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词汇 smart


(comparative smarter, superlative smartest)


    (especially British English) (of people) looking clean and neat; well dressed in fashionable and/or formal clothes衣冠楚楚的;衣着讲究的
    • I have to be smart for work.我必须聪明地工作。
    • You look very smart in that suit.你穿上那套衣服显得很精神。
    • She was incredibly smart in navy blue silk.她穿着藏青色丝绸,聪明得令人难以置信。
    (especially British English) (of clothes, etc.衣服等) clean, neat and looking new and attractive整洁而漂亮的;光鲜的
    • a smart suit漂亮的套装
    • They were wearing their smartest clothes.他们都穿了最讲究的衣服。
    • She was wearing a smart red coat.她穿着一件漂亮的红色外套。
    • They wear smart blue uniforms.他们身穿漂亮的蓝色制服。
    • smart new shoes漂亮的新鞋
    • The car was a smart two-seater.这辆车是一辆智能双座车。
    • The restaurant has a smart new décor.这家餐厅有漂亮的新装饰。
    Topics Clothes and Fashionb1
  3. intelligent聪明

    (especially North American English) intelligent聪明的;机敏的;精明的
    • He is obviously a smart guy.他显然是个聪明的家伙。
    • Why do smart people do such stupid things?为什么聪明人会做这种傻事?
    • She's smarter than her brother.她比她哥哥聪明。
    • That was a smart career move.那是个人事业发展上的一着妙棋。
    • OK, I admit it was not the smartest thing I ever did (= it was a stupid thing to do)好吧,我承认那件事我办得很不漂亮。
    • He is too ambitious, too smart for his own good.他太有野心,太聪明了,对他自己没有好处。
    • it is smart to do something It's always smart to have a Plan B.有个b计划总是聪明的。
    Synonyms intelligentintelligent
    • smart
    • clever
    • brilliant
    • bright
    These words all describe people who are good at learning, understanding and thinking about things, and the actions that show this ability.
    • intelligent good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way about things; showing this ability: He’s a highly intelligent man.他是一个很有才智的人。She asked a lot of intelligent questions.她问了很多聪明的问题。
    • smart (especially North American English) quick at learning and understanding things; showing the ability to make good business or personal decisions: 指聪明的、机敏的、精明的:She’s smarter than her brother.她比她哥哥聪明。That was a smart career move.这是一个明智的职业选择。
    • clever (sometimes disapproving, especially British English) quick at learning and understanding things; showing this ability: How clever of you to work it out!你解决了这个问题真是太聪明了。He’s too clever by half, if you ask me.恕我直言,他未免聪明过头了。 People use clever in the phrase : Clever boy/​girl! to tell a young child that they have learnt or done something well. When used to or about an adult clever can be disapproving.人们在短语中使用聪明:聪明的男孩/女孩!告诉一个小孩他们已经学得或做得很好。当习惯于或关于一个聪明的成年人时,可能会不赞成。
    • brilliant extremely intelligent or showing a lot of skill: He’s a brilliant young scientist.他是一个才华横溢的青年科学家。
    • bright intelligent; quick to learn: She’s probably the brightest student in the class.她大概是班里最聪明的学生。 Bright is used especially to talk about young people. Common collocations of bright include girl, boy, kid, student, pupil.Bright是专门用来说年轻人的。光明的常见搭配包括女孩、男孩、孩子、学生、小学生。
    • clever/​brilliant at something
    • a(n) intelligent/​smart/​clever/​brilliant/​bright child/​boy/​girl/​man/​woman
    • a(n) intelligent/​smart/​clever/​brilliant thing to do
    see also smarts
    • She's smart enough to know what works and what doesn't.她很聪明,知道什么行得通,什么行不通。
    • If you're smart, you'll take my advice.你要是聪明的话,就听我的劝告。
    • Companies are getting smart about how they use corporate planes.公司在使用自己的公务飞机方面变明智了。
    Topics Personal qualitiesb1
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
  5. computer-controlled计算机控制

  6. (of a device装置) controlled by a computer, so that it appears to act in an intelligent way智能的
    • smart bombs制导炸弹
    • This smart washing machine will dispense an optimal amount of water for the load.这台智能洗衣机会根据衣物多少适当安排进水量。
  7. fashionable时髦

  8. connected with fashionable, rich people时髦人物的;高档的
    • smart restaurants高档餐馆
    • She mixes with the smart set (= fashionable, rich people).她跟那帮时髦人物交往。
    • She was one of the smart set in the 1920s.她是20世纪20年代最聪明的人之一。
    • The reception would be very grand and smart.接待仪式将是隆重而高规格的。
  9. quick快速

  10. (of a movement, etc.动作等) quick and usually done with force快速的;敏捷的;迅速而有力的 synonym brisk
    • He was struck with a smart crack on the head.他头上突然被猛击了一下。
    • We set off at a smart pace.我们快步出发了。
  11. 词源Old English smeortan (verb), of West Germanic origin; related to German schmerzen; the adjective is related to the verb, the original sense (late Old English) being ‘causing sharp pain’; from this arose ‘keen, brisk’, which led to the current senses of ‘mentally sharp’ and ‘neat in a brisk, sharp style’.


present simple I / you / we / they smart
he / she / it smarts
past simple smarted
past participle smarted
-ing form smarting
  1. [intransitive] smart (from something) to feel a sharp pain in a part of your body感到剧烈刺痛
    • His eyes were smarting from the smoke.他给烟熏得两眼生疼。
    • The wound was beginning to smart a little.伤口开始变小了。
    • I rubbed my smarting eyes.我揉了揉刺痛的眼睛。
  2. [intransitive] to feel upset about a criticism, failure, etc.(因批评、失败等)难过,烦恼
    • smart from something They are still smarting from the 4–0 defeat last week.他们仍为上星期 0:4 惨败而难过。
    • smart over something He is still smarting over his humiliation in the election.他仍在为自己在选举中的耻辱而耿耿于怀。
  3. 词源Old English smeortan (verb), of West Germanic origin; related to German schmerzen; the adjective is related to the verb, the original sense (late Old English) being ‘causing sharp pain’; from this arose ‘keen, brisk’, which led to the current senses of ‘mentally sharp’ and ‘neat in a brisk, sharp style’.




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