    • The company is demanding a larger slice of the corporate pie.该公司要求从公司蛋糕中分得更大的一块。


present simple I / you / we / they slice
he / she / it slices
past simple sliced
past participle sliced
-ing form slicing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
  1. enlarge image
    [transitive] slice something (up) to cut something into slices把…切成(薄)片
    • to slice (up) onions把洋葱切成片
    • Slice the cucumber thinly.把黄瓜切成薄薄的片。
    • Add a few very thinly sliced red onions.加入几片非常薄的红洋葱。
    • a sliced loaf切片面包
    • sliced bread切片面包
    • Trim the leeks and finely slice them.把韭菜修剪一下,切成薄片。
    • Add 6 hot dogs sliced into pieces. 加入6个切成片的热狗。
    Collocations Cooking烹饪;烹调Cooking烹饪Preparing准备
    • prepare a dish/​a meal/​a menu/​dinner/​the fish准备一道菜/一顿饭/一份菜单/正餐/鱼
    • weigh out 100g/4oz of sugar/​the ingredients称出 100 克/4 盎司的糖/食材
    • wash/​rinse the lettuce/​spinach/​watercress洗生菜/菠菜/西洋菜
    • chop/​slice/​dice the carrots/​onions/​potatoes把胡萝卜/洋葱/土豆切碎/切成片/切成丁
    • peel the carrots/​onion/​potatoes/​garlic/​orange给胡萝卜/洋葱/土豆/大蒜/橘子去皮
    • grate a carrot/​the cheese/​some nutmeg将胡萝卜/干酪/一些肉豆蔻磨碎
    • remove/​discard the bones/​seeds/​skin去骨;去籽;去皮
    • blend/​combine/​mix (together) the flour and water/​all the ingredients把面粉和水/所有的食材和在一起
    • beat/​whisk the cream/​eggs/​egg whites搅打奶油/鸡蛋/鸡蛋清
    • knead/​shape/​roll (out) the dough揉捏/定型/擀平面团
    • heat the oil in a frying pan在平底煎锅里将油烧热
    • preheat/​heat the oven/(British English) the grill/(North American English) the broiler将烤箱/烤架预热/加热
    • bring to (British English) the boil/(North American English) a boil使沸腾
    • stir constantly/​gently with a wooden spoon用木勺子不停地/轻轻地搅拌
    • reduce the heat把温度调低
    • simmer gently for 20 minutes/​until reduced by half用文火炖 20 分钟/炖到量减少一半
    • melt the butter/​chocolate/​cheese/​sugar使黄油/巧克力/奶酪/糖融化
    • brown the meat for 8–20 minutes把肉加热 8 至 20 分钟使之成棕色
    • drain the pasta/​the water from the pot/​in a colander把意大利面滤干;把水从锅里滤出来/滤到滤器里
    • mash the potatoes/​banana/​avocado把土豆/香蕉/油梨捣碎
    Ways of cooking烹饪方式
    • cook food/​fish/​meat/​rice/​pasta/​a Persian dish烹饪食物/鱼/肉/米饭/意大利面食/波斯菜
    • bake (a loaf of) bread/​a cake/(especially North American English) cookies/(British English) biscuits/​a pie/​potatoes/​fish/​scones/​muffins烤(一条)面包/一个蛋糕/曲奇饼/小甜饼/馅饼/土豆/鱼/司康饼/小松糕
    • boil cabbage/​potatoes/​an egg/​water煮洋白菜/土豆/鸡蛋;烧开水
    • fry/​deep-fry/​stir-fry the chicken/​vegetables煎/油炸/炒鸡肉/蔬菜
    • grill meat/​steak/​chicken/​sausages/​a hot dog烧烤肉/牛排/鸡肉/香肠/热狗
    • roast potatoes/​peppers/​meat/​chicken/​lamb烘烤土豆/甜椒/肉/鸡肉/羊羔肉
    • sauté garlic/​mushrooms/​onions/​potatoes/​vegetables炒大蒜/蘑菇/洋葱/土豆/蔬菜
    • steam rice/​vegetables/​spinach/​asparagus/​dumplings蒸米饭/蔬菜/菠菜/芦笋/饺子
    • toast bread/​nuts烤面包/坚果
    • microwave food/​popcorn/(British English) a ready meal用微波炉烹调(或加热)食物/爆米花/预制餐
    • serve in a glass/​on a bed of rice/​with potatoes盛在玻璃杯里上;上盖饭;和土豆一起上
    • arrange the slices on a plate/​in a layer把切片在盘子里摆好/铺成一层
    • carve the meat/​lamb/​chicken/​turkey把肉/羊羔肉/鸡肉/火鸡肉切成块
    • dress/​toss a salad给色拉加调味酱;拌色拉
    • dress with/​drizzle with olive oil/​vinaigrette浇上橄榄油/色拉调味汁
    • top with a slice of lemon/​a scoop of ice cream/​whipped cream/​syrup上面放一片柠檬/一勺冰淇淋/搅打好的奶油/糖浆
    • garnish with a sprig of parsley/​fresh basil leaves/​lemon wedges/​a slice of lime/​a twist of orange用一小枝欧芹/新鲜的罗勒叶/柠檬角/一片酸橙/一卷橘子皮做饰菜
    • sprinkle with salt/​sugar/​herbs/​parsley/​freshly ground black pepper洒上盐/糖/香草/欧芹/刚磨碎的黑胡椒
    see also salami slicing
    • Slice up the mushrooms and fry them.把蘑菇切成片,然后油炸。
    • Thickly slice the potatoes.把土豆切成厚片。
    Topics Cooking and eatingb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • finely
    • thinly
    • thickly
    • into
    • off
    • through
    • slice something in half
    • slice something in two
  2. [intransitive, transitive] to cut something easily with or as if with a sharp knife切;割;划
    • + adv./prep. He accidentally sliced through his finger.他不小心把指头割破了。
    • A piece of glass sliced into his shoulder.一块玻璃划破他的肩膀。
    • (figurative) Her speech sliced through all the confusion surrounding the situation.她一席话把整个事态的一切纷扰剖析得清清楚楚。
    • slice something (+ adj.) He sliced the fruit open.他把水果切开了。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • finely
    • thinly
    • thickly
    • into
    • off
    • through
    • slice something in half
    • slice something in two
  3. [transitive] slice something (sport体育) to hit a ball so that it turns round and round and does not move in the expected direction削(球);斜切打
    • He managed to slice a shot over the net.他设法把球斜切过网。
  4. [transitive] slice something (in golf 高尔夫球) to hit the ball so that it flies away in a curve to the right (if you are right-handed) or left (if you are left-handed), when you do not mean to(无意中)打出弧线球
  5. [transitive] slice something (North American English, informal) to reduce something by a large amount大幅度削减;大量降低
    • The new tax has sliced annual bonuses by 30 percent.由于征收新税,年度红利减少了 30%。
  6. 词源Middle English (in the sense ‘fragment, splinter’): shortening of Old French esclice ‘splinter’, from the verb esclicier, of Germanic origin; related to German schleissen ‘to slice’, also to slit.
any way you slice it
  1. (North American English, informal) however you choose to look at a situation无论你如何看待
slice and dice (something)
  1. (computing计算机) to divide information into small parts in order to study it more closely or to see it in different ways切割,分割(信息)
    • The software lets you slice and dice the data and display it in different formats.这软件使你能够对数据进行切割,以不同的格式显示出来。
    • Once you enter the budget, you can slice and dice it in the same way as sales information.一旦你输入了预算,你就可以像销售信息一样对它进行分割。
    More Like This Rhyming pairs in idiomsRhyming pairs in idioms
    • doom and gloom
    • fair and square
    • high and dry
    • huff and puff
    • name and shame
    • slice and dice
    • thrills and spills
    • wear and tear
    • wheel and deal
    • wine and dine




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