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词汇 smooth


(comparative smoother, superlative smoothest)


    completely flat and even, without any rough areas or holes平整的;平坦的;平滑的;光滑的
    • the smooth surface of the metal金属的光滑表面
    • a lotion to make your skin feel soft and smooth能使皮肤柔软光滑的护肤液
    • The water was as smooth as glass.水平如镜。
    • a paint that gives a smooth, silky finish使表面如丝般光滑的油漆
    • Over the years, the stone steps had worn smooth.日久天长,石阶已经磨得光溜溜的。
    • They noticed her perfectly smooth white skin. 他们注意到她的皮肤非常光滑白皙。
    • The new motorway surfaces were smooth as silk.新的高速公路表面光滑如丝。
    opposite rough
    • The surface should be sanded smooth.表面应打磨光滑。
    • This cream makes even the roughest hands silky smooth.这种护手霜能让即使是最粗糙的手变得丝绸般细滑。
    • her beautifully smooth complexion她那细腻光滑的皮肤
    • the deceptively smooth surface of the glacier看似光滑的冰川表面
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • feel
    • look
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
  2. without solid pieces

    (of a liquid mixture液体混合物) without any solid pieces无结块的;混合均匀的
    • Mix the flour with the milk to form a smooth paste.把面粉和牛奶和成均匀的面糊。
    • Once the mixture is smooth, spread it over the cake.一旦混合物变得光滑,就把它涂在蛋糕上。
  4. without problems顺利

    happening or continuing without any problems顺利的;平稳的
    • They are introducing new measures to ensure the smooth running of the business.他们正采取新措施,以确保公司平稳运转。
    • a fairly smooth transition to democracy向民主制度相当顺利的过渡
    • They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power.他们无法保证政权的顺利交接。
    • The project got off to a remarkably smooth start.这项工程开始得非常顺利。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
  6. movement运动

    even and regular, without sudden stops and starts平稳的;连续而流畅的
    • The car's improved suspension gives you a smoother ride.汽车悬挂经过改进,乘坐起来更平稳。
    • The plane made a smooth landing.飞机平稳降落。
    • She swung herself over the gate in one smooth movement.她从栅栏门上一跃而过。
  8. man

  9. (often disapproving) (of people, especially men, and their behaviour人,尤指男人及行为) very polite and pleasant, but in a way that is often not very sincere圆通的;八面玲珑的 synonym smarmy
    • I don't like him. He's far too smooth for me.我不喜欢他。我觉得他太圆滑。
    • He's something of a smooth operator.可以说,他是一个八面玲珑的滑头。
  10. drink/taste饮料;味道

  11. pleasant and not bitter醇和的;香醇的
    • This coffee has a smooth, rich taste.这种咖啡味道醇厚。
  12. voice/music嗓音;音乐

  13. nice to hear, and without any rough or unpleasant sounds悦耳的;圆润的
  14. 词源Old English smōth, probably of Germanic origin, though no cognates are known. The verb dates from Middle English.
be smooth/clear sailing (North American English)
(British English be plain sailing)
  1. to be simple and free from trouble使息怒;劝解


present simple I / you / we / they smooth
he / she / it smooths
past simple smoothed
past participle smoothed
-ing form smoothing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
  1. to make something smooth使平整;使平坦;使平滑;使光滑
    • smooth something (back/down/out) He smoothed his hair back.他朝后捋了捋头发。
    • She was smoothing out the creases in her skirt.她正设法弄平裙子上的皱褶。
    • smooth something + adj. He took the letter and smoothed it flat on the table.他接过信,在桌上展平。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • carefully
    • gently
    • away
  2. smooth something on/into/over something to put a layer of a soft substance over a surface(将软物质)均匀涂抹于
    • Smooth the icing over the top of the cake.在蛋糕顶上均匀地铺一层糖霜。
  3. smooth something to make it easier for something to happen铺平道路
    • The receptionist is there to smooth the process of making appointments.接待员在那里是为了简化预约的过程。
    • We're always looking for ways to smooth the flow of clients through the bureau.我们一直在寻找让客户顺利通过局里的方法。
  4. 词源Old English smōth, probably of Germanic origin, though no cognates are known. The verb dates from Middle English.
smooth the path/way
  1. to make it easier for somebody/something to develop or make progress铺平道路
    • These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty.这些谈判目的在于为签订和平条约铺平道路。
    • We’re trying to smooth the way for women who want to resume their careers.我们正在努力为那些想重新开始职业生涯的女性铺平道路。
smooth (somebody’s) ruffled feathers
  1. to make somebody feel less angry or offended使息怒;劝解




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