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词汇 smash


present simple I / you / we / they smash
he / she / it smashes
past simple smashed
past participle smashed
-ing form smashing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [transitive, intransitive] smash (something) to break something, or to be broken, violently and noisily into many pieces(哗啦一声)打碎,打破,破碎
    • Several windows had been smashed.几扇窗户噼里啪啦打碎了。
    • He smashed the radio to pieces.他啪的一声把收音机摔得稀巴烂。
    • The glass bowl smashed into a thousand pieces.玻璃碗咣的一声摔了个粉碎。
    • She flew into one of her rages and started smashing crockery.她又一次暴跳如雷,开始摔碟子摔碗。
    • His right hand was smashed and his shoulder dislocated.他的右手被打烂,肩膀也脱臼了。
  2. hit very hard猛烈撞击

    [intransitive, transitive] to move with a lot of force against something solid; to make something do this(使)猛烈撞击,猛烈碰撞
    • + adv./prep. the sound of waves smashing against the rocks浪涛猛烈撞击礁石的声音
    • The car smashed into a tree.汽车猛地撞到了树上。
    • smash something + adv./prep. Mark smashed his fist down on the desk.马克狠狠地把拳头砸在桌上。
    Synonyms crashcrash
    • slam
    • collide
    • smash
    • wreck
    These are all words that can be used when something, especially a vehicle, hits something else very hard and is damaged or destroyed.
    • crash to hit an object or another vehicle, causing damage; to make a vehicle do this:
      • I was terrified that the plane would crash.我很害怕飞机会失事。
    • slam (something) into/​against somebody/​something to crash into something with a lot of force; to make something do this:
      • The car skidded and slammed into a tree.汽车打滑,砰的一声撞到树上。
    • collide (rather formal) (of two vehicles or people) to crash into each other; (of a vehicle or person) to crash into somebody/​something else:指交通工具或人碰撞、相撞或撞上:
      • The car and the van collided head-on in thick fog.那辆小轿车和货车在浓雾中迎面相撞。
    • smash (rather informal) to crash into something with a lot of force; to make something do this; to crash a car:指(使)猛烈撞击、猛烈碰撞或撞车:
      • Ram-raiders smashed a stolen car through the shop window.飙车抢劫者驾着偷来的汽车撞破商店橱窗。
    crash, slam or smash?用 crash、slam 还是 smash?Crash is used especially to talk about vehicles and can be used without a preposition: We’re going to crash, aren’t we? In this meaning slam and smash always take a preposition: We’re going to slam/​smash, aren’t we? They are used for a much wider range of things than just vehicles. Crash can also be used for other things, if used with a preposition: He crashed down the phone.
    • wreck to crash a vehicle and damage it so badly that it is not worth repairing指使交通工具彻底毁坏
    • two vehicles crash/​collide
    • two vehicles crash/​slam/​smash into each other
    • to crash/​smash/​wreck a car
    • A bullet smashed into the wall behind them.一颗子弹射到他们身后的墙上。
    • Ram-raiders smashed a stolen car through the shop window.飙车抢劫者驾着偷来的汽车撞破商店橱窗。
    [transitive, intransitive] to hit something very hard and break it, in order to get through it(用力)撞开,击穿,闯过
    • smash something + adv./prep. They had to smash holes in the ice.他们只好奋力在冰上凿洞。
    • The elephant smashed its way through the trees.大象横冲直撞,闯过树丛。
    • smash something + adj. We had to smash the door open.我们只得用力把门撞开。
    • + adv./prep. They had smashed through a glass door to get in.他们砸破一道玻璃门进去了。
  5. [transitive] smash something/somebody (+ adv./prep.) to hit something/somebody very hard猛击 synonym slam
    • He smashed the ball into the goal.他一记劲射,球进了。
  6. break record

  7. [transitive] smash a record to break a record by a large amount撞毁(车辆)
    • She has smashed the world record.她大破世界纪录。
  8. destroy/defeat捣毁;打败

  9. [transitive] smash something/somebody to destroy, defeat or put an end to something/somebody捣毁;打败;粉碎;使结束
    • Police say they have smashed a major drugs ring.警方说他们摧毁了一个大贩毒集团。
  10. crash vehicle撞车

  11. [transitive] smash something (up) to crash a vehicle撞毁(车辆)
    • He’s smashed (up) his new car.他把自己的新车撞毁了。
    Synonyms crashcrash
    • slam
    • collide
    • smash
    • wreck
    These are all words that can be used when something, especially a vehicle, hits something else very hard and is damaged or destroyed.
    • crash to hit an object or another vehicle, causing damage; to make a vehicle do this:
      • I was terrified that the plane would crash.我很害怕飞机会失事。
    • slam (something) into/​against somebody/​something to crash into something with a lot of force; to make something do this:
      • The car skidded and slammed into a tree.汽车打滑,砰的一声撞到树上。
    • collide (rather formal) (of two vehicles or people) to crash into each other; (of a vehicle or person) to crash into somebody/​something else:指交通工具或人碰撞、相撞或撞上:
      • The car and the van collided head-on in thick fog.那辆小轿车和货车在浓雾中迎面相撞。
    • smash (rather informal) to crash into something with a lot of force; to make something do this; to crash a car:指(使)猛烈撞击、猛烈碰撞或撞车:
      • Ram-raiders smashed a stolen car through the shop window.飙车抢劫者驾着偷来的汽车撞破商店橱窗。
    crash, slam or smash?用 crash、slam 还是 smash?Crash is used especially to talk about vehicles and can be used without a preposition: We’re going to crash, aren’t we? In this meaning slam and smash always take a preposition: We’re going to slam/​smash, aren’t we? They are used for a much wider range of things than just vehicles. Crash can also be used for other things, if used with a preposition: He crashed down the phone.
    • wreck to crash a vehicle and damage it so badly that it is not worth repairing指使交通工具彻底毁坏
    • two vehicles crash/​collide
    • two vehicles crash/​slam/​smash into each other
    • to crash/​smash/​wreck a car
    Topics Transport by car or lorryc1
  12. in tennis, etc.网球等

  13. [transitive] smash something to hit a high ball downwards and very hard over the net扣杀
  14. 词源early 18th cent. (as a noun): probably imitative, representing a blend of words such as smack, smite with bash, mash, etc.
smash it
  1. (informal) to do something very well or be very successful猛击 synonym crush it
    • After all that training, I’m sure he’ll smash it in the competition tonight.经过这么多的训练,我相信他今晚会在比赛中大获全胜。



    act of breaking破碎;打碎

  1. [singular] an act of breaking something noisily into pieces; the sound this makes破碎;打碎;破碎(或打碎)的哗啦声
    • The cup hit the floor with a smash.杯子掉到地上哗啦一声摔碎了。
    • He heard the smash of breaking glass.他听到打碎玻璃的声音。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • loud
    verb + smash
    • hear
    • with a smash
    • smash of
  2. vehicle crash撞车

  3. [countable] (British English) an accident in which a vehicle hits another vehicle撞车
    • a car smash撞车事故
    • Four people were seriously injured in a head-on smash on the A45.在 A45 号公路两车迎头相撞的事故中,4 人严重受伤。
    • The smash happened just before junction 13 of the M6.撞车事故就发生在 6 号高速公路 13 号交叉路口前。
    • Their car was involved in a fatal smash with a stolen van.他们的车与一辆被盗面包车相撞,致人死亡。
    • a 20-year-old victim of a hit-and-run smash一起撞车逃逸事故中 20 岁的受害者
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • head-on
    • fatal
    • horrific
    verb + smash
    • have
    • cause
    smash + verb
    • happen
    • in a/​the smash
  4. in tennis, etc.网球等

  5. [countable] a way of hitting the ball downwards and very hard高压球;扣球
    • He can hit a powerful overhead smash.他能打出大力的过顶高压球。
    • He misses a smash to hand Thiem a 5–0 lead.他错过了一次扣杀,使蒂姆以5比0领先。
    Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • powerful
    • overhead
    • forearm
    verb + smash
    • hit
    • miss
  6. song/movie/play歌曲;电影;戏剧

  7. (also smash hit)
    [countable] a song, film or play that is very popular十分走红的歌曲(或电影、戏剧)
    • her latest chart smash她的最新一首十分走红的上榜歌曲
    • The comedy was an instant smash with critics.那出喜剧在评论界一炮而红。
    • The play was a box-office smash.这出戏票房大卖。
    • They had a smash hit with their debut album.他们的首张专辑大受欢迎。
    • the recent club smash, ‘Rocking Music’最近在俱乐部走红的歌曲《摇滚音乐》
    Topics Film and theatrec2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • box-office
    • club
    • dance-floor
    verb + smash
    • be
    • become
    smash + noun
    • album
    • single
    • series
  8. 词源early 18th cent. (as a noun): probably imitative, representing a blend of words such as smack, smite with bash, mash, etc.




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