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词汇 smoothness


  1. the quality a surface has when it is completely flat and even, without any rough areas or holes光滑度:表面完全平坦且平坦时没有任何粗糙区域或孔的质量
    • the smoothness of her skin她的皮肤细腻光滑
    opposite roughness (1)
  2. the quality a substance has when it is without any solid pieces光滑度:物质没有任何固体碎片时的质量
    • The cheesecake gets its velvety smoothness from beaten egg white.起司蛋糕从打好的蛋清中获得天鹅绒般的光滑感。
  3. the state of happening or continuing without any problems顺利的;平稳的
    • They admired the smoothness and efficiency with which the business was run.他们钦佩这家公司协调高效的管理方式。
  4. the quality of being even and regular, without sudden stops and starts平稳的;连续而流畅的
    • the speed and smoothness of the ride骑行的速度和平稳度
  5. (often disapproving) the fact of being very polite and pleasant, but in a way that is often not very sincere圆通的;八面玲珑的
    • She was attracted by his intelligence but was wary of his smoothness.她被他的聪明所吸引,但对他的圆滑保持警惕。
  6. the quality of being pleasant and not bitter in taste光滑度:令人愉悦且不苦味的品质
    • the smoothness and richness of the wine葡萄酒的柔滑和浓郁
  7. the quality of being nice to hear, and without any rough or unpleasant sounds悦耳的;圆润的
    • The small orchestra played with smoothness and clarity of tone. 这个小管弦乐队演奏时音调流畅清晰。




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