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词汇 smoke


    [uncountable] the grey, white or black gas that is produced by something burning
    • cigarette/tobacco smoke香烟/烟草烟雾
    • Plumes of black smoke could be seen rising from the area.可以看到黑烟从该地区升起。
    • The explosion sent a huge cloud of smoke into the sky.爆炸把一大团烟吹向天空。
    • Clouds of thick black smoke billowed from the car's exhaust.从汽车排气管冒出一股股黑色浓烟。
    • smoke from something His eyes were smarting from the smoke from the fire.他的眼睛被火冒出的烟刺痛了。
    • The smoke from their cigarettes curled upwards.他们香烟冒出的烟袅袅上升。
    • The majority of people who die in fires die of smoke inhalation.大多数死于火灾的人死于吸入烟雾。
    • Check your smoke detectors for dead batteries. 检查你的烟雾探测器是否有电池没电。
    • The witch disappeared in a puff of smoke.女巫消失在一缕青烟中。
    • I can definitely smell smoke. 我绝对能闻到烟味。
    see also second-hand smoke
    • Blue smoke curled up from her cigarette.一缕蓝烟从她的香烟上袅袅升起。
    • Don't blow smoke in my face!别朝我脸上喷烟!
    • Hundreds of people die each year as a result of exposure to second-hand smoke.每年有数百人死于吸二手烟。
    • I taught myself to blow smoke rings.我自己学会了吐烟圈。
    • The club had a smoke machine and laser show.俱乐部有烟雾器和激光表演。
    • When the smoke cleared we saw the extent of the damage.浓烟散尽后,我们才看到破坏的程度。
    Topics The environmenta2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • dense
    • heavy
    • thick
    … of smoke
    • cloud
    • column
    • haze
    verb + smoke
    • belch
    • belch out
    • blow
    smoke + verb
    • belch
    • billow
    • come
    smoke + noun
    • plume
    • ring
    • signal
    • go up in smoke
    • full of smoke
    • thick with smoke
    [countable, usually singular] (informal) an act of smoking a cigarette吸烟;抽烟
    • Are you coming outside for a smoke?你是不是出来抽支烟?
    • He's in the back garden having a smoke.他在后花园抽烟。
    Topics Social issuesb1
  3. the Smoke
    (also the big smoke)
    [singular] (British English, informal) London, or another large city伦敦;大城市
  4. 词源Old English smoca (noun), smocian (verb), from the Germanic base of smēocan ‘emit smoke’; related to Dutch smook and German Schmauch.
blow smoke (up somebody’s ass)
  1. (North American English, taboo, slang) to try to trick somebody or lie to somebody, particularly by saying something is better than it really is吹牛皮;说大话蒙人
go up in smoke
  1. to be completely burnt被烧毁;被烧光
    • The whole house went up in smoke.整座房子被烧毁了。
  2. if your plans, hopes, etc. go up in smoke, they fail completely告吹;成泡影;破灭
    • Hopes of an early end to the dispute have gone up in smoke.争端早日结束的希望化为泡影。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
(there is) no smoke without fire (British English)
(North American English where there’s smoke, there’s fire)
  1. (saying) if something bad is being said about somebody/something, it usually has some truth in it无火不生烟;无风不起浪
smoke and mirrors
  1. the fact of hiding the truth with information that is not important or relevant 冒烟:用不重要或不相关的信息隐藏事实
    • There's a lot of smoke and mirrors in the financing of this film.这部电影的融资有很多问题。
a smoke-filled room
  1. (disapproving) a decision that people describe as being made in a smoke-filled room is made by a small group of people at a private meeting, rather than in an open and democratic way(少数人密谋决策的)密室


present simple I / you / we / they smoke
he / she / it smokes
past simple smoked
past participle smoked
-ing form smoking
Phrasal Verbs
    [transitive, intransitive] to take smoke from a cigarette, pipe, etc. into your mouth and let it out again吸(烟);抽(烟)
    • Do you mind if I smoke?我抽烟你介意吗?
    • You see kids openly smoking in the streets.可以看见孩子们在街上明目张胆地吸烟。
    • smoke something He was smoking a large cigar.他正抽着一支大雪茄。
    • How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?你一天抽几支香烟?
    • He was still smoking 20 cigarettes a day.他仍然每天抽20支烟。
    • An old man smoking a pipe sat at a corner table.一个叼着烟斗的老人坐在角落的桌子旁。
    • to smoke marijuana/cannabis/pot吸食大麻/大麻/大麻罐
    Topics Social issuesa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • heavily
    • openly
    • smoke like a chimney
    [intransitive] to use cigarettes, etc. in this way as a habit(习惯性)吸烟,抽烟
    • Do you smoke?你抽烟吗?
    • She smokes heavily.她的烟瘾大。
    • He smokes and drinks a lot.他抽烟喝酒很多。
    • I’ve never smoked.“够了!”她怒喝了一声。
    • You’re too young to smoke.你太小了,不能抽烟。
    • He smokes like a chimney (= a lot).他总是在吞云吐雾。
    see also chain-smokeTopics Social issuesa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • heavily
    • openly
    • smoke like a chimney
  3. [intransitive] to produce smoke冒烟
    • smoking factory chimneys冒着烟的工厂烟囱
    • the smoking remains of burnt-out cars烧毁的车辆还在冒烟的残骸
    • This fireplace smokes badly (= sends smoke into the room instead of up the chimney).你这个目中无人的小杂种!
  4. [transitive, usually passive] to preserve meat or fish by hanging it in smoke from wood fires to give it a special taste熏制(肉或鱼)
    • be smoked The ham is cured, then lightly smoked.火腿腌一下,然后稍作熏制。
    • smoked salmon熏鲑鱼
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • heavily
    • lightly
  5. 词源Old English smoca (noun), smocian (verb), from the Germanic base of smēocan ‘emit smoke’; related to Dutch smook and German Schmauch.




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